Chapter 434 – : Big event

Follow the resounding roar.

At the first glance, his heart speeded up, and his pupils widened instantly.

In the ancient city, there are nineteen huge giants with golden light all over them, extremely dazzling.

It was the kind of terrifying giant that I had seen before.

But he remembered very clearly, there was only one at that time! And it was just Jiang Yuan alone.

And isn’t Jiang Yuan the chief affairs officer of Tenghong Star Court? What happened to the eighteen extra statues?

He was a little confused.

At this time, the great blood type flew over and looked at him, very excited: “You are here.”

After talking about this, he reacted and hurriedly bowed to the five elders, politely.

Today is different from the past, the five persons who have the great realm of the Supreme Being sheltered, their status and status are already different.

“Shallow discussion, don’t be so polite, it’s your own family.” The bloody master smiled slightly, helped him up and said: “Wait.

After I go, I will talk to you in detail.

Shallowly nodded slightly, stood with the blood-type Great Sovereign and the others, looking towards the city.

At this time, Jiang Yuan also finished what he should do.

At the center of the eyebrows of the second form of vitality and blood, a golden light suddenly shone out, projecting on everyone’s side, and gradually

And quickly condensed into the appearance of Jiang Yuan.


The eighteen phantom clones in the city are like a combination of golden dust.

Standing in place, a large number of golden particles floated out from the top of the head and shoulders, and even from the body.

In just a few breaths, the eight phantom clones have completely disappeared.

The blood and golden body also began to dissolve.

At the top of the head, a lot of golden qi and blood flowed into the sky like a long river, scouring towards Jiangyuan’s body.

Just a few moments of effort.

The huge golden body of qi and blood turned into a continuous force of qi and blood.

When the last force of qi and blood poured into his body, Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the discussion for the first time.

Shallowly, I was shocked, and quickly lowered his head, respectfully saluting.

The strong are respected everywhere.

He paid a salute, and all the disciples behind him all followed, with a dry and respectful look, even with a hint of anxiety.

Everyone’s eyes are flashing.

They could see clearly, the eyebrows of the huge three-headed six-armed golden giant.

An ancient Zunzi, extremely obvious.

This also means that the Bloody Lord did not lie to them.

The person in front of him is really the fourth stage of the Supreme Master, so it can be seen from this that the other party realizes that the Nine Sun God Lotus must also

Of course it is true.

At the thought of this, everyone’s expressions became more and more enthusiastic.

This man, the future must be the supreme existence of the Nine Suns Realm.

The entire universe has never heard of anyone who has reached the Nine Suns Realm.

“You don’t have to be polite for a long time.” “(Read more @

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, raising his arm, and the gentle wind lifted everyone up.

Shallowly, there was a sudden tremor in my heart, and my body was shaking a little.

The other party was just a word, but it made them feel flattered, and their hearts were surging.

“Go back to Beijing Xiangcheng and talk about it first.

Jiang Yuan smiled faintly, and the power of his body’s energy and blood suddenly oscillated, covering everyone in an instant, turning into golden light, straight

After drilling into the speed of light space and disappearing.

Almost not long after everyone left-

The horrible figures came out one after another from the speed of light space.

They are suspended in the clouds, wearing different clothes, representing different star courts.

There are more than thirty people.

They are aloof, but at this moment, everyone has different degrees of astonishment on their faces.

Ancient Rongcheng has existed for millions of years.

What kind of battle happened before here.

Only by razing such a city with a population of tens of billions to the ground.

What a terrifying force this requires.

Many of them closed their eyes, as if they were deducing, and as if they were sensing.

Soon, a man opened his eyes first, and the horror in his eyes flashed away.

The old big characters at the center of the eyebrows are slowly bending, as if they are about to be deformed all the time.

“”Here has erupted before-world-destroying battles! !”

He was extremely shocked and frowned deeply.

“There are very terrifying fluctuations in vitality and blood in the air, the extent of this fluctuation”

He was analyzing it carefully. In the next second, his heart was shaken and he felt what he felt. He almost exclaimed: “It’s the fourth stage

The Supreme Lord. ”

“Who is the Supreme Master in the fourth stage of the universe, that’s just a little bit, but I have never perceived this breath.”



He is still perceiving,

The brow furrowed deeper and said: “There is also the cold-blooded atmosphere of the law enforcement army, that is to say, the law enforcement army,

It has appeared before. ”

Doubts instantly formed in his heart.

Not only was he surprised, but many people around him frowned and felt the changes in their breath.

No one talks.

He didn’t even have the idea of ​​going down to Gurong City.

Because he only needs to know a little bit.

The person who sent out to destroy the city was a fourth-stage supreme master.

This kind of existence, even if you know who did it, what can you do? Do you want to justify Gu Rongxing’s court and preside over the public?


Stop kidding, everyone is busy!

Immediately afterwards, more than thirty people once again turned into golden lights, rushing into the space of light speed and disappeared.

At the same time, on the top floor of Jingxiang Xingting Building in Jingxiang City.

Jing Hai was anxious in his office, walking back and forth, looking very anxious.

~This group of people, oh really

Jing Hai didn’t know what to say, they rushed out impatiently, I’m afraid this point, they are all dead!

What he is most worried about now is that they went to trouble with Gu Rong Xingting, and they were destroyed by Gu Rong Xingting.

He would not care if it was destroyed. After all, it had nothing to do with him.

But the problem is, the army of this group of people is still outside their own city!-

Dan Gu Rong Xingting was furious, and when the time came, he sent a large army over, once the war started.

The army outside the city hasn’t rushed into the city for the first time.

At that time, he would be really in trouble, and he might be killed by Gu Rong Xingting in the end.


After all, a Fourth-Rank Star Court wanted to kill him, just like pinching an ant to death.

At this moment, there was an urgent sound of footsteps outside the door.

Jing Hai’s heart trembled and he had already heard it.

The visitor was the veteran of his own star court, Jinghong of the broken star realm titled Wu Zun.

This person has always been calm, the sky collapsed in front of him, his face remained unchanged.

He was not worried about the development of the situation, and was specially sent out to investigate Gu Rongcheng’s intelligence.

With such anxious steps at this moment, something shocking must have happened.

Jing Hai’s hanging heart instantly sank into the bottom of the valley.

Sure enough, Jinghong’s exclamation came before anyone arrived.

“The big business is not good, it’s not good, something big has happened.”

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