Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 429 - Law Enforcement Arrival

Chapter 429 – : Law Enforcement Arrival

The Criminal Shadow Court has a long history of nearly hundreds of millions of years, endless time, countless times, and a long history.

He even broke out his own brilliant civilization.

The law enforcement army is a sharp blade of Xingying Star Court, directly under the East Palace.

Every existence is a cold-blooded soldier god who retired from the front line. There is no mercy in his heart, and some are pure.

Killing is more unfeeling than a puppet.

And Sima Chongxiang, who is in charge of the East Palace, is even more respected and called the god of death in hell.

Colder than the executioner. According to legend, his blood is made of ice. It is extremely cold, as long as a drop of blood falls.

Enter a world.

It is even possible to freeze a planet into an ice ball.

Of course these are all rumors, not many believers, but it can be seen that people are afraid of Sima Chongxiang in the East Palace.


Almost from the bone marrow.

For tens of thousands of years, the world has never seen law enforcement troops marching on a large scale.

The last time was 100,000 years ago, a large army was dispatched and a star court was wiped out alive, including the entire ancient city.

After all, blood flowed into a river, and corpses were everywhere.

Trillions of corpses are piled up like a mountain, letting them rot and smell.

The smell can even make people smell it across thousands of mountains and rivers and infinite distances.

Thousands of years have passed there, the ground is scarlet, the hell is like an abyss, the ghosts cry day and night, countless injustices

The soul entangles boiling.

I was crying of my misery.



During the rainy season of the Great Region, the clouds there are red, and the lightning is also scarlet.

The voices that burst out were full of endless wailing sounds, as if they were the pleadings of infinite creatures when they were dying.

The rain will always smell of stench.

“Master. Master

At the side of Shallow Talk, his proud disciple, thin and thin, actually felt the breath of the law enforcement army. The whole thing was fine.

In a daze, he stood and stood up tremblingly.

His complexion instantly turned pale, remembering the old legend.

“It seems that this universe has undergone earth-shaking changes, and countless star courts will have to undergo a reshuffle for a long time.”

Talking about the dignified expression, the voice is trembling slightly, he slowly turned his head, stared at the disciples, and comforted: “The law enforcement forces do not

It’s what we should imagine, so feel at ease!” “They are ancient dragons, giant-like existences, we are not even as dust, and will not involve us.

Let me continue on the road!

“It won’t be long before you reach Jingxiang City.”

As he spoke, he waved his big hand, and his blood vibrated, enveloping all the disciples at once, and his body turned into a single piece.

Dao Liuguang drilled into the light speed space again.

At this time, the space at the speed of light still had the bloody smell of law enforcement forces flying by.

Extremely rich.(Read more @

They kept advancing along the passage, but Shallow’s complexion became paler, because he kept advancing along with him.

The bloody smell in the speed of light space became more and more intense, and the killing air became heavier.

He didn’t know Jingxiang City,-Che’s route was all the guidelines given by the Bloody Great Master.

He didn’t even have it. The route guide was not Jingxiang City but Gurong City.

The heart shook in an instant.

The surrounding atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, as if the law enforcement army is in front of him.

He even felt that the breath of the law enforcement army was diminishing.

same time.

Eighteen avatars of the first form of vitality, blood and golden bodies, unscrupulously, trampled on the ancient banyan city, with magnificent breath, sweeping everything-

Everything has been turned into rubble.

Countless racial creatures can’t escape at all.

The blood golden body contains the third stage of the Supreme Lord, the power of 80 billion stars, and the eyebrows of each clone are engraved with shining

Big print.

Even these words are distorted.

Vaguely changing towards Zunzi.

Even if it can’t break out, but the surging power, even if it spills out a little bit, is for the weak and weak

It was a devastating blow.

An eternal overlord, the emperor of disaster.

At the moment when the eighteen horror existences came, before they had time to scream, they were shocked by the surging power of blood and energy.

The body is directly gasified and shattered.

At this moment, the surging power of Qi and blood instantly penetrated from the speed of light space.

A golden figure, densely packed, constantly flashed out.

Take the lead in three people, the most powerful.

The first person, with big characters appearing on the center of the eyebrows, and the words appearing on the center of the eyebrows of the two people beside them, and they are still beginning to twist.

The big characters are changing.

This means that the two of them have already stood at the limit of the second stage of the Supreme Master, infinitely close to the third stage.

Behind them, all radiances flashed continuously, it was a powerful soldier.

Every native soldier is wearing golden armor, armed to his teeth, his face is cold and merciless, and his eyes are full of red.

The power of blood.


No one else, it was the law enforcement army who came to enforce the law.

A full 100,000 people.

Standing above the clouds, each statue exudes golden brilliance, incredibly bright, like a heavenly soldier.

But there was a smell of blood in the breath.

However, every time they appeared, they would cause terrifying exclamations of countless race creatures.

But this time, their appearance didn’t seem to cause the slightest disturbance.

What came from my ears was endless howls and screams.

The head of the general, his gaze suddenly projected out. In his eyes, there were almost two golden beams of light, which suddenly passed through the layers.

Stack of clouds.

In an instant, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he could see the ancient Rongcheng far away.

I also saw the nineteen terrifying and huge bodies.

Rushing unscrupulously in the huge ancient banyan city, trampling on everything, crushing everything, and almost imposing on the entire city

The act of destroying the city.


The general was furious, and the voice suddenly passed, extremely furious, and his body moved in an instant.

These weird giants dare to be in front of their law enforcement forces, without collecting (money?), unscrupulous, I

Going its own way, slaughtering the entire ancient banyan city.

This is contempt for their law enforcement forces.

Thousands of years, things have happened from outside.

The anger in the general’s heart is almost unimaginable.

The moment their law enforcement army arrived far away, the breath spread out early, just to warn all forces.

They are coming.

Such warnings are not detrimental, and no force dared to act when they felt their arrival in advance.

If you still dare to do it, you are committing a crime face to face.

Don’t give them the face of Xingying Xingting.

Even if you are right, now, you are also wrong.

“Follow me to kill

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