Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 452 - The power of ten billion stars

Chapter 452 – : The power of ten billion stars

Jiang Yuan’s three heads and three pairs of eyes were twisted almost at the same time and looked directly at him.

The crazily bloody eyes make the Great Venerable Beast’s whole body cold, cold to the bones, blood veins and muscles all frozen, and he moves directly.

No, fall straight down from the sky.

But at the same time it fell.

The golden light suddenly flashed underneath, and Jiang Yuan appeared abruptly in front of him like this.

The six arms were raised directly high, grabbing its hands and feet, as well as its head and tail in an instant.


The Great Venerable Beast roared frantically, and his desperate howl resounded throughout the world.

It was the next moment, a strong tearing sound suddenly resounded.


Jiang Yuan roared and tore his body directly.

A pillar of bright red blood, like a river of billowing torrents, poured down in the air, with blazing heat, dyeing his whole body red and letting him bath

Amidst the hot blood of “sixty-seven” in a great statue of an alien beast.


“Run fast.””

“The existence of the Nine Suns Realm goes crazy.

The silence in an instant is endless panic-

The horrified shouts, ups and downs with each other, whether it is a strange beast, or the great lords of all races are frightened stupid, turned into

Streamers fled frantically.

In their eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan was mad, and he had no reason to speak of, and he was dizzy.

And what a terrible thing this is.

It’s not that the people in Broken Star Realm are crazy, nor is it that the Great Lord is crazy, it’s the terrifying Nine Suns Realm that is crazy.

The Nine Suns went mad and slaughtered.

Countless galaxies in the universe will be instantly shattered and turned into powder, and the real creatures will be charcoal, like a doomsday.

Panic-instantly hovering in the hearts of all the alien beasts and the great lords of all races, lingering, like the sun above the head,

Fall, to smash into this world.


At this moment, Jiang Yuan moved.

Three heads and six arms, six palms suddenly lifted up, and nine big suns behind them suddenly oscillated, with countless sunspots exploding.

Initiate Volt.

The nine big suns directly rushed out of the head, soared up, and in an instant, they passed through the clouds and soared continuously.

The volume is also expanding crazily, getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, they were scattered directly, lined up in a row, unexpectedly like nine big suns, hanging high above the sky, scattered

It glowed extremely brightly.

The real nine days across the sky, hanging in the sky.

The size of each one is a hundred times larger than Jiang Yuan’s Qi, Blood and Golden God, and the creatures are below it, as small as dust.

Absolutely(Read more @

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded ruthlessly, traveling across the world.

It resounded in the ears of countless escaped animals.

The eyes of all the Great Beasts suddenly widened, a chill came out of their hearts, and their heads couldn’t help but want to look up.

At this look, my eyes are filled with endless despair.

The nine big suns shook violently, making a long and ancient roar.

In the next second, golden beams of light shone from among the nine big suns.

The speed is unparalleled, and there is no way to hide.

In an instant, from top to bottom, reaching a distance of tens of thousands of miles, arrived in an instant.

The number is tens of thousands, densely packed, and it seems to cover the whole world in an instant.

“No no no

Accompanied by a hysterical roar and a panic sound, the golden light arrived in an instant, directly piercing the strangeness.

The brain of the beast, smash the golden core in it.

No matter where you hide, golden light shines directly through.

And all this happened only in one ten-thousandth of an instant.

Thousands of golden lights seem to appear instantaneously, and then stop instantly.

When everything stops, the world is quiet.

The great lords of various races who flee in panic all stood in horror, did not dare to move, cold sweat on their foreheads.

The fall is extremely pale.

It wasn’t until this time that the sound of rumbling and heavy objects falling down continuously and densely.

It was a great alien beast, with a body exceeding 100,000 meters, constantly falling from high altitude like raindrops.

Smashed the whole earth and shook, the heaven and the earth are tilting like-

The peaks were shattered, the magma rivers were blocked, and countless small and weak animals were directly smashed to death.

The dust was flying and there were corpses everywhere.

Looking at it at a glance, it was shocking.

At the same time, the turbulent energy of Qi and blood, from all directions, turned into blood and energy on the body of a dead alien beast

The torrent swept in quickly.

The aura in Jiang Yuan’s body rose frantically again.

The foundation stands, the power of 7.2 billion stars

The power of 7.5 billion stars

The power of 7.8 billion stars

The power of 8.1 billion stars

The power of 9.2 billion stars

Of ten billion stars

Until it soared by 10 billion, as if entering another unattainable height, the growth of vitality suddenly dropped.

The speed starts to slow down,-

Standing on a foundation of tens of billions, everything is increased by forty times, that is, 400 billion, directly reaching the fourth stage of the Supreme Lord.

The power of the four suns.

Double the first form of qi, blood and golden body, which is the power of 800 billion stars and the power of the eight suns.

The second form of qi, blood, and golden body is the power of sixteen hundred billion stars, which, when converted, is the power of sixteen suns.

In an instant.

Behind him once again appeared a beautiful and dazzling sea of ​​azure blue stars.

The ocean spreads for thousands of miles, and the ocean is full of waves, gradually setting off layers of waves, and the turbulent waves beat the waves, boiling endlessly.

In an instant, a total of seven small big suns, arranged in a row, unexpectedly surfaced at the same time, like seven stars.

Like a renju, leap forward.

Back and forth, a little dragon, like a dragon, actually came to the waist of Jiang Yuan’s golden body, wrapped around the waist, forming a

The big week, the rotation continues.

At the same moment.

The sky roared violently,-a blue beam of light instantly penetrated down from the distant sky, and directly tore the clouds, instantly

Arrived in front of Jiang Yuan.

Condensed into a 4.3 small blue jade medal.

On the front and back, an ancient text is engraved on each.

The moment I saw this jade card.

A turbulent and domineering message burrowed directly into his mind, allowing him to understand the role of this jade card.

It turned out to be the key to the second killing field.

There is no more introduction beyond that,-all are unknown.

But from the jade brand, you can clearly feel a very strong bloody smell.

With a fixed glance, you can even see countless terrifying figures among the jade tiles, fighting frantically.

Even in the ear, there was a vague roar and roar, and the shouting and killing sounded loudly. It was almost hysterical and crazy.

To, like crazy.

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