Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 453 - Seeing the epic and seeing the gods

Chapter 453 – : Seeing the epic and seeing the gods

That is the crazy voice of generations of jade medal holders.

Their battle deeds are imprinted like a shadow, eternity will not be obliterated, just stare at the jade card

You can see pictures of bloody battles.

“The second battlefield of the Slaughter Fields was scouring the sand with big waves. It was raising Gu and screening the strong.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s heart was shaking, his blood was boiling, frantically surging, and the river was like waves and full of expectations.

The ontology suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed the jade card with the handle, and put it directly between his eyebrows.

“It’s time to leave

When Jiang Yuan’s thoughts moved, the Eternal Stone appeared in his hands, his qi and blood were slightly aroused, and his body was instantly distorted.

Disappeared in place.

At the moment he disappeared.

The huge golden body of blood and blood stood still, standing in place, extremely majestic, exuding a breath of suffocation.

A great eminent of various races around, all trembling, hanging scattered in the air, dare not move.

The tiger is gone, and Yu Wei is still there.

Mighty, comparable to gods and demons.

Jiang Yuan’s vision changed, and his body returned to the barracks in just an instant.

As soon as 19 came back, I saw all the high-levels of Tenghong Star Court and thirty-eight great lords seated in the tent.

Almost at the moment when there were waves of water in the space, their eyes swept over.

The moment I saw Jiang Yuan, I felt a clear sense of relief.

Jiang Yuan keenly discovered that everyone’s complexion was not very good, and they looked worried.

“How long have I been away?” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded calmly, looking at the bloody Great Lord.

The bloody grandmaster hurriedly said: “You have left the big business for a long time, and it will be half an hour later, exactly two days.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: “Let’s talk! What happened in the past two days when I am no longer?”

An anxious color flashed across the bloody Great Venerable’s face, and his brows wrinkled slightly and said: “A total of two things have happened,-things are off.

For us, one thing has nothing to do with us.

“Gu Rong Xingting’s front line army suddenly began to retreat, and the marching direction was directed at us. Originally, according to our guess, Gu

Even if the Banyan army is withdrawn, it will take a period of time to apply for approval.

“but now

Having said this, the bloody Great Venerable’s expression became ugly and said: “Gu Rong suddenly sent the army to the army. It’s very unusual. It should be

Someone is behind it.

Jiang Yuan’s brows instantly wrinkled, and his body suddenly became violent, without anger and prestige,-a fiery torrent

Swept out in a flash.

Swept everyone in an instant.

All the great lords suddenly felt cold all over, and they shivered, their complexion suddenly became pale and cold.

Ice pawn(Read more @

It was cold to the bone.

In an instant, a pair of eyes became extremely shocked.

They are all great lords, not figures from Broken Star Realm.

The breath that Jiang Yuan exudes inadvertently can actually make them feel horrible instinctively, and the body naturally makes

Conditioned reflex.

It’s incredible!

What a formidable force is needed to do this!

In an instant, everyone’s expressions became more and more respectful, lowered, and their heads lowered lower.

“One more thing?” Jiang Yuan’s voice sounded again, and his body aura converged.

The expressions of the people are only slightly better.

The Bloody Great Venerable took a deep breath, organized the language and said: “There is one more thing about the Nine Suns Realm.”

Speaking of this, there is a smell of envy and admiration in his voice.

Not only him, all the great lords around heard these four people, and everyone’s eyes showed infinite yearning.


“On the first night of your departure, a vision of heaven and earth appeared in the universe.”

“Boundary of the big domain, in the sea of ​​chaos, -** Sun rises from the east, changes the universe, reverses the sun and the moon, and turns the night into the day

“Ascend all the way from the east, shining across the vast universe, and divine power envelops the entire world.

As he spoke, the breathing of the bloody Great Master became swift, his heartbeat began to accelerate, and his eyes were both yearning and shocked.

The look became stronger and stronger.

The voice gradually became louder.

“Climbing on the big day, illuminating the world, after a full twelve days, endless glory, and finally ascending into the Tianjie Galaxy, turning into one

Big sun and stars.

“This means. His voice stammered, his body was shaking, and his eyes were shocked: “This means

Someone in the Universe has climbed the Nine Suns Realm to condense the personality of the Nine Suns!”

At the end of his-sentence, his heartbeat was almost clearly visible, thumping and throbbing frantically.

The shock in my heart can be imagined.

Everyone could hardly breathe, and their expressions were shaken unnaturally.

Whenever I think of that day, everyone is in a trance.

If you see a god, the enthusiasm in your heart cannot be extricated, madness breeds and surges.

Nine Suns Great Realm!

In their view, it is almost mythical, indescribable and unimaginable, it is the real high above, lying high for nine days.

Dian, the ancient mythical god who is in charge of divine punishment.

They have never been as excited as that day, as if they were seeing a god.

Because of the existence of this Nine Suns Great Realm.

Standing on the same ground with them, breathing the same air.

Never before has this moment been so close to an epic myth.

This alone has made everyone excited and difficult to hold on to themselves, and even an irresistible birth in the depths of the 350 heart.

With a sense of prosperous Yan.

Jiang Yuan looked at each of them with weird expressions and frantic eyes. There was a sense of absurdity in his heart.

As if to see a group of fanatical believers.

It made him feel funny and speechless.

If you tell them at this time, the nine suns that you admire and look up to stand in front of you, I’m afraid not one

Individuals will believe.

The corners of Jiang Yuan’s mouth moved, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Don’t say it’s them, think from another position, change to be yourself, and don’t believe it to death.

Do you have to let yourself explode and prove it to everyone?

It’s not necessary.

The expressions of fanatical excitement did not last long, and they all gradually recovered. They looked at Jiang Yuan one by one,

She lowered her head embarrassedly.

Only the bloody Great Lord looked at Jiang Yuan’s plain face, couldn’t help but wonder, and asked cautiously:”

Are you not excited at all? So, that, that is the existence of the Nine Suns Realm!! ”

“Moreover, we are in a big domain with us!”

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