Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 456 - Jiang Hao is angry

Chapter 456 – : Jiang Hao is angry

It was an old, stern and kind face.

Accompanying myself through countless days and nights, setting up standards of life, and guiding the way forward.

When the night is cold, I can’t help but walk into your room and gently cover you with a quilt.

When you make a mistake, you will be severely reprimanded.

When you are sad, you will appear next to you, chat with you, pat your shoulder, and comfort you.

A mentor of life, a great person, and even a best friend.

I don’t want to return, but I support you silently behind my back.

Never change, forever.

He has a name.

His name is father

It is born in life, no matter whether you admit it or not, or not, you are born in one person, ~ there is only such a person.

When he leaves, this respectful title will disappear from your life.

In the end, you will not be able to open your mouth and yell these two words so easily.

In an instant, Jiang Hao couldn’t stand it anymore, his fists clenched, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. It was instinctive.


I was crying inside.

Can’t control it at all.

His eyes were blood red, and he was full of excitement.

He opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word.

The throat is hoarse and choked.

He was so excited.

Unprecedented excitement.

An exciting cold current flows through the limbs in the body.

Tears, slipped little by little from the corners of the eyes.

Outside the main hall,-a figure of Tao, stepping on the white jade stairs,-moving forward little by little, slowly emerging from his point of view, almost

Great figure-

In an instant, Jiang Hao’s spirit was almost in a trance.

He seemed to see the setting sun, his father put on his armor and his backpack, smiled at him and waved his hand.

Resolutely got on the military vehicle and drove slowly to the battlefield where the future is uncertain.

That battle was the end of the battle, and it was also the life and death battle of the human race.

The war had been fought for three years, and the number of people killed in the war reached more than 50 million, and the vitality of the human race was nearly extinct.

Also in that year, how many families were torn apart, how many fathers died in battle, and the bodies piled up like mountains and were deeply buried.

Buried deep under the ice.

Every day, troop carriers go out and come back again.

The soldiers who were brought back were cold, but still roaring crazily.

Even if they died in battle, their silent shouts seemed to echo in their ears.

That is the unyielding soul of the human race.

Whenever the military vehicle transporting the dead soldiers stopped, how many families, how many women, how many children rushed up frantically(Read more @

Weeping in pain.

Weeping, looking for her husband, looking for her father.

For three whole years, the crying has never stopped, echoing over the cities.

Three years later.

Jiang Hao’s father came back, as he did today, walking step by step from a distance.

The surprise at that moment, the ecstasy at that moment, are exactly the same as today.

Jiang Hao choked, looking at his father’s unchanged expression, with an endless sense of familiarity in his solemnity.

That feeling made him feel at ease.

Next to Jiang Hao, Langgu looked at Jiang Yuan’s figure, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: “The momentum is pretty good, it’s a mere Yipin star.

Chief Attorney General, when he came here, he had no fear and promised, and it was a personal thing. ”

“What a pity! What a pity. Destined to be a victim, it’s dead!”

” what”

Jiang Hao’s voice was full of endless anger, almost roaring, and he was full of endless anger, turning his head little by little.


His eyes were blood red, and he gritted his teeth with boundless madness.

“Langgu was stunned for an instant.

The look in his eyes could no longer remain calm, and suddenly he became panicked, extremely shocked, and looked at him in horror.

Jiang Hao, whose face is almost hideous.

He even took a step backwards in fear and stammered.

“I, I, I, I just said, that man is dead

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Hao directly roared angrily: “The damn person is to die for me.”

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person was completely mad, and he shot instantly.

Kicked out, swift and violent, buzzing and shaking with the whistling and tumbling wind.

Langgu’s eyes contracted, terrified, and his face paled in terror, and he didn’t dare to dodge at all.

With a click.

The bone of his left leg was instantly shattered, and his strong inertia made him lose his balance instantly, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

However, Jiang Hao didn’t give up at all.

His eyes were blood red and hatred.

Immediately after he stepped out, he was even more cruel and cruel, his blood surging, contained his feet, and suddenly stepped on his head.


The brain hits the ground, the hard white jade floor, with a click, completely shattered, and countless small stones blasted everywhere.


0 ask for flowers.

“Who and who died

“What are you, who gives you the courage to say such things?”

“I ask who gave you the courage? Who gave you the courage?

Jiang Hao roared frantically, angrily, and heat was rising above his head.

With craziness in his eyes, he lifted his foot and stepped on it more fiercely, causing his whole body muscle cells to shake-

Stepped on again and again, banging, almost crazy.

Forcibly trampling Langgu’s head to the ground, it is considered to give up.

The other person next to him trembled in fright, and did not dare to breathe, but he was innocent and shrank his neck.

He bowed his head deeply, daring not to look.

Jiang Hao was angry, how terrifying.

That’s the inspector, patrolling three thousand domains, with overwhelming power,-arbitrariness, overwhelming power, between thoughts

Can mobilize the infinite army.

Comparable to the ancient emperor.

When he is angry, the emperor is angry, and the emperor is angry and corpses a million.

He said that if you die, you will die without a doubt. There is no way into the sky and no way. Who dares to save you in the world?

Langgu lay on the ground, not daring to move at all, like a dead fish.

Breathing is if there is nothing, fear is like seaweed, rooting and sprouting, and black clouds envelop the soul.

Despair, panic, and extreme fear.

He had never seen Jiang Hao so angry, unprecedented.

My heart was trembling and roaring.

“How can I get back to the bottom?”

“Am I doing something wrong? Or did I say something wrong?”

His inner thoughts were turning frantically, under the envelope of his spiritual thoughts, carefully watching the man who gradually walked.

Suddenly, my heart shook wildly.

“Could it be

What he guessed, the fear in his heart surged crazily.

The appearance of that person is actually very similar to Jiang Hao, almost seven or eight stories, almost exactly the same between the hands and feet.


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