Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 387 - Terran Three Little Dragons

Chapter 387 – : Terran Three Little Dragons

Towering buildings and spacious highways.

On the road, countless super-foreword-full of technological sense cars, using anti-gravity technology, hovering and driving fast, and

And no one can be seen in the driver’s seat.

Purely autonomous driving.

The population of the entire city has reached more than 30 million people.

The breath feels at will, and the strong are emerging in endlessly. The great masters are almost densely packed, and they are everywhere on the road.


In the sky, you can even see golden silhouettes shuttled back and forth, as if-dazzling big suns, all

They are all Sifang town generals.

Even the King of Humans, and even the strong in the realm of Human Emperors, are no longer in the minority.

“It turns out that time has passed so long!” Jiang Yuan suddenly realized that Tiansuke and the normal time flow rate of the universe are not equal.


Almost “800” Tianjie one day, nearly fifty hours, and the outer universe, almost fifteen days have passed.

He lived in Tianjie for more than a month, almost two months, almost two years.

“Ha ha

After figuring this out, Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly and said: “Did anything happen in the past two years when I was absent?”

“What do you mean!” Murong Qingyue couldn’t help but glared at Jiang Yuan, leaning against him, smelling the smell on his body, her face

With a satisfied smile.

Slowly said: “In the past two years when you are absent, our Aquastar has developed steadily and is supported by the Swiss advanced technology.

But we still maintain your original opinion. ‘

“Don’t fully accept the kindness of others, insist on bartering, and you don’t know

Murong Qingyue suddenly became interested and said: “Not long after you left, our human race has given birth to many geniuses, even a few

Personally, even more enchanting than you were at the beginning.

“Now there are three little dragons in our human race. It is almost a latecomer who has become the new hope of our human race! Probably one(Read more @

Months ago, they all became the emperor of disaster. ”

This time Jiang Yuan is different. How terrifying his rise was at the beginning, and exaggerating how he knows the best and can let himself

My wife was surprised.

It can be seen that these three people are really enchanting.

“Tell me about their situation.” Jiang Yuan was also interested. After all, he is a member of his own race.

People are naturally different from outsiders.

“Peng Wanli, Ren Xiang, and Sun Yongsheng, the average age of these three people is less than 30 years old.

The mountains are not leaking. ”

“But after entering the cosmic age, all adversities broke out, one more powerful than one, one more violent than the other, just

It took a year, and now it’s the emperor of disaster.

“Ren Xiang was the last one to become the emperor of disaster, but I heard.” Murong Qingyue lowered her voice and said: “This person has the most talent.

Strong, the most powerful, but the last to become the emperor.

“Many people speculate that what he became is not the emperor of the disaster, but the emperor of the disaster. Just like you, he is extremely talented.

Jiang Yuan raised his brows slightly.

He is not Xiaobai who just came out of the water blue star and knows nothing. He has passed through the heavens, and countless geniuses have gathered.

It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a galaxy to give birth to such a monster.

A disaster emperor, placed in Tianjie, has no talent, and even becoming a student of the star court is extremely difficult.

Look for relationships everywhere.

An Evil Emperor, a force such as Wang Teng Xing Ting, will even indulge in infinite benefits and give infinite benefits.

Welfare benefits.

The gap is not generally big, it is a huge difference.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan frowned. Although this was a good thing, he smelled it in it-it was wrong.


The birth of Aquastar’s evildoer is enough to shock the sky, and it can be said that it is the will of the planet to be born, acting strange in secret.

But the birth of such a monster like him has long emptied the background of Aquastar. I am afraid that in the next hundreds of millions of years, he will be born.

It’s not bad to have characters with a little bit of talent.

But in the following period of time, Aquastar seemed to burst out like a blowout, with strong people emerging in an endless stream, talented and perverted, and

One after another

The ancestors of the horrified dragon

People, received the message.

Went to Jiangyuan’s residence as soon as possible.

When I saw Jiang Yuan, he burst into laughter.

“Jiang Yuan, I haven’t seen you for two years, you don’t seem to have changed! How about, is the Tianjie you went to be beautiful?

Earth! Let you remember it!”.

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