Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 444 - The hidden source of the river

Chapter 444 – :The hidden source of the river

At the same time, Jiang Yuan also felt the terrifying aura behind him, and suddenly erupted.

It is as if a volcano erupts, and the momentum is mighty, and like the sun rises, it is unstoppable, and its brilliance is boundless.

There is endless anger in the brilliance.

Anger is rising and burning.

He slowly turned around, and he saw a shining statue on the sky of clouds a million miles away.

With He’s existence, golden light broke out in his eyes.

Just like the two east beams of light, unscrupulous and overbearing, they swept across a famous great man.

What are you investigating?

In a blink of an eye, he scanned himself.

Jiang Yuan thought that the light beam would sweep by, but the moment the light beam fell on him, he stopped moving and stayed there.


Almost instantly,-the sound was unparalleled, and the frantic roar resounded.

With endless killing intent.

“Die me.

Accompanied by a strong roar and murderous intent, Furukawa is like a nine-day god of war, majestic and majestic, and the black armor is smashing.

There was a clamor, and the metal collided.

In an instant, he rushed over directly.

As if a piece of sky was pressed down, people couldn’t breathe, and the heart jumped suddenly.

It can even cause a chain reaction.

The thunder and lightning in a radius of thousands of miles around the week were vigorous and blasted continuously.

Many great lords were affected by the aura, and their faces instantly paled.

In the fourth stage of the supreme majesty, the battle power of hundreds of billions is for the power of the sun.

It is comparable to the sudden collision of the big sun, the sky and the earth are bright, the hot torrent rolls over, and the earth is squeaked by baking.

There was a noise and heat rose from the ground.

Countless great masters looked shocked, and their blood and energy shook wildly, sweeping their students and apprentices.

With a twist of the body, it leaves the breath lock area.

They were all standing far away, frightened.

“What’s the matter? Who is that person, how could it cause Furukawa’s anger and fight when they meet?”

“Is he a member of other Purple Mansion?”

“It’s just the second stage of the supreme Supreme Being, who actually offended Furukawa so fiercely, this kind of hatred is simply terrifying for a long time.

“This person is bound to die.

A series of qi, blood, and spiritual thoughts were communicating.

Jiang Yuan’s brows also wrinkled in an instant, and the expression in his eyes changed instantly.

He didn’t know what happened, the other party directly believed that he was a killer move and wanted to put him to death.

The violent breath and unbridled power showed his power.

As if swearing to everyone.

He is the fourth stage of the supreme existence of the Supreme Being.

Here he is the master. There is no reason to kill whoever wants to kill.(Read more @

Lei Ting’s attack and directly suppressed Jiang Yuan was warning other people, and it was killing chickens and monkeys.

“Looking for death.”

Jiang Yuan’s breath suddenly broke out, brave and sturdy.

There is no fear, no doubt, and no panic.

There is only a raging fighting spirit, and the flames are generally crackling and burning.

Everything erupted in an instant.

The base combat power of 1.3 billion, superimposed forty times, is 52 billion.

Instantly soaring the third stage of the supreme majesty, the great realm.

The big characters on the eyebrows quickly distorted and transformed into big ancient characters in an instant.

At the same time, a more aggressive aura radiated from him, and the golden light on his body was even more dazzling and brilliant, even

There are waves of dragons and tigers roaring.

Jiang Yuan’s change caused countless great lords around him to look shocked.

“This person actually hides his strength. It’s not the second stage of the supreme majesty, but the third stage.”

“The third stage of the supreme majesty, this kind of strength is placed on any side of the force, it is a person who can be hot with bare hands, it is a pity

“It’s a pity that he actually offended Furukawa. Furukawa is the fourth stage of the Supreme Master, condensing the power of the three suns, and it is a full 300 billion stars.

While the heart of a famous person trembled, he also felt a trace of pity for Jiang Yuan.

It’s not good to offend anyone, and actually offend such horrible existence as Furukawa.

In the fourth stage of the Supreme Being, in front of the great realm powerhouse, whether you are in the second stage or the third stage

It’s all one word.


There is no survivorship.

At the same time, on a hill, Hong Cun and Wei Lian also looked over.

The expressions of the two changed wildly.

I also saw the eruption of Jiangyuan in the distance, like the same bright sun, with a magnificent breath, than when I first saw it

I don’t know how powerful it is.

Hong Cun was even more horrified: “He is not the second stage of the Supreme Master, but the third stage.

The existence of him. How can he hide so much?”

Cry lotus is also incomparable

Amazed: “If he really wanted to kill me, I wouldn’t be able to live at all.”

Not only were the people watching around, but even Furukawa’s complexion changed slightly.

But in the next moment, his expression became even more hideous.

It’s good to do so, with a thunderous strike, directly killing Jiang Yuan and killing a third-stage supreme master.

Instantly establish supreme prestige.

When those great lords dare to snatch him, that is to die.

Such thoughts flashed in his mind for an instant.

The whole person was shocked. Behind his head,-a piece of azure blue ocean is condensing, three huge, radiant big

The day is rising.

The power of 300 billion stars.

This level of strength is the most powerful enemy Jiang Yuan has faced in history.

The first form of qi, blood and golden body

At the moment of ten thousandths, facing the extremely powerful enemy, Jiang Yuan is also crazy, his fighting spirit soars, his eyes are red.

The faces are starting to hideously.

The frantic and almost crazy voice resounded at-time.

“All things develop through the second form of qi, blood and golden body.”

When the last word of him fell, all the cells in his body exploded, connected together, bursting out huge

The roar is like the sound of opening the world.


In an instant, everything changed (with good money).

Time seems to be quiet at this moment, and the speed at which the opponent rushes over seems to have become extremely slow.

At the center of his eyebrows, the ancient Dazhi Guwen was once again distorted and changed, slowly changing into the Zunzhi Ancient Chinese.

Exudes the breath of supreme respect.

It is the fourth stage of the supreme great deity, the great realm of the deity!

At the same time, in his body, among the hundreds of billions of pores, the power of golden blood surging crazily.

Behind the bed, a huge figure is gathering little by little.

“What to lift”

“How can it be.

“The fourth stage of Wu Wushang??”

In an instant, there were endless exclamations and stunned sounds, ups and downs with each other.

A well-known great person, with horror in his eyes, almost burst out of his eye sockets.

The cells of the whole body were trembling, terrified, even more terrifying than a ghost.

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