Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 439 - Jiang Hao Dayu Inspection Envoy

Chapter 439 – : Jiang Hao Dayu Inspection Envoy

Sima Zhongxiang’s heart was shaking, and his breathing became rapid.

Suddenly stood up and bowed slightly to the void: “Subordinates understand!”

“and also.

The majestic voice said with a hint of dissatisfaction: “The law enforcement army you are in charge has killed more than 10,000 people. Investigate this matter carefully-next

If it is a weak star court, just erase it!”

Sima Zhongxiang still bowed, respectfully, until the other party left for a long time, then slowly raised his head.

In the void in his face, lines of text and pictures emerged.

It is the detailed information of a person.

Identity: Dayu Inspection Envoy.

Name: Jiang Hao

Race: Terran

Realm: the first stage of the supreme majesty

Combat power: power of 130 million stars

It is simple and simple, with a portrait of -Fu Jianghao next to it.

The gaze is majestic, a golden costume, embroidered with golden dragons with dancing claws, extremely domineering, and indifferent and arrogant.

Like a prince aloft, overlooking the heavens and the earth, everything sinks.

Soon, the text in front of him began to dissipate.

Sima Zhongxiang’s brows tightened, and his heart was so shocked that his fists could not help being clenched.

He has lived a million years now.

Millions of years ago, eight immortal colleges, and a total of 80 great domain inspectors, successively stepped out of colleges and walked

Territory, win over the forces of one party.

His race had been attached to the patrol envoy of Ming Dayu at the beginning.

Only survived the first wave of mass extinction, and when the second wave arrived, the patrol killed him.

Immediately afterwards, all the forces attached to him were eradicated unprecedentedly.

The star courts were slaughtered and clean, and countless major races were also liquidated.

The race that Sima Zhongxiang belonged to was liquidated.

Even the Purple Mansion did not resist being exterminated.

Even in a huge area, all the creatures were slaughtered 12 times, and the corpses were piled up in the cities.

Next to it, there are corpse mountains towering into the clouds.

The blood gathered into a long river.

Whenever he thinks of the past, he will feel chilly until now, and the blood in his whole body seems to become cold.

It was a fluke that he survived.

“Unexpectedly, millions of years passed by in a flash, and the ruthless curtain opened once again””.”

Sima Zhongxiang’s eyes flashed past, his fists suddenly clenched.

It is a catastrophe, but also a great opportunity.

If you choose the right team, the future will inevitably soar to the sky, the future is brilliant, and even-a glimpse of the almost legendary

realm.(Read more @


At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly spread over the head-

A turbulent breath broke out suddenly.


Sima Zhongxiang’s heart jumped, his breathing became rapid, his body instantly turned into a stream of light, and disappeared directly into the original.


When he reappeared, he had already come to the court to mount the dragon.

At a glance, I can see far away, twelve huge and majestic bodies, with golden light shining brightly, exuding a supreme aura.

It turned out to be a five-clawed golden dragon with its heads alive, lined up and advancing side by side.

Each golden dragon is hundreds of thousands of meters long.

The long dragon’s whiskers are floating between the clouds, rushing into the clouds from time to time, rolling between the clouds, turning the clouds

They are all dyed golden.

The dense golden scales, one by one, seem to be life, madly devouring the blood between heaven and earth.


Especially the dragon at the front is even more terrifying.

It is a million meters long and is twice as large as other dragons.

There was a sudden roar and roar, shaking the earth, as if the heavens and the earth were thundering, suddenly bursting,-stocks of sound waves and air waves turned frantically

Roll, sweep the world.

Sima Chongxiang felt his ears buzzing and banged his head.

I immediately felt the strength of the opponent’s vitality, not at all weaker than myself, at least reaching the level of 100 billion, and also ranked first.

The four-stage supreme master.

What made him most horrified was that.

These giant dragons’ necks are all tied with thick golden chains, as if they are pulling something, long piercings.

Through the clouds behind.

The sound of the chains, as they flew, even more clashed.

The huge sound immediately shocked the entire Xing Ying Xing Yuan Wu Ma Zi, and they came out one after another and stood outside.

Looking up at the sky.

“Quickly still five claw gold

“It is said that the dragon family, from the last epoch, ancient times, for some reason, began to wake up at this time, usually

I can’t see it at all, and they are basically divided among the eight universities. ”

“I heard,

Giant Dragon-Born to be the Broken Star Realm, and adults are all great lords. The longer they live, the larger their size and strength.

The stronger the life expectancy is extremely long.

“It deserves to be a clan of giant dragons, full of wild and ancient flavor. The size is so huge, even bigger than the alien race I have seen.

I don’t know how many times it is huge. “”My God! I have read it in an ancient book. A giant dragon with a volume of one million, with the power of hundreds of billions of stars, is comparable to

The fourth stage of the supreme majesty, the volume surpasses tens of millions, which is equivalent to the nine suns!”

No mathematician or even the instructor looked at the distant sky in amazement, dumbfounded, and shocked beyond words.


At this moment, the twelve-headed dragons roared together, and their voices vibrated for a long time.

The iron chain on his body was rustling, and people could vaguely see that after this long iron chain, one

A huge thing is slowly approaching.

People concentrated on it and finally saw it in the next second.

The moment they saw it clearly, countless people couldn’t help their scalp numb and gasped.

It was not a carriage, but a magnificent palace.

Its size is comparable to an island, as if it is made of gold, and a magnificent taxi can be vaguely seen.

Soldiers, wearing gold and armor, guard every corner of the palace.

(Mano Zhao) Even at the back of the palace, there is a huge golden halo, like a Buddha wheel, slowly

Rotating, full of mystery.

Every spin burst out buzzing sound.

Under the horrified gaze of the people, twelve huge dragons finally reached the sky above the Xingying Star Court.

The light of the entire sky seemed to be obscured at this moment.

The people below felt their own insignificance from the bottom of their hearts.

They opened their mouths one by one.

You know, floating above other star courts is almost equivalent to provocation, almost an unwritten rule.

The other party just floated above it with great fanfare, unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

What’s even more shocking is that Xing Ying Xing Yuan did not move at all, as if he hadn’t seen it.

What a terrifying background and identity is needed to do this.

No mathematician can’t help but talk, and think of many things…

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