Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 435 - The madness of a tens of thousands of army

Chapter 435 – : The madness of a tens of thousands of army

Jing Hai was breathing fast, his eyes were confused, and he was a little fainted, and he could not stand steady.

The most unwilling thing to happen happened.

He hurriedly opened the door, and saw Jinghong pale and undecided, with eyes like double gongs open.

Seeing Jinghai, the whole person shivered subconsciously, and said in horror: “It’s all dead if you die

All are dead. ”

He was extremely frightened and said: “It’s too scary, it’s too scary

Jing Hai was extremely anxious, pale and urged: “Jiangyuan and the group of people, are they all dead, there is no one left?

You mean

“It’s not no

Jinghong shook his head frantically: “It’s not Jiangyuan and his party, it’s not them, they’re fine, they’re fine.

It is Ancient Rongxing Garden and Ancient Rongcheng. ”

“They are okay?” Jing Hai Weiwei-froze, unknown, so she froze in the same place: “It’s not that they are dead, what happened then?

What’s the matter?”

“Not only are they fine, but also

Having said this, Jing Hong couldn’t help but keep his eyes wide open, and his body trembled, and he stammered: “It’s Zhen Ru, Gu Rong Xingting.

Something happened to them. ”

“You mean! What the hell is going on?’

Jing Hai was so annoyed by the other party that he could not wait to punch him over. He was too anxious.

“It’s Jiang Yuan, he, he is 177, he is not the first stage of the Supreme Master, nor is it the second stage!

He he he

Jinghong gasped, and said in amazement: “He is the fourth stage of the Supreme Being!”


When this sentence fell, Jing Hai’s brain was rumbling, and his ears were all deaf.

Opened his eyes in amazement, suddenly grabbed the other’s shoulders, and said unbelievably: What do you say, what do you say?

Speak clearly, what is the fourth stage?”

Jinghai stammered, and the time and brain were in chaos.

“Jiang Jiangyuan is the fourth stage of the Supreme Great Venerable!” Jinghong swallowed his saliva and said, “Who would have thought that

Jiang Yuan broke out directly, his strength was too strong. ”

“It’s incomparable, it’s world-famous, it’s truly invincible.

Thinking of what he saw, his whole body trembled and his eyes were straight.

Jing Hong took a deep breath, and in the extremely shocking words, he explained the whole story in detail and even carefully.

Jing Hai opened his eyes wide, his mouth could put down his fists, and listened in amazement.

The muscles of the whole body (bfba) are trembling, as if being immersed in the scene, seeing that one deity, as if from ancient times

The nineteen giants of the age span across the sky and the earth.

With the power of exterminating everything, it is invincible.

When Jinghong finished speaking, Jing Hai sat down on the white jade table, his eyes were blank, and countless images in his mind were flipping.(Read more @

Ripples constantly.

Unprecedented shock.

Even a trace of fear was boiling inside.

“Why is he so powerful?” Jinghai muttered to himself, actually there was a feeling of darkness.

Jingxiang City has come to such a world-famous enemy, will he still have a day in the future as a first-grade star court?

As if feeling Jing Hai’s heartfelt voice, Jing Hong slowly recovered and couldn’t help but whisper: “The chief executive, or else

Let’s merge into Tenghong Star Court!

His words seemed to have magical powers, making Jing Hai tremble all over, suddenly raised his head, staring at him tightly.

Jinghong trembled in his heart, and quickly lowered his head, and began to regret how he could say this-sentence.

Jinghai did not blame him.

Instead, it was the other party’s words that opened up his mind, and his brain became active in an instant.

Jingxiang Star Court has a long history. It has been passed down to its own generation and has experienced more than 800 generations. The generation is weaker than the generation.

Go on like this.

After his death, Jing Xiang Xing Ting, I am afraid that a great statue will not be born.

At that time, the entire star court will be deprived of the title of star court because there is no great eminent, and will be reduced from star court to a large power.

How is that different from destruction.

Even if he died, he would be ashamed of his ancestors.

And by taking refuge in the fourth stage of the Star Court with the Supreme Lord, you can meet in the future.

Not to mention flying into the sky, it can definitely change the status quo.

It is even possible to rejuvenate the dead trees in spring.

But he was hesitating again, and his heart was like a war between heaven and man.

Jiangyuan killed more than 10,000 law enforcement troops, and must inevitably confront the strongest forces in the entire universe.

That’s the Ninth-Rank Star Court! Even the existence of the fourth stage of the Supreme Master is quite a lot.

“Why don’t I wait?” Jing Hai couldn’t help thinking like this, watching the follow-up.

Wait and see, see what happens next. If Jiang Yuan and the others can resist the pressure, I won’t join in.


Jing Hai’s eyes lit up, and he wanted to make a fool of himself, but he didn’t want to take risks.

at the same time.

Jiang Yuan and the others also emerged from the space of the speed of light, their bodies appeared outside the city of Jingxiang, suspended above the tens of thousands of troops.


Looking around, there are nearly 30 million troops.

The endless tents are arranged neatly and densely, spreading for tens of thousands of kilometers.

The soldiers patrolled back and forth between the tents, murderous, and blood boiled.

Jiang Yuan looked at the infinite army below, his heart burst into arrogance, blood surging, and exciting.

Lying on the knees of a drunk beauty, awakens the world power.

In charge of tens of thousands of troops, sitting on one side, invincible, whoever fights, this is a man.

It is also what a man should do.

The appearance of Jiang Yuan and others attracted countless lights in an instant.

Countless generals wore black armor, opened their military tents and walked out, staring at a group of people in the sky.

The soldiers walked out one after another, with piercing eyes, all looking at Jiang Yuan.

Everyone knew well and knew the answer to Jiang Yuan and others’ sudden departure.

That was their chief of affairs, with a grieved and bloody grandmaster, going to take revenge and wash away his anger.

These leaders are the objects they are willing to loyal to.

Only this kind of existence can inspire their inner sincerity.

Countless generals were very dissatisfied with this sudden appearance of the big affairs chief, but they knew the situation.

Everyone was convinced, extremely excited.

In an instant, without knowing who took the lead, a hysterical roar rang out.

Suddenly aroused the resonance of countless soldiers and generals.

It’s crazy at this moment.

“Congratulations on the return of the chief executive.

“Congratulations on the return of the chief executive”

“Congratulations on the return of the chief executive.

Densely crowded shouts soared into the sky among the thousands of troops in an instant.

Countless generals and soldiers screamed frantically, gathering together, shaking the earth, passing the world, making the earth and space all blast


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