Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 348 - -One person singles out three star courts

Chapter 348 – :-One person singles out three star courts

The Dream Eater seemed to come back to his senses, his complexion became more and more ugly, his voice was full of hysterics and said: “He

Don’t you want us to go together? Then we go together, I want to see how ruthless he is. ”

After speaking, the body disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the world in the screen in the next second.

The two chief executives who destroyed the Star Court looked at each other helplessly, knowing that the Dream Eater must be dissatisfied and thought it was a carelessness.

Now let’s find the face first.

Afterwards, the two also disappeared in place instantly, appearing in the inner world.

“Intentionally, I thought you didn’t dare to come.” Dalian Qingyun looked at the Dream Eater mockingly, and then said lightly: “Since

The three of you are here, so let’s get started!”

The moment the voice fell, the sky suddenly shook, and the countdown number appeared again.

This time, the power of Qi and blood in the Dream Eater’s body suddenly widened, and his complexion was extremely condensed, and the blood and qi spread all over his body.

Within a hundred miles, be prepared for everything-

Once the other party dared to get close, this time he should teach the other person how to behave.

Almost at the moment his thoughts just fell, the countdown to the runes in the sky ended, and in an instant, in front of the Dream Eater

The scene was shaking again.

He was shocked to discover that Dalian Qingyun’s body appeared before him again without warning.

There is no nonsense, the history is so similar, the palm of the other party grabs his face again and again, accompanied by a click.

Squeeze to death directly.

The other two chief executives who destroyed the Star Court suddenly got up with shock, their eyes shocked.

If the first time is careless, then the second time you are ready for everything and you are still pinched to death, then it is not careless, then

The disparity in strength has reached its limit.

It’s not on the same level at all.

“Hands on.”

The two roared, they had to do it to seize the opportunity, even if they were lost, they could fight one or two tricks, and they wouldn’t die.

So ugly.

However, as soon as their voices fell, Dalian Qingyun’s body shook twice in a row.

People in the spectator area heard two creaking sounds before they could see what was going on.

The two heads were crushed.

In the next second, the bodies of the three chief executives who destroyed the star court began to condense and form in the viewing area.

As soon as they appeared, the three of them all got up in shock, staring at Dalian Qingyun in the picture.

Only when they really fight each other can they truly realize that the opponent is powerful enough to pinch them to death.

Ants are no different.

“So strong, does this person possess senior-level strength, how can such strength challenge us shamelessly?(Read more @

Chief of the Star Court?”

“The three chiefs of affairs joined forces and were all pinched to death. With one move, the gap is too big. No one is an opponent. Maybe

Only the veteran can sanction him. ”

“It seems that today is over. Tomorrow, let’s see how Wang Teng Xingting was abused!”

There was a lot of discussion in the surrounding people, and the Dahong Star Court and the chief instructors who destroyed the Star Court looked over.

Jiang Yuan also stood up, his voice faintly said: “Today is over, then everyone will go back!”

Ready to leave after speaking, but just after some action, Dalian Qingyun in the world of the picture suddenly burst into laughter

Said: “I didn’t expect it! I didn’t expect that the Yunhui Star Territory was tens of thousands of years ago, and it was considered strong, but I didn’t expect it to be less than ten thousand years ago.

Time has faded to this point, which is a pity. ”

“Forget it, I don’t bother to have trouble tomorrow. Let’s go to the three star courts together! What is the chief instructor’s one?

Get up!” Dalian Qingyun said lightly, confident and arrogant.

Jiang Yuan frowned.

Jiang Yuan was not the only one, everyone present was startled in amazement, and looked at them with incredible surprise.

“Is this person crazy? Challenge the three star courts in one breath, all the chief instructors will not say, even us chief instructors are together

Challenge, really consider yourself invincible?”

Be arrogant and win a few clerks, you’ll be defiant. You know, among us chief instructors

But there are also many martial sages with the power of millions of stars, but they are not able to improve because of insufficient merits. ”

“Since he is looking for death, why not satisfy him?”

The three star courts were full of anger at this moment, standing on the united front for the first time in history, with the same hatred of the enemy.

The three chief executives beside Jiang Yuan also looked gloomy, and looked at the middle of the picture scroll with a bad look.

Lian Qingyun.

But they didn’t say a word, instead they looked at Jiang Yuan.

Because here, Jiang Yuan’s status is the most distinguished, he is the person in charge of this trip, and his will represents Xing Ting’s

Will cannot be violated and can only be executed.

Jiang Yuan said indifferently: “Don’t look at me, if you play a fight

, I don’t care about 0.”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, the three people’s expressions relaxed, and they heard Dalian Qingyun’s voice in the picture again unscrupulously.

Laughed wildly.

“What shit three big star courts, rubbish-like big grand star courts, none of them can resist my fist, what else

Destroy the Star Court, the name is domineering, Destroy? Destroy what? Destroy one’s own ancestral grave?” “Can be lined up with these two rubbish star courts, you Wang Teng Xingyuan, a raccoon dog, you will be fame.

It’s still rubbish after all. ”

Dalian Qingyun continued to use words to anger the three star courts, and sure enough, everyone in the most irritated Destruction Star Court became angry.


“Damn it.” The Dream Eater roared and roared: “Everyone who destroys the Star Court, kill him.”



Everyone immediately boiled and disappeared in place, and appeared in the world in the scroll in the next second.

Soon, the people in Dahong Star Court became angry and said, “Go

In the next second, the people in Dahong Star Court also disappeared one after another.

“Haha, not bad, this is what a warrior should look like!” Dalian Qingyun watched all the people from the two star courts enter.

Coming, suddenly laughed and clapped his hands.

In the next second, he looked towards Wang Teng Xingting, where Jiang Yuan was, and his voice became extremely indifferent and said: “It seems that I am nothing.

Understand the Dahong Star Court and Destroy Star Court. ”

“Although you are all rubbish 2.4, but the courage is commendable! I did not expect that Wang Teng Xingting, who seems to be the strongest, has soft feet.

Shrimp, I dare not come here

As his voice fell, the people in Dahong Star Court and those who destroyed Star Court became even more ugly.

At Jiang Yuan’s side, the three major incumbent chiefs all looked at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan took a deep breath, slowly twisted his neck, moved his meridians, his voice was extremely cold and violent.

“Let’s go! Don’t make people wait in a hurry.”

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone (*^v^*), and send everyone a blessing gift. Hope that in the new year, everyone is lovely n(*≌

7≤*)n’s big ones!!! All wishes come true, everything goes well, safe and healthy, parents are healthy,

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