Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 386 - Back to Water Blue Star

Chapter 386 – : Back to Water Blue Star

“The higher the star court’s rank, the stronger the strength. If you want to become a Purple Mansion, you need at least the existence of the Nine Suns Great Realm.”

The Bloody Grandmaster briefly summarized it.

Jiang Yuan Mingwu nodded and said: “Then follow the original plan and leave Yunhui domain first!”

Everyone nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, worried that Jiang Yuan would not be willing to evacuate. In that case, it would be a lot of trouble.

The enemy is in the dark, they are in the light.

Bright guns are easy to hide and dark arrows are hard to guard.

Jiang Yuan suddenly thought of something: “Is there any extra Tianjieshi in Xing Ting? I need to approve, the more the better.”

The Bloody Grand Master laughed and said: “Although our Star Court is not a big power, but Tianjieshi has a group, about

There are still about 10,000 pieces left. I will get them now if the chief executive needs them.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said, “I don’t need so many for the time being. It is enough to give me a hundred, and I heard that people from outside

With the help of Tianjieshi, entering Tianjie will randomly appear in various places. Is there a solution?

“It’s simple.” The bloody great master smiled faintly and waved his hand. Hundreds of Tianjie Stones were drilled out of the palm of his hand.


At the same time, among these tianjieshi, there is a red tianjieshi one.

“This is the main stone. As long as you carry this main stone, everyone within one kilometer of the surrounding area will set a spot when they enter the Tianjie.

Now next to the main stone. ”

While speaking, the red main stone fell in front of Jiang Yuan.

You can see the center of the main stone, there is a golden particle of light, like a star, flashing and flashing, sometimes bright

Sometimes dim.

“Chairman, you are planning to bring the tribe to Tiansuke!”

The Bloody Great Master seemed to have guessed what Jiang Yuan was thinking, and smiled and said: “We are now integrating resources and mobilizing the frontline team.

Army, it will take about three days. ”

“You can go back first, choose elite and potential tribesmen, and come to Tianjie, no matter what, in Tianjie, it is true.

The speed of power increase is countless times faster than in the universe.

Jiang Yuan nodded, seeing if there were a total of three hundred celestial stones in front of him, he smiled and said: “It is true, but I am after all

Chief Executive Officer of Star Court, these days Jieshi cannot be taken for nothing.

“Let’s do it! According to the value of these Tian Jieshi, put me in an account and temporarily misappropriated it. It is considered that I owe Xing Ting.

of. ”

The Bloody Lord and the others suddenly smiled, shook their heads quickly and said: “No need not, just Tian Jieshi, for some

For the weak and small races, it is very valuable, but for any star court, it is not a valuable thing.”(Read more @

He was still about to say something, but Jiang Yuan severely interrupted him: “One yard goes to one yard, since I am now the chief executive,

So many things must be enforced impartially. ”

“I can’t do whatever I want just because I’m the chief executive, privately embezzling, it’s counted as a kind of welfare, but I have to pay

Jiang Yuan said with a serious expression: “Private things are private! But public resources belong to everyone. Use power for personal gain.

I can’t do it. ”

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s iron-clad, righteous and awe-inspiring look, the eyes of all five of them were bright, their hearts shook, and they knew this.

The one-time choice is right.

The Bloody Great Master also looked serious and said: “The Chief Secretary said that it is very true that I have not waited for it to think about it.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: “The next thing is to proceed according to the original calculation, I will return to Zhao’s mother star first.

While speaking, the blood in the body shook slightly, and the invisible force field spread out, covering the three hundred Tianjieshi in front of him.

All shook, turned into streamers, and drilled in towards the center of Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows.

Seeing Jiang Yuan preparing to leave, the bloody Great Venerable gritted his teeth and said, “Chief Affair Officer, I have something for you.”

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes looked past, and he saw that a golden light appeared on the center of the opponent’s eyebrows, turning into-

A crystal-like retention stone.

“This remaining stone is the founder of our Star Court, Wang Teng’s ancestor of the Nine Suns Realm. When we break through the Nine Suns Realm, we will do it.

I hope it will be useful to you.

After I finished speaking, I was afraid that Jiang Yuan would not accept it. He added: “Don’t worry, this is my personal belongings. It does not belong to Xing Ting. It has always been caused by

Protected by the strongest person in our star court. ”

In the next second, the retention stone flew directly towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan took the remaining stone, his face was slightly taken aback, and then he nodded at the other party and said: “Don’t worry, I will keep it, no

Will let it go. ”

Ask for flowers

After Jiang Yuan said carefully, his body instantly disappeared in place.

Almost instantly, on the sofa of a villa of Shuilanxing, a small area of ​​space distortion appeared, and a figure appeared.

Gradually condense and form from illusion.


Shocked, the next step caused a powerful man who was guarding outside the villa.

In an instant, golden lights rose from the ground, directly suspended, almost level with the second floor, the bright golden lights from

Shining in the window-

Zun Zun Sifang Town, instantly surrounded the entire villa on the second floor.

A pair of strict and resolute eyes looked in.

But the moment they saw Jiang Yuan, everyone’s expressions were slightly taken aback, their heads lowered instinctively, the bright golden light on their bodies

Slowly converge

“Let’s go down!” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded faintly, as if thunder, passing through everyone’s ears.

Downstairs, Murong Qingyue trembled slightly when she heard the movement. He took a step and appeared on the second floor.

In front of the sofa.

She looked straight at Jiang Yuan, her expression on her face was extremely excited, and her eyes trembled slightly.

You, you, you are back! “The next second, Murong Qingyue rushed into Jiang Yuan’s arms, holding him tightly, crying

stand up.

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t know, so he couldn’t help but said: “What’s the matter?”

“You still have the face to ask what’s wrong!” Murong Qingyue raised her head, pitying Li Hua’s rainy face, and raised her hand.

Want to slap Jiang Yuan.

But looking at Jiang Yuan’s resolute cheeks, he couldn’t help it in the end.

“Do you know that you have been away for almost three years, and there is no news at all. You, you, you won’t come back?

I thought you were dead outside.

Murong Qingyue couldn’t help but choked up.

In her life, when she left Jiang Yuan for so long, even a month would feel extremely long, full of misses for her husband. Jiang Yuan’s face was stunned for an instant.

In the next second, the power of qi and blood spread out and instantly enveloped the entire Sixth Ancient City.

It was discovered that the Great Six Ancient City had already undergone earth-shaking changes when I left before, and the area occupied has increased tenfold.

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