Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 349 - The method is extremely violent

Chapter 349 – : The method is extremely violent

-Dao Dao Glory condenses in an instant, appearing in the fighting space out of thin air.

Everyone in the Wang Teng Star Court suddenly appeared, occupying a space, although there were only thirty-four people, but everyone

The body exudes an extremely strong aura.

Each chief instructor is of the level of the god of war, and possesses the power of more than one hundred thousand stars-

Disperse, stand in a row, the blood in the body is surging, boiling endlessly, and black brilliance spreads from the center of the eyebrows.

Spread the whole body, like more than thirty cosmic black holes.

Even the light cannot shine in.

The three star courts, each occupying a position to stimulate the power of qi and blood, are just like cosmic black holes.

Floating, his breath locked in Qingyun.

It forms a huge circle, completely enclosing him.

“It’s still a little bit like!” Qingyun’s voice changed a little, and his eyes gradually became serious, even in that seriousness.

Among them, there was still a hint of excitement.

Like a madman’s enthusiasm.

The qi and blood in his body are also surging, and the muscles in his body are constantly bulging, 02-root-root-old-tree-like meridians

It emerges on the surface of the skin and stands out.

His height is gradually increasing, and his internal bones are creaking.

All of a sudden, the body stretched, reaching a height of four meters, which is more than twice as high as before.

Feel irritable.

The factor particles in the space are all infected, trembling, and gradually forming a red glow around the body.

An extremely terrifying breath burst out, invisible and invisible. Almost instantly, his body disappeared in place at a fast speed.

His naked eyes cannot capture, nor can his breath be sensed.

This is a change that will only occur when the speed reaches the extreme and the combat power is completely crushed.

In an instant, everyone’s complexion had a moment of cohesion.

A roar of anger followed, bursting out among the three star courts.

“Gather energy and blood, open the battle formation.

In three directions, three different voices resounded in unison, and the voices roared continuously.

“The Battle Array” “The Battle Array”-

A steady cry erupted from the mouth of a chief instructor, and everyone suddenly shook their faces.

The surface of the skin, like water waves, is constantly agitated.

Everyone stretched out their hands at once, with five palms facing upwards, all the pores of the whole body, the silk thread turned into countless vitality and blood, smoothly

Wrapped around the surface, gathered in the palm of the hand, turned into a beam of light, soaring into the sky.

Directly diffuse in mid-air, merge with each other, and then condense into a red blood barrier, which spreads directly, condensing all(Read more @

People are shrouded.

At this moment.


There was a violent sound, and the sound of the collision of the mountains suddenly resounded, three large star courts, three huge prototype qi and blood barriers.

Was collided almost at the same time.

Everyone felt a tremor all over, and there was a great pressure coming from them, and their bodies couldn’t help shaking.

What’s more terrifying is that an area of ​​the light curtain suddenly smashed, and the ripples continued to spread and swept, before arriving.

All areas of the entire light curtain.

Above the starting point of the collision, there are actually cracks-dense lines, like spider silk, at any time

To be broken.

“How can it be so powerful

Next to Jiang Yuan, Wen Su couldn’t help but gasp, and directly conveyed to Jiang Yuan: “This is a battle formation, it is a kind of condensate.

The method of gathering energy and blood is the law of war. On the battlefield, there are fortresses, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Qingyunju

However, a collision caused the battlefield to sway and shatter.

“This, this, this is the extent to which the power surpasses us too much and forms a crushing force. What is even more incredible is that

He actually attacked three battle formations at the same time in an instant. If he attacked one battle formation and shot with all his strength, then he would


He was so shocked that his face became extremely pale.

Next to Jiang Yuan, the chief of affairs also turned pale, and his voice passed: “Master Jiang Yuan, this person is so strong,

It’s beyond imagination. The moment he disappeared, I couldn’t detect him, and I couldn’t find his form at all, that is

Said that his speed has surpassed my detection limit

Having said this, he couldn’t help taking a breath of cold air, his complexion was unprecedentedly solemn, and his whole body vibrated again, even more.

Add the power of turbulent vitality and blood.

The beams of blood and energy in both hands also skyrocketed, and the light became more intense, instantly repairing the broken battle array light curtain.

Jiang Yuan looked outside with a faint gaze, no one could see, but he could see clearly in the space in an instant.

The darkness of the road is like a silk thread.

Rotating around the three major light curtains, looking for a breakthrough.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and suddenly paused in the direction of Dahong Star Court.

Light skyrocketed

Rushed into it instantly.


Upon a collision, the battle formation of Dahong Star Court directly shattered, making the sound of glass shattering, and all the people inside looked sad.

The son became pale, and many people’s bodies shriveled all at once.

It was the back shock of Qi and blood, which shattered countless cells in their bodies in an instant.

Once the cell dies, not only does the breath weaken, but the body becomes smaller, as if turning into a child.

050 All of them opened their eyes in horror, and saw a dark stream of light hovering in front of them, no

Distorted, it turned into a blue cloud in a blink of an eye.

Qingyun’s complexion is extremely hideous, full of murderousness, and even the smell of blood boils all over his body, extremely violent and cruel.

The voice was transmitted all at once.

“The tortoise shell is broken. Hehe, his face is extremely hideous, accompanied by a vicious smile: “Then you all


Before the sound fell, his body shook, leaving a phantom in the same place, instantly appearing in front of the chief secretary

One hand grabbed the opponent’s neck at once.


The face was shocked and shocked, and wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in the mouth, and the neck was accompanied by a click.

The sound was directly twisted off.

Moreover, in Qingyun’s hands, there are strong fluctuations, the frequency is very fast,-after the shock continues, his entire

The body was not spared either, and it burst to pieces with a bang.

At this time, the wolf entered the flock, like entering the land of no one, unscrupulous, extremely mad and cold, murderous, and mad.

Laughing, keep making shots.

All the joints in the upper and lower parts of the body are turned into sharp weapons. Under the turbulence of Qi and blood, countless cells condense into a stalk.

The sharp white blade…

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