Chapter 440 – : Back in time


At this time, the huge palace pavilion also slowly stopped, floating above the sky.

The huge main entrance of the main hall slowly opened amid the resounding roar, and brilliant golden light shone out from it.

Vaguely you can see that in the main hall, on a huge golden throne, a man in golden clothes

Sit upright on it.

With a curtain of crystal balls on his head, there was a crisp sound between the collisions.

Sima Zhongxiang’s heart moved, and he didn’t dare to be careless, and flew up instantly.

Compared with the huge palace, his body is like an ant.

While breathing, he walked through the huge portal of the hall and stood in front of the huge figure.

He immediately saluted respectfully and said: “I have seen the inspector Jiang.”

Jiang Hao glanced at the other person indifferently and lost interest, and said directly: “I have been ordered to investigate some things.

It requires your full cooperation.

Sima Zhongxiang nodded slightly, and did not dare to underestimate Jiang Hao, who is countless times weaker than himself, and said very politely:”

I have received an instruction from the chief executive and will fully cooperate with the inspector.

“Well, get me a copy of all the information on Gu Rong Xing Ting, and then go to Gu Rong Xing Ting with me.” 603

Jiang Hao said directly.

Sima Zhongxiang was taken aback for a moment, and was a little embarrassed: “Inspector, you may not know, it was about half a day before you came.

Around the time, the ancient Rongxing Garden had been uprooted, and the entire city was basically in ruins. ”

Jiang Hao was different. He leaned forward slightly, and the ball on his head crackled and made him interested.

“Do you know who did it?”

Sima Zhongxiang said, “According to the law enforcement army I sent out, it was the chief affairs officer of Tenghong Star Court.”

“Tenghong Star Court?” Jiang Hao began to think, his brain running fast.

As an inspector, he will draw in star courts and even purple houses in the future, no matter what kind of star court, as long as-

Say the name, you can know the details.

But this Tenghong Star Court has never heard of it.

Perhaps feeling Jiang Hao’s doubts, Sima Zhonglian hurriedly said, “This Tenghong Star Court is just established, and it is managed by Yun Huida.

The former Wang Teng Star Court was merged with Dahong Star Court. ”

Jiang Hao nodded slightly, and he remembered the names of these two star courts.

And his mission on this trip is Yunhui Dayu, about the wind and the purple mansion.

“It’s weird, these two star courts are only first-rank star courts, even if they are merged, they are only second-rank star courts at best.’

“Gu Rong Star Court is a fourth-rank star court. It is really strange that it was destroyed by two first-rank star courts. You said so, I

I am a little interested in this star court. ”

Jiang Hao finished speaking and said, “Take me to Gurong City to see!”

Sima Zhongxiang didn’t dare to refuse, the gap between identities was like a chasm, and he didn’t even have the right to refuse.(Read more @


Suddenly appeared above Jiang Hao’s head-a circular disc, exuding white brilliance, which instantly enveloped the two of them, and disappeared in an instant.

Lost in place.

This is an extremely powerful and terrifying star-level town faction. It is specially designed for flying. Once activated, the speed is as fast as

Nine Suns Great Realm powerhouse.

It didn’t take long for the two figures to emerge from the space of the speed of light, standing above the clouds.

Below is the huge ancient banyan city.

At this time, Gurong City was quiet, and the survivors were basically evacuated cleanly.

At a glance, there are broken buildings and collapsed roads everywhere.

The corpses were everywhere, and the blood was flowing down the low-lying areas, exuding warmth.

The real corpses were all over the field, the smell of blood was so strong that they couldn’t disperse, and they went straight to the tip of their noses.

Jiang Hao frowned slightly.

Sima Chongxiang was watching his words and expressions, and seeing Jiang Hao’s expression change, he immediately guessed his thoughts.

Suddenly he looked angry and said: “Damn it, it’s an unforgivable sin, so bold, slaughter a city of creatures, and annihilate (bfai

) Absolutely human nature, without mercy. ”

“The entire ancient banyan city has a population of at least tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, so all of them have been killed. These people are heartbroken.

Madness to the extreme.

Sima Chongxiang clenched his fists angrily, his voice trembling, and awe-inspiring.

Standing on the moral high ground, he frantically condemned Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Hao took a look at the other party. They were all old foxes, who didn’t know who they were, and they didn’t point to each other.

In the information he got, this ancient Rongxing Court is not a good person,-straight ambitious and devastating.

There are many small and large forces.

If it weren’t for being sent out to collude with Feng Zhan Zifu, he would not have attracted his attention at all.

“Let’s look back in time!” Jiang Hao said lightly.

Sima Zhongxiang was taken aback for a moment, looked at Jiang Hao, and couldn’t help saying: “My lord, I have nothing to look back in time.

Town faction!

However, his voice has not fallen yet.

In the void, a hard voice said:

Immediately afterwards, the void distorted for a while, and Ming Ming’s figure covered in the dark mist walked out.

In the next moment, the whole person burst open suddenly, turning into infinite black energy, and spreading wildly. In a blink of an eye, the whole ancient world was enveloped.


Slowly, these black mists began to fade, as if they were melted into the air.

Then a shocking scene was being staged.

Time really seems to be going backwards, that collapsed building, countless bricks and tiles, one after another, flew from the ground,-blocks

Return to the original position.

And the collapsed road is also recovering.

In the sky, countless inverted figures are quickly returning to Ancient Rongcheng.

Those are the races that left afterwards. Looking back in time, the projection appeared.

In just a few breaths, the huge ancient Rongcheng became full of voices, and various shouts and screams followed.

At the same time, the brilliant golden brilliance gradually spread out, and the scope of the envelope continued to expand.

Almost instantly, Jiang Hao felt that Zi 2’s blood oscillated without warning, it was boiling, and his heart beat suddenly.

Furiously beating, breathing is not smooth.

“what happened?”

Jiang Hao’s heart was shocked, and then he saw a large amount of golden granular matter in the ancient Rongcheng city, tracing back from afar

Something huge is being gathered.

And the weird condition of his body was suddenly aroused at the moment these golden particles appeared.

In just a few breaths, a pair of huge golden soles gradually condensed and formed in retrospect, and then

Go up step by step.

A pair of huge legs, quickly condensed and formed.

Then continue to go back up, it’s the trunk of the body, the neck, and finally reach the chin.

A face will appear in a blink of an eye.

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