Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 443 - The veteran of Yijian Purple Mansion

Chapter 443 – : The veteran of Yijian Purple Mansion

Behind this group of great lords, countless disciples of Broken Star Realm continued to show their figures, standing on the ground.

There are as few as three or five people, and as many as hundreds of people.

They cooperated with each other, slaughtered frantically, roared and snarled, and fought madly, constantly sharpening themselves and devouring the blood.

Power to resist the strange beasts behind.

The breath is increasing weakly every moment.

They are the top students from a powerful force, each of whom is a genius with a huge background, otherwise such a good thing

Will not fall on them.

You must know that this kind of strange beast, the Great Lord will not make a move, it is thankless, and it will not be able to swallow much energy and blood even if it is killed.

Even troublesome, naturally need some students to do it for you.

Only when the students are injured and unable to resist, the Great Master will take action to save them and relieve them of their worries.


Accompanied by a strong crackling sound, Jiang Yuan arrived in an instant, his aura was magnificent, his vitality was visible to the naked eye, and he almost rushed into the sky.

Like an Optimus Prime.

In an instant, the gaze of a famous great elder came over.

At 16 he saw Jiang Yuan’s brows condensed in the big characters, and then he looked away and stopped paying attention.

His eyes turned to the blue light curtain ahead, waiting.

Jiang Yuan did not explode the power of all things at this moment. Even so, his basic standing has exceeded 1.3 billion.

Nearly 1.4 billion.

Naturally, he can condense the big characters, and he is a veritable strong man in the second stage of the supreme majesty.

Such a strong person will be valued in any star court and is a backbone force.

Jiang Yuan’s breath spread instantly. He listened to the four directions with his eyes and ears, and listened carefully. The voices of various students’ conversations

Constantly drilled into the ears.

“The Great Killing Field is about to open. I don’t know who the first person will be in this killing field?’

“I heard that Yijian Zifu will come-the fourth stage veteran of the Supreme Master, this person arrives at the killing field of the Supreme Master, the first

I’m afraid it will be stable!”

“That’s not necessarily true. What we see now is just a small area of ​​this killing field.

I am afraid there will be 10,000 people, the real Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. “”Yes! Tens of thousands of great lords, waiting for the light curtain to open and rush into the killing field, what a terrible touch will erupt.

Hit, kill the beast, kill the beast, kill the man

“The road to the warrior is really a bloody corpse all the way. Who can speak boldly, standing on the top of the mountain, forever?”-

A group of teams, a famous student was killing, while exchanging vitality and blood.

Jiang Yuan just listened to it for a while, and he realized something in his heart.

The eternal battlefield, as a battlefield, a place similar in nature to the battlefield, how could it be so simple.

It is not endless to kill those endless beasts.

That’s just the foundation. The real horror comes from these killing fields.

Thousands of great sages fight and fight, and there are strange beasts in the realm of infinite sages.

This is more cruel than bloody nourishing Gu.

But the strong cannot refuse.

The strong are eager to fight, eager to continuously sublimate, climb the momentum, and condense the invincible will in each and every battle.(Read more @

The power of invincibility is endless.

There is no strongest, only stronger.

“Ten thousand great lords rushed in, fighting in chaos, fighting each other, and this place is just one of countless killing fields, so terrible.

The big eternal battlefield, how many such killing fields are there?”

“Are they open at the same time? Are there so many people in each area?”

“Then whoever wins, will continue the next battle? What will it be like?”

Countless questions flipped in Jiang Yuan’s mind.

But in the next second, his fists clenched instantly, his blood was boiling, and his heart was surging.

The battle was extremely bloody, fierce and not afraid of death.

This is his pursuit.

He was born a soldier, a general, and a sturdy life, killing through eternity.

Ten thousand people are vying for the first place, so who is the first, and what benefits can be the first.

He was looking forward to it.


Time is passing bit by bit.

As time passed, Jiang Yuan could clearly feel that the huge light curtain was being faded a little bit, and it didn’t take long.

Will dissipate completely.

At the same time, more and more great elders, with a roaring sound, came one after another, standing in front of the light curtain,

Just wait.

Silence is the most true portrayal of everyone at this moment.

The power of qi and blood in everyone’s body is constantly condensing, and the aura becomes stronger.

Just like a group of athletes standing on the starting line, the breath is intriguing.

A tense and solemn atmosphere spreads invisibly.

Also at this moment.

Hong Cun and Cry Lotus also came not far from the light curtain, standing a hundred thousand miles away, at the top of the hill.

The top of the mountain was bare, with only a large boulder one person high.

The two of them stood in front of the big stone and waited quietly.

At this time, the space in front of Dashi suddenly shook, and there was a wave of waves in the space.

Immediately afterwards, a violent aura suddenly emanated, and the expressions of the two affected by the invisible air wave changed slightly.

However, he was a little unstable, and he kept backing hundreds of meters before he could stabilize his figure.

When I looked at it, I saw a burly figure full of pitch black, wearing heavy armor, 2 meters high, exuding

With black brilliance.

That’s it-twists and condensed shapes.

This person was suspended in the air, opened his hands, and took a deep breath, with the color of nostalgia on his face, the next moment was fierce

Then opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, there was actually a phantom of a sharp flying sword shot out of his eyes.

His gaze is extremely majestic, staring at Cry Lian-

He opened his mouth, his voice was extremely hoarse, even with suppressed anger, and the metal collided and said: “What’s the matter, who is hitting?

Of you?”

350 Hong Cun trembled all over, the cold sweat went down, and his complexion suddenly became extremely pale, and he bowed aside to salute, low.

The head is very humble and insignificant.

Cry Lian’s complexion also turned pale, and she even felt fear in her heart, and said, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I only have his appearance. ”

While talking, he cautiously aroused his qi and blood, and he condensed the appearance of Jiang Yuan around him.

“court death

Furukawa looked at Jiang Yuan suddenly, his eyes filled with endless killing intent instantly, gritted his teeth.

The power of blood and energy exploded in an instant.

The whole person rushed to the sky in an instant, and his body suddenly burst out with incomparable golden light, the light was so bright, his eyes suddenly

Projected down, swept across a famous great master.

Under the light curtain, all the great lords were shocked.

Feeling the almost suppressed energy and blood behind him, it is mighty, magnificent, overwhelming, oppressive.

The weak and weak Great Lord took a breath, his body pressed by his breath was unstable, and he almost fell from mid-air.


Everyone looked at it, and their faces changed color.

“It’s Furukawa who is here

“A veteran of the Yijian Purple Mansion, the terrifying existence of the fourth stage of the Supreme Master, I did not expect that it is really in our area.

“Why does he look so angry? Could it be that something hasn’t happened?”

People talked a lot, but they didn’t know why.

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