Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 395 - Introduce Aquastar

Chapter 395 – : Introduce Aquastar

Peng Wanli still asked nervously.

“Believe me, I used to spend a year studying the ancestors of Jiangyuan people, according to his enchanting level, let alone two years

In the past, I am afraid that a year has passed.

“It has reached an unimaginable level, and don’t forget, he is a human race, even if he leaves, he will definitely stay.

Under various means.

“”What do you mean?” Peng Wanli was about to ask something, and was interrupted by the other party: “Okay, don’t ask, just

When we arrive at Aqua Blue Star, we will definitely be able to get out of trouble.

As he spoke, he closed his eyes, his blood slowly oscillated, and a blood-red clone of blood came out of his body.


Penetrated the Potian Tower, standing on the Potian Tower, looking to the rear.

His voice suddenly spread out, and he rebuked with confidence: “When will you catch up?

We will reach our home planet in ten minutes. ”

“-Once you reach our home planet, you will definitely be killed on the spot.”

Sun Yongsheng looked at the rear arrogantly, and the four golden lights chasing after him, their voices trembling and extremely domineering.

Sure enough, hearing Sun Yongsheng’s words, the four rays of light trembled slightly, but they recovered in an instant.

But Sun Yongsheng knew that he had really bluffed the opponent, and 027 immediately began to work harder.

“Our human race is a formidable race with a Valkyrie, and in Tianjie, it is also a powerful star court. There are

The position is in the body. ”

“Even if you kill us today, the ancestors of our clan will spend a lot of money. Please go back in time. Once you find

It was you who killed us, and none of your races could escape death. ”

Sun Yongsheng started talking nonsense.

He doesn’t even know what Tianjie is, and he doesn’t know what the star court in Tianjie is. He is also in that ancient site.

Among them, there are only a few words that I read.

But it doesn’t matter, just bluff the other party, and he doesn’t need to know.

But his words made the scalp numb of the four people who were chasing after.

Among them, the most powerful Broken Star Realm, the title of Patriarch Patriarch, his complexion suddenly changed, and his heartbeat accelerated.

I measured it in my mind.

The Sky Breaking Pagoda obtained by the three of Sun Yongsheng, but the Star Territory Town Sect! Put it in Tianjie, it is also the Supreme Master

Weapons that can only be used.

If he can get this weapon and dedicate it to the supreme majesty of his star court, then (badi) his status will be immediately

If it can soar, so can its strength.

And also climbed into the relationship of a supreme great eminent.

Such a deal is really a bargain.

Even if you don’t hand it in, keep it for yourself, as long as the blood stone is enough, the shining can burst out terrifying power.(Read more @

For example, Sun Yongsheng and the other three, in the third stage of the mere manifestation of the saints, in the realm of disaster, they can barely urge the destruction with the blood stone

Sky Tower.

Even if it only urges one-ten thousandth of the power, it can instantly break into the speed of sound, making them unable to catch up with them life and death.

If it’s him, throw in a lot of blood stones and urge it, I’m afraid that the title of Broken Star Realm may not be able to catch up with Wu Zun.


It’s definitely a good life-saving baby!

But the three people around him were a little shaken.

Someone among them said: “Gaiyang, do you want to continue chasing after? If you really offend the big forces, I’m afraid

Gai Yang’s complexion didn’t seem to say: “Now, you think that even if we let go now, the other party will not retaliate against me



Gai Yang said with a fierce look: “I don’t think they are really members of a powerful race.”

“Why?” The three of them were puzzled.

“Because of the speed

Gai Yang’s brain quickly thought: “If you are really the children of a powerful race, let them roam outside, you will never lose energy and blood.

Yes, quite a few, but you have not found out. ”

“From before to now, their flying speed has been slowing down. Obviously, the blood stones are consumed too fast and they have to save

“If there is really a huge blood stone, it can completely spur the Star Territory-level town faction. Just-click it to kill us.


“But they don’t, as you can see, they don’t have many blood stones, and even those blood stones are still from that ancient place.

Come in the trace. ”

Hearing Gai Yang’s analysis, the three of them were taken aback, their eyes revealed: “That’s it, these little bunnies want to play with me.


The three of them all breathed a sigh of relief, their complexion turned a little ugly, and the fierce light was revealed.

I was almost fooled by the three hairy boys. If this matter spreads out, wouldn’t it be a shame.

“So don’t worry

Xin, even if they have powerful characters on their home planet, they won’t offend us easily.

The name of our ancient banyan star court. ”

Gai Yang is very confident.

Tianjie Universe Domain is also a well-known domain. Gu Rong Star Court is a fourth-rank star Court, an ordinary race, so it’s not easy to dare.


In an instant, the blood of several people surged again, and their speed suddenly increased by a level.

Sun Yongsheng’s complexion became even more ugly.

It seems that he didn’t bluff the other party anymore.

In the next second, this qi and blood clone dissipated.


When Sun Yongsheng opened his eyes, Peng Wanli and Ren Xiang looked over, with hopeful expressions in their eyes.

Hearing what he said, the two of them were shocked.

In the subconscious, they don’t want to take the enemy to their home planet, but if they don’t go to the home planet, there is basically nowhere to go.

The entire Honglian Empire can fight against the four ancestors, plus an invincible ancestor, and only among the stars of the Empire

The one.

But going there is tantamount to having no return to meat buns and dogs.

It is very likely that the other party killed them, killing the people who were catching up, and finally blocked the news.

“Back to the water Blue Star, if you can’t do anything, give them this broken sky tower.”

Sun Yongsheng took a deep breath, made the final decision, and slowly closed his eyes.

Both of them sighed.

At the center of Peng Wanli’s eyebrows, countless red blood stones,-they slammed out, shattered directly in the air and turned into rolls.

The power of surging blood.

Bo Tian Tower was blessed by the power of Qi and blood, and its speed suddenly soared.

Ten minutes came in a flash.

At this moment, Ren Xiang’s voice resounded loudly and said: “Here.”

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the entire Pagoda under his control shook and shook, speed

Suddenly lowered.

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