Chapter 314 – : Horrible data

Smiling indifferently for Lian, a new instructor in Jiangyuan, unknown, in the entire Yunhui domain, was previously unknown.

Fortunately to join the Wang Teng Star Court, it is already the supreme good fortune, the ancestor’s accumulation of virtue.

I want him to have a good record, it’s crazy and whimsical.

The strong will be treated with courtesy everywhere. It is an important resource for all forces to compete for and has a strategic significance.


His careless eyes drifted slowly, but he wanted to see Jiang Yuan’s record. Don’t only have more than a hundred games, then

Isn’t that too boring.

Gu Trout slapped him to death with a slap.

But in the next second, his eyes froze instantly, and his pupils were suddenly contracting and expanding. He was very shocked and breathed in one breath.

Go in, almost can’t vomit out.

What did he see?

He actually saw the calm five-digit ranking on Jiang Yuan’s panel, deeply portrayed on it, flashing

With golden brilliance.

Thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven consecutive victories.

“Ah.” The moment I saw this number, Lien’s brain burst with a bang-generally, his scalp was numb, almost sharp.

Screamed, but the voice rolled in his throat, and it became extremely hoarse.

A coldness of 28 instantly soared from the spine, straight to the heavenly spirit cover, and rushed his thoughts to disperse.

“Oh my god ah ah ah ah

“Am I blind?”

“Thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven consecutive victories, oh my god”

When Jiang Yuan’s data screen appeared before everyone’s eyes, no one could remain calm, and his eyes had to be

Out of his eyes, horrified.

The 301 class student, the man who looked like a noble young master, shook his palm, and the feather fan in his hand came out, five

Refers to being stiff and unable to grasp it.

The student who first despised Jiang Yuan before, his eyes flashed, his heart thumped and throbbed wildly.

The highest heartbeat of an ordinary person is only one-hundred-seven-hundred-eight, he instantly rushes to the sky, reaching five hundred, and his blood is flowing frantically.

Boiling in the body.

The surface of the entire body was instantly congested, and his complexion was even reddish and purple.

“His voice was trembling and hoarse, and he was extremely frightened. Jiang Yuan was standing on the podium before it appeared in his mind.

The hand commands the wine, and the void condenses four mantras.

the first

“I am the source of the human race, and I came to Tianjie the second day.”

Second sentence

“One day and night, I entered the martial arts arena, and I won a hundred games in a row overnight, and obtained the ultimate golden rune of a hundred consecutive victories in the martial arts arena.”

Third sentence

“On the night of the second day, I was entering the martial arts arena, one night. 15 rounds of rounds of battle won 32,767 in a row.(Read more @


Fourth sentence

“On this day, the limit of my combat power soared. The power of 1.2 million stars is comparable to Wu Sheng.

Four sentences suddenly appeared in his heart, thunderous, roaring, resounding endlessly, reverberating in the world, full of

The invincible will, the absolute domineering, and the belief in others.

In his mind.

A terrifying figure, towering above the sky, a huge body, with the sun and the moon above its head, and the stars in its hands, all beings cannot

Look at his back.

In an instant, all the spectators lost their voices.

And in the battlefield of death, Gu Trout had a hideous color on his face, his eyes were arrogant, full of coldness, high above him, all of a sudden

Fly to the sky, higher than Jiangyuan.

This is showing his identity, showing his identity, extremely noble, Jiang Yuan is only worthy of looking up at his feet from below


But the next second, the expression on his face solidified in an instant.

Jiang Yuan’s message also popped out and appeared in front of him.

Name: person

Race: Hidden

Realm: Hidden

Title: Hidden

Strength: Hidden

Record: 32,767 consecutive victories

At the moment of seeing the record, Gu Trout’s complacent expression on his face solidified in an instant, his eyes widened in amazement,

With an incredible look.

“Three. Thirty-two thousand scenes, he looked at Jiang Yuan all of a sudden, and he saw that the opposite side was indifferent.

No sorrow or joy, neither salt nor light.

“How come you, aren’t you a new instructor? How can you win so many games in a row?

There must be a data error. ”

He looked at Jiang Yuan incredulously, his voice suddenly roared, his voice was loud, he was questioning Jiang Yuan, and his heart was chasing.

Gradually filled with despair.

Jiang Yuan did not say a word, the speed was not fast, and slowly, flying towards the ancient trout a little bit, it was like leisure to relax-

In this way, I was watching the scenery, looking around at will.

However, as the source of the river continued to approach, Gu Trout’s face became more and more ugly, his eyes became more and more frightened, and his internal muscles were

The shaking of control.

That is his instinct.

At the same time, in Jiang Yuan’s body, the power of qi and blood was oscillating a little, and countless cells began to activate, exuding stars.

The same power of vitality and blood.

In an instant, all the 40,000 basic combat power broke out.

But then, everything is opened directly through the first phase of the chapter of power, and it is multiplied by ten times, and the gain is doubled.

Four hundred thousand combat power.

Suddenly and directly, the breath is like a magnificent world, hitting the sky and the earth at once, forming a big curtain, covering the sky and the sun.

Covering everything, the billowing flood is like a monstrous, swept away all at once. 380

“Uh uh uh uh uh uh

Gu Trout’s throat made unconscious huh, uh, and all his body muscles were stiff, as if they were frozen-completely.

Lost power, unable to move.

It’s like an ant, suddenly infinitely bigger,-the child becomes ten million times, like a star, hanging in front of him


The role changed and he became an ant.

Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry, stepping on the void, reaching the sky step by step, and approaching step by step.

Every step of approaching, stepping on the world, it turned into a terrifying pressure, constantly impacting his soul, constantly

Shatter his will.

But this is not the whole story of Jiang Yuan, this is just the beginning.

In the next second, all things are opened by the second-order chapter.

A total of 30 times the gain, frenzied eruption, the combat power soared frantically, the power of 12 billion stars.

In an instant, the space around Jiang Yuan was completely distorted and deformed, an extremely crazy and hideous aura, all of a sudden.

To penetrate the sky and the earth, you have to rush into the starry sky and enter the galaxy.

Behind Jiang Yuan, the horrible shadows are condensing.

On top of his head, he looked like himself in pitch black, extremely majestic, like a god of death, cruel and infinite, sitting high among the nine stars.

Up, looking down at the sky and the earth. ,

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