Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 455 - The power is overwhelming, life and death are determined by one word

Chapter 455 – : The power is overwhelming, life and death are determined by one word

Obviously the opponent is a general with a scarlet robe behind his back, hooting in the wind,

Majestic and majestic, his complexion was cold and icy, he looked at Jiang Yuan and the others arrogantly.

At the center of the eyebrows, the ancient pictographic characters exudes a dazzling golden light, showing the third stage of his supreme majesty.

The power of tens of billions of stars.

“Are you the chief affairs officer of Tenghong Star Court?”

The other person looked directly at Jiang Yuan, looked up and down, and said casually: “Come with me, Lord Sima is on trial.

Don is waiting for you.

After speaking, I didn’t want to delay for a second, it turned into a stream of light, soaring into the sky.

at the same time.

Above a magnificent palace lobby.

Sima Zhongxiang is steady and steady, sitting on the golden dragon chair of the high hall, his eyes are like torches, and there is a flame-like golden light in his eyes.

Burning blazingly.

The whole person is dressed in golden clothes, like an ancient emperor, and he is overbearing and overbearing.

There is a sense of majesty and awe-inspiring righteousness everywhere.

In charge of the country, controlling the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people, they have their own-stocks are not angry and panic.

Beside him, a curtain of golden light, the curtain is as soft and light as it is, swinging easily with the wind.

Embroidered with dragon and phoenix auspicious, there are countless rare and exotic 410 beasts, and the image of the phoenix bird.

Like a living thing, flying in joy on the light curtain, sometimes screaming, crisp and sweet, let the spirits

Shocked and refreshed.

In the curtain, Jiang Hao lay lazily on the huge dragon bed, wearing a golden robe with a golden dragon pattern, and a golden crown and white jade roll on his head.


It seems that he is the real big man, listening to politics in the dynasty.

Beside him, two men-dressed in pitch-black costumes, with hands on their backs, standing one left and the other right, their expressions cold and staring

Like a wolf like a tiger, looking around.

Full of fierce color, as if looking for an enemy-like.

“The Valley of Waves.”

Jiang Hao’s lazy voice resounded, and almost the moment the voice fell, one of them immediately turned around, his face

With a hint of flattering smile.

“My lord inspector, what’s your order?”

Jiang Hao raised his eyebrows, as if he had just woke up, he was very weak and said: “What I asked you to investigate, how did you investigate?

How is it?”

Langgu hurriedly said: “My lord, I have already explored it. Unexpectedly, Gu Rong Xingting did collude with Fengzhan Zifu.

Not only that, we also found some suspicious retention stones.

“But without (bjch) your permission, we did not watch it privately.”

Jiang Hao nodded slightly, his expression straightened up, he stood up, looked outside the hall, and suddenly changed the subject:

Langgu, how do you feel about this movie star court?”(Read more @

Langgu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly lowered his head, hesitatingly said: “It’s not for the subordinates to talk about.

“But it’s okay, I won’t blame you.” Jiang Hao leaned on the dragon bed lazily,-gently stroking with one hand

One end of the dragon bed is guarded by the dragon head. ”

Langgu took a deep breath, his brain started to work quickly, and then he said: “According to my observation, Xing Ying Xing Ting deliberately moved closer to the adults.

Various practices can be seen.

“But I’m still hesitating, and I haven’t made up my mind. After all, this choice is too difficult. We might as well vote for it.

Li, let them feel our kindness!”

Jiang Hao looked at the opponent slightly surprised, and almost instantly understood what he meant.

“What you mean is that this time the public trial has helped the film star court to help Tenghong star court to take the charge of the crime?”

Langgu nodded slightly and said: “Yes! From the current point of view, Sima Zhong meets all the requirements of adults.

Even bring-silk to please.

“This is probably not the meaning of Sima Zhongxiang himself, but the meaning of the senior executives of Xing Ying Xing Ting, who just used his hand to convey

That’s it, but because of some consideration, it’s hard to see you in person.

Jiang Hao nodded slightly,-he naturally understood some truths.

Eight universities, ten Dayu inspectors in each university, are like the ten princes who are on the tour.

Inspections are just a cover, and it is true that each of them wins over the forces.

This period is called the age of loneliness. It is an era when all the patrol agents draw in the forces and do everything possible to strengthen themselves.

Every inspector will hide in the dark like a poisonous snake, only revealing-double scarlet eyes, watching

With everything, waiting for the enemy to reveal its flaws.

Although Jiang Hao had the task of investigating the Wind Fighting Purple Mansion.

But early, he also began to make arrangements, and was constantly drawing in the forces of one side, either lurking, or blatantly.

There is darkness.

Just like Langgu, the veteran of a powerful force he wooed, is the Supreme Lord

The strong in the third stage.

Jiang Hao just made a simple measurement in his mind, and he has the priorities, he nodded slightly and said: “Then follow this

Come on!”

The two exchanged simple, few words, and relaxed, and they judged Fang Xingting’s life and death.

You know, there are tens of millions of people in a star court, no matter how few people there are.

The power is simply monstrous.

Jiu Pin Xing Ting also has to abide by the regulations, act in accordance with the rules of the institution, be justified, and pay attention to evidence.

But Jiang Hao’s words are the words of the university, the rules, and the system.

He is a walking system. When he is right, it is right, and when he is wrong, it is wrong.


At this moment, outside the hall in the distance, there was a burst of slight shocks, which suddenly resounded.

You can see a few golden lights that have fallen outside the hall.

At the same time, a few scattered but firm footsteps stepped on the golden jade ground, landing forcefully,-step by step.

I don’t know why.

At the moment he heard the sound of footsteps, Jiang Hao’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, completely out of control, and even the blood was flowing rapidly.

When moving, every moment the cell is jumping.

It is a jump of cheering and excitement.

In an instant, Jiang Hao’s breathing was sudden.

The brows also frowned suddenly.

Sitting up straight up, the brain actually feels-trance, the whole person has the illusion of fainting

The blood boils and cheers are more intense than ever.

In the end, it was like beating a drum, with a roar and deafening.

“This feeling, this feeling.”

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, his eyes filled with endless astonishment, a sense of intimacy, abrupt in his heart

Rises up.

It was actually a feeling that blood dissolves in water and is of the same origin.

When he reaches his level, he can see the slightest changes around him and analyze all the data in an instant, until the cause and the end.


“Could it be that

His spirit became more and more tranced, and the sound of his footsteps became clearer and closer.


With a sound, the brain seemed to explode, and a figure that could affect all of his mind was slowly condensing.

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