Chapter 430 – : Fleeing

Without the slightest nonsense, the general roared and rushed out first.

A roar suddenly erupted from the army behind him, and it was passed in mighty.

Each soldier raised his spear, like an ancient infantry,-the rows are neatly arranged, trampling on the void, vigorously

go ahead.

No turning back, full of killing intent.

Almost the moment his voice fell.

A total of nineteen huge golden bodies of blood, vitality, and blood, all of them stopped moving, the huge bodies were all slowly turning


When the front of a golden body of vitality and blood, when looking at the army in the distance.

The general was stunned for a ten thousandth of an instant.

Because they saw the golden text above the giant’s eyebrows.

It is the supreme great deity, the great realm.

But the third stage of a supreme great master can not stop the pace of their army’s charge.


He took the lead, the momentum was like a rainbow, with a breath of iron and blood, turning the rivers and the seas, golden and iron horses, brave and sturdy.

This is the momentum cultivated by the veteran on the battlefield, who has wandered between life and death countless times and died in his life.

The general trend, qi is like a broken bamboo, and it is also a kind of power-

Coming down to kill,-like a character, will be robbed of his mind on the spot, his face is pale, and he is frightened.

Wherever the power goes,-go ahead.

290 Explosive

A hundred thousand army, stepping on the sky, as if coming from a cloud, with a spear in his hand, neat and uniform, the sound of haha, surging


But at this time.

More and more blood and golden bodies seemed to be alarmed, like an invincible giant, a statue turned around.

On each of the brows, there are inlaid ancient big ancient characters, like pictographs.






With eighteen grand realms, the invincible giant turned his head.

He glanced over.

The general’s complexion suddenly shook, his muscles were shaking, a color of horror flashed past his eyes, and his forward speed dropped suddenly.


Waving a big hand.

The 100,000 army behind him suddenly stopped and held each other.

It seems that the heavenly soldiers and the generals are facing the ancient gods and demons.

It is a golden giant from the wild and remote era, arrogant and domineering, and exudes an aura that does not belong to this era.

It is a more ancient and long-lasting product.

“Who are you guys?”(Read more @

The general was lingering in his heart, but his eyes were full of majesty, not at all because of the eighteen terrifying third-stage grandmasters.

Silky and timid.

Because behind him, stood a giant-like Xingying Star Court.

Millions or even nearly tens of millions of law-enforcement forces will share the same honor and disgrace.

No one dared to retaliate against the law enforcement army, because behind him, there are tens of thousands of troops behind him.

Every soldier is elite, extremely powerful, and can strangle everything.

But when the most terrifying and weird three-headed six-armed giant slowly turned his head, his heart suddenly tightened.

The expression on his face was no longer calm, but aghast.

Because at the center of the opponent’s eyebrows, an ancient hieroglyph, Zunzi, is clearly visible, shining brightly.


The supreme breath exudes.

Majestic and majestic, his eyes projected over, extremely noble.

“The fourth stage of the supreme deity, the grand realm of the deity.””

The general was shocked, with a hint of shock.

In the next second, crazy voices oscillated from the golden giant population, full of unquestionable taste.

It seems to be scolding the subordinates, making you go away immediately.

If you let you go, you must go. It is an order, and it doesn’t allow you to discuss nonsense.

The general’s complexion changed, his heart beating frantically in an instant, his mouth opened, he was speechless.

I dared not say anything for a while.

The powerful existence of the fourth stage of the supreme majesty, even in the 9th-rank star court, is high above, lying on the top of the nine heavens.

Enemy, suppress the world.

Placed in the Star Court of the Eighth Stage, it suppresses the Star Court luck and has the ability to change the dynasty (beeb).

Even more majestic than the emperor of the ancient dynasty, a word can determine the universe and rewrite the glory.

Faced with such a character, even if they are criminals, they must retreat, and they can’t go head-to-head, and the other party will not.

Even if he killed you, Xing Ting didn’t dare to offend him easily.

“Hahaha, good, good”

“East Palace Law Enforcement Army has been reprimanded, and they dare not say anything. How mighty and domineering.”

“Look at the general of the law enforcement team, his complexion changed again and he didn’t dare to say a word.”

The bloody Great Masters suddenly felt passionate, and their hearts were surging. The shocked whole body was trembling.

The blood oscillates, mutual transmission, both

Unparalleled excitement.

The dignified East Palace Law Enforcement Army, who was scolded by the chief of its own affairs, did not dare to say anything for a long time, standing among the clouds.

Dare to exceed the thunder pond half a step.

How domineering this is.

What an invincible posture to achieve this.

Their excitement can be imagined.

I can’t wait to look up to the sky, vent my passionate fighting spirit, and tell the world loudly.

This is their chief executive of Tenghong Star Court, their leader.

“Your Excellency is too domineering!”

The general’s complexion was extremely ugly, his expression changed again and again, and finally his voice spoke, his voice vibrated, very magnificent and vigorous.

Don’t admit defeat.

“The ancient banyan star court is a million-year-old star court in the universe of the universe. It cannot be erased on the earth for no reason. If you do this, just

It is a blatant provocation, we Xing Yingxing Court. ”

However, at the moment his voice fell.

Jiang Yuan instantly became furious, his voice was magnificent, full of anger, and roared: “I’ll let you go, can’t you hear me?

Don’t understand

With the sound of this sentence falling, Jiang Yuan’s huge body suddenly rushed towards the law enforcement team.

Stepping on in the city, one step for thousands of miles, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In an instant, he straddled the ancient banyan city, climbed the city wall in one step, and rushed towards them.

The earth is roaring, making unbearable noises, every step of the fall, the ground is cracking, and even shaking.

Countless buildings collapsed directly.

Countless creatures of all races screamed, wailed, and were trampled to death.


The general’s complexion suddenly changed wildly, and he became extremely shocked, very pale.

Although their law enforcement team is brutal and vicious, they are also creatures, with emotions and desires of their own.

They are also afraid of death!-

In an instant, the 100,000 army of steel castings all had an instant sensation, and they were truly shaken.


The general roared, waved his hands frantically, gave orders, and everyone’s bodies began to twist and deform on the spot.

They rushed into the light speed space to escape.

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