Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 497 - The appalling truth (77)

Chapter 497 – : The appalling truth (7/7)

Especially the one standing in the front, there are still twelve big days in the whole body.


This means that the opponent’s combat power is as high as 21 yang power, which is all present

The strongest of the people, the first person deservedly.

He glanced across everyone indifferently, and said lightly: “Let

You guys must already know the reason for coming here, so I won’t waste big

Home time.

“The second day, ten thousand islands and ten thousand teams, is destined to only have five thousand teams

Wu can climb, in that case, I communicated with the six Nine Suns. ”

“Everyone understands the monument together, the survival of the fittest, the talent is strong, the talent is weak

The nature is eliminated, fair and just.

“Now I will give you one minute to ask questions. If you have any questions, ask now, no

Let’s start if you have one!”

After Qiancheng finished speaking, standing high in the sky, his words sounded approachable, but

With a hint of chill.

Ask about the incident in one minute, what can be asked, he doesn’t want to answer at all

Everyone, if someone asks a question, I’m afraid I’ll be caught in the next second.


In an instant, everyone on the earth became quiet, no one said anything.


Qiancheng nodded in satisfaction, and said lightly: “Since everyone has no opinion

Let’s get started!”

After speaking, the blood shook suddenly, spread out in an instant, and enveloped unscrupulously.

There are a total of 10,000 monuments.

Almost at the moment he took action, the other five Nine Suns were present

The same qi and blood shocked, everyone swept the five thousand sky steles and began to participate


Then there was the existence of twenty-four half-step Nine Yangs.

The same qi and blood are excited and shrouded in an instant, and one person takes away a thousand days

The monument, another 24,000 sky monuments were snatched away at once.

In this way,-ten thousand islands, a full one hundred thousand monuments, were eaten by thirty people

A total of 59,000 celestial monuments were divided, and only 40,000-1,000 celestial monuments remained.

The number of people present reached more than 800,000 people, tens of thousands of teams.

At this moment, everyone was blinded.

For a while, the world became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, the expressions on countless people’s faces kept changing, and the anger in their hearts was almost

It almost boiled like a river.

Many people could not help clenching their fists, staring at the sky

There are thirty figures.


Everyone was angry this time.

Everyone realized that they were deceived, all deceived.

What kindness, everything is fake, it’s these nine suns, and half a step

Joyoung planned it.

Deceived all of them.

Without any effort, I coerced and lured everyone to hand over the monument obediently.


And everyone is like a fool, thinking that the other party will really be kind.

Everything is nice.

What talent is strong, and what talent is weak is eliminated.(Read more @

It’s all shit!

Thirty of them occupied half of the monuments, but the remaining monuments wanted him

Our 800,000 people rob each other.

It’s simply reaping the profit.

What’s more terrifying is.

Even if everyone knows now, but who would dare to resist, there are a total of six

Nine suns, twenty-four half-step nine suns!

Who dares to resist?

Thirty of them are aloft, almost dominating.

Since I dare not resist, but the blood stone is limited, then only the last one is left

A way.

That is to kill the people around and reduce the looters.

Thinking of this, countless people are shocked, a sense of horror, instant

Swept the whole body.

“What a cruel heart, you are so cruel!”

Finally, someone was angry, oppressed so much, and flew into the air in an instant

Among them, pointing at each other, screaming and cursing frantically.

“You pigs and dogs are not as good as things

“court death

Almost at the moment that person’s voice fell, a half-step Jiuyang’s eyes suddenly

Turning around, his eyes have endless killing intent, even crazy.

The body shook and appeared in front of the opponent in an instant.


Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the opponent’s head shattered directly.

The golden pill was crushed to pieces.

But when that person died, his voice was roaring, cursing incomparably crazy

Cursed. “None of you can die



During that half-step, Jiuyang snorted coldly, and shook it with his hand. The blood on his hand was shook directly.

Out, hovering in the air, gazing at the densely below

Ma Ma’s team.

“Ah, ah, brother.”

A roar came from below in an instant, an incomparable madness

The mad figure immediately rushed out.

The voice was almost hysterical and roared: “Give it back to my brother, give it back to my brother.

“For half a step, Jiuyang’s eyes are instantly golden, and his body flashes in a flash.

He appeared in front of that person and smashed it with a fierce punch.

It directly shattered the opponent’s weapon and slammed it on the opponent’s head.

Shattered the head and shattered the golden core.

“Brothers killed

“Shoot together, besieged.

“Exterminate the nine suns for half a step, and death is worth it.”

Two people were killed in a row, and the anger in everyone’s hearts was not extinguished in the slightest.

It caused group anger-

Crazy roars continued to resound, a pair of blood-red eyes

, With craziness.

Really irritated.

The feeling of being deceived makes them crazy.

“You guys are looking for death

In half a step, Jiuyang was also furious, his voice roared again and again, and his body kept shaking

In between, it quickly split apart, forming thousands of ghosts, which were washed away all at once.

537 Boom Boom

In an instant, the sound of heads crumbled continuously resounded, one

The powerful and powerful Supreme Master was directly beaten to death.

The fourth stage of the supreme majesty, and the half-step Jiuyang, the gap is too big.

The big one is like the distance between Broken Star Realm and the Supreme Lord.

It is completely crushed, and there is no force to fight back.

By Jiang Yuan’s side, Gu Long’s face was extremely ugly, his fists creaked.


Everyone was deceived, this kind of taste is really crazy.

“Gu Long, who was raised by dog ​​food, roared and was about to attack.

But at this moment, the existence of the famous Jiuyang Great Realm stopped feeling.

Suddenly stood up above the clouds, the breath of horror swept through everything, endless

The killing intent is rolling.

The breath swept across, like a basin of cold water pouring on everyone’s head.

Many people are clever and awake.

However, the existence of the Nine Suns Realm has moved step by step under the clouds


It’s like a god of death.

The real panic filled the hearts of countless people.

They frantically besieged the Nine Suns for half a step, and finally caused a Nine Suns Great Realm’s dissatisfaction.

Full, we must personally take action to smooth out all dissatisfaction.

The expression on his face gradually became ferocious, full of bloodthirsty colors.

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