Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 396 - Three little dragons regret

Chapter 396 – :Three little dragons’ regret

Just beside the huge sun, you can see Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and other planets in the distance.

I also saw the small water blue star and the moon next to the water blue star.

Almost the moment they appeared, the four rays of light behind them also emerged from the void.

At the same time, above the Aquamarine star, every observation station, countless detection equipment erupted loud sirens.

The ancestor of the stunned dragon who lived in Jiangyuan’s residence soon got the news.

Frowned, stood up, and said to Jiang Yuan: “”There is an unknown object approaching our galaxy, I will go see how to get back

thing. ”

Cangyuan and others nodded slightly, not paying attention.

At this time, Aquastar has Jiangyuan in charge, and they are extremely relieved.


In an instant, the ancestor of the stunned dragon rushed into the space of light speed, and in an instant, he left the Aqua Star and came to the outside of the planet~.

I saw a huge pagoda with a length of 10,000 meters, nine floors, and a faint golden light, which was slanted and pierced quickly.

The vacuum of the universe.

Fly straight towards the water blue star.

The ancestor of Jinglong Ren felt the magnificent aura contained in that pagoda.

Shen but not hair, it contains a mighty, extremely ferocious aura, as if it were oppressed by a large star field.

Let his breath freeze in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that behind the huge pagoda, four powerful auras were approaching quickly.

It was actually the breath of four broken stars.

Every breath is stronger than him, especially one of them, with invincible fluctuations.

Pimo is all so-so.

“It’s the Invincible Patriarch of Broken Star Realm!”

The ancestor of the dragon trembling in his heart, his brows instantly twisted into the word Sichuan.

But-thinking of the strongest human race at this moment, Jiang Yuan is on the water blue star, and immediately there is the earth.

The voice also oscillated: “Terran Territory, you guys should stop immediately without permission.”

The moment the shocking dragon’s voice passed out.

The three people in the Potian Tower suddenly opened their eyes, with surprise in their eyes.

“It’s my master!” Ren Xiang was the first to speak, with excitement. In an instant, his body shook, and he went straight from the sky.

Rushed out of the tower.

The voice also passed out: “Master, it’s me, Ren Xiang

Surprised Dragon Ren Zu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned to the place where the sound was spreading, and he saw a black spot as small as a second.

A closer look revealed that it was actually his apprentice Ren Xiang.

“Ren Xiang, why are you?” Jinglong was shocked immediately.

I heard Ren Xiang anxiously say: “Master, ask Master Uncle and them to come out, we were chased and killed(Read more @

The moment Ren Xiang’s voice sounded, the four breaths chasing behind him suddenly closed, and their speed was involuntarily slowed down.

Come down.

Finally stopped slowly, watching Jinglong from a long distance away.

Sun Yongsheng and Peng Wanli also rushed out of the Potian Pagoda.

Under Ren Xiang’s control, the Potian Pagoda began to shrink, and finally turned into a pagoda with a length of 30 centimeters.

In his hands.

The three also flew to Jinglong’s side.

“what happened?”

Jinglong’s qi and blood transmitted to his apprentice, questioning in a solemn voice.

Ren Xiang was a little embarrassed and said: “Before the three of us, when we went to the Rui Clan, we accidentally got a star map.

The older kind. ”

“I had nothing to do at the time, so I followed the star map and left the territory of the Honglian Empire.”

“Inadvertently fell into a cosmic crack. I didn’t expect it to be a huge monument.

“The weapon we got, called the Pagoda, is a star-level town faction, and it was obtained in that ancient site.

Arrived. ”

“When we came out, we were seen by these few people, and when we saw Cai, we wanted to besiege us. Fortunately, we were

Fascinated with the help of the broken sky tower. ”

After listening to Ren Xiang’s brief introduction, Jinglong glared at the other party immediately, and said with a vicious look in his eyes: “Who told you to leave privately?

Kai Honglian Empire.

After speaking, they stared at Peng Wanli and Sun Yongsheng.

However, the two are the apprentices of Cangyuan and Xingyue, so they can’t say anything, they can only look into the distance.

The four people in the distance were also looking at Ruojinglong, and did not despise them because the opponent’s strength was weaker than them.

In the universe, there are often some weak people, but there are huge forces behind them. I don’t know the details to offend


Often it is a disaster to kill, even to the race.

0 Seek fresh. Flower

“Hello, are you the lord of the human race?” Gai Yang said hello very politely, with a kind attitude.

At the same time, on the back of his hand, a golden text, the word banyan, flashed past.

As the saying goes, you don’t hit smiley people with your hands, although they are a little angry, these people actually covet their apprentice’s baby,-

Road chase.

But he nodded slightly in return: “I’m just a member of the human race!”

However, at the moment of Jinglong’s return, the eyes of the four of them all had a fierce light, and they knew each other after they exchanged their eyes.

Inner thoughts.

They have been determined.

Shocking Dragon is not the power of Tianjie forces.

When the Celestial forces and the star courts meet and greet each other, the sign of the star court will appear on their hands.

Obviously Jinglong didn’t.

This means that Shocking Dragon does not belong to any Star Court force-

A Broken Star Realm that is not attached to the Star Court forces is a native, killed at will, and no one cares about it.

Because no one cares about the life and death of natives.

In the next second, Gai Yang’s expression became savage, and he said directly and decisively: “Hands.”

The moment the sound fell, the four of them rushed up in a flash.

Especially Gai Yang, whose body is in the starry sky, he pulled out thousands of golden rays of light, as if spreading out from behind

There are all Avenues of Stars.

Above his head,-a golden martial arts supernatural power fruit, exuding a bright light.

The energy of the whole body was shaking, and in front of him, a huge blood-colored giant python was condensed, extremely large.

It was like a continuous mountain range, roaring, rushing over.

The startled dragon’s complexion changed, and his body shook, and actually collided in the starry sky, making a series of rumbling noises, as if

The same as hitting the copper wall and iron wall.

The space around the body was condensed by the other party and turned into a crystal luster in an instant.


Ren Xiang’s complexion changed wildly, and he himself was under control, unable to move a bit.

However, he felt extremely regretful in his heart, why he brought the enemy to Aqua Blue Star.

It’s all right now. Not only will you die, but the master will be affected because of your own involvement.

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