Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 313 - Dead battlefield

Chapter 313 – : Dead battlefield

Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly resounded indifferently, and slowly said: “No

For Lian Weiwei, even the two behind him got cold, but the next second, the three of them burst into laughter, imitating

The Buddha heard the most funny joke in the world.

“Well, this is what you said, never die, but we didn’t force you to be beaten to death, don’t blame me

remind you. “At the end of the talk, Lien’s voice also became cold and said: “I will take charge of this matter myself and help Gu Trout agree to it. ”

Jiang Yuan faintly-smiled: “You should ask yourself!”

Dai Lian was very proud, and interrupted Jiang Yuan’s words directly: “No, I can take charge of this matter.”

“In that case, please come back, those three! I will be there later.

After the three people left, Jiang Yuan looked under the “One Three Seven” podium.

Twenty students, all of them squeezed the Jie Shi, one after another, their bodies twisted and turned into a light spot, which immediately dissipated.

Enter the martial arts arena.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were cold, and his faith moved, Tian Jieshi appeared instantly, carrying his body, and disappeared.

In situ.

The Gu Trout in the fighting field also received the news of Lien, and suddenly laughed wildly.

“The posterity is terrible! It is really fearless for those who don’t know, so good! You did a good job for Lian, since he wants to die, then what should I do?

Why don’t you be satisfied with him! Then don’t others say I am stingy. ”

Gu Trout’s voice is full of arrogance, just like his domineering character.

Standing in front of Gu Trout on behalf of Lian, he was floating, and smiled calmly: “Then I will change the battlefield mode to death battle now.


“Good 1”

At the same time, in the fighting arena room.

Jiang Yuan directly searched Room 301, and a line of numbers and two options popped up.

“The exclusive fighting space has risen to a dead battlefield. Please choose carefully. If you die in it, you will really die.

Method to restore the body.

In addition to this line of words, the two options are: participating in the battle and watching the battle.

Jiang Yuan directly clicked on the participation button, and a line of numbers popped up on the screen again, saying: “Please wait for the spectators to arrive.

The time is sixty seconds, counting down.

at the same time.

The conversation between Jiang Yuan and Di Lian also spread wildly, spreading throughout the huge Wang Teng Star Court.

In one of the classrooms, the instructors who were instructing the students were startled when they saw the information on their wrists.

Come, immediately stop all the guidance, and immediately tell the news.

A student was stunned on the spot, followed by crazy discussions.(Read more @

“What’s the situation? Why did a sudden death fight erupt? The last time something like this happened was a hundred years ago!”

“I heard that it was Gu Trout who was embarrassing a new instructor. This should be the case.

“That’s not going to be a direct death fight, right! Is this show to bully people? His ancient trout is a god of war, and even an instructor

Invincible ancestors.

“Who knows! However, how shameless Gu Trout is, he won’t start the death battle, I guess, I’m afraid it is this

The new instructor was irritated and couldn’t bear this bad breath. I asked for it!”

In the classrooms, people kept talking, and naturally some of them didn’t like ancient trout, and some remained silent.

But in the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Yuan is looking for death, how far is the gap between the invincible ancestor and the god of war, just like the gap between the warrior and the generals of Sifang

It is no exaggeration to say that one slap can be slapped to death.

This incident spread quickly, from top to bottom, alarming countless people.

A well-known student, a well-known instructor, and even a chief instructor, all aroused the power of Tian Jieshi, entered it and began to observe


Even Yin Chai was slightly taken aback when he heard the news, his brows wrinkled, and he snorted coldly: “Really

It is self-defeating, such a stimulus will start a deadly battle, such a state of mind, the future will not go far. ”

After speaking, he closed his eyes again, and didn’t even bother to watch the game.

But unlike Yin Chase, when Bai Hong got the news, he stepped excitedly in the room.

His face was extremely ruddy.

“It’s so powerful that it swallows the world.” Bai Hong was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of expressions: “This is to kill the ancient trout.

I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it to kill the trouble in the bud and rise strongly!”

“Waiting to enter the deadly battle” Bai Hong couldn’t help being shocked:” At that time, the entire Wang Teng Xing Court would be a sensation.

In the next second, Bai Hong aroused Tian Jieshi and disappeared into the room.

At this time in Jiangyuan Wudoufang, the number on the screen was still counting down.



When the number reached one, Jiang Yuan touched the war button, and his whole person disappeared instantly.

Land, just appeared in one

Between the huge world.

The land is vast, the mountains and rivers are steep, and there are rivers and rivers not far away, boiling, surging, and roaring.

Resound constantly.

Above the firmament, the clouds are white, and there are groups of strange animals and birds flying by in groups, constantly crying.

Also in the viewing space that Jiang Yuan could not see, -Tao Dao silhouettes quickly distorted from the void and turned into-

Famous students and even instructors.

The number is increasing.

Everyone saw that above the sky in the field, a text symbol was slowly condensing.

That is the ancient blue rune, representing three.

The moment this text appeared; in front of everyone, the information of the two people who were fighting also began to bounce out.

The first thing that pops up is Gu Trout’s message.

Name: Gu Trout

Race: Giant War Clan

Realm: Broken Star Realm

Title: Valkyrie

Strength: power of 153,000 stars

Record: 3,123, 1.9 consecutive victories

When seeing Gu Lin’s information, many instructors and even chief instructors were surprised. “This ancient trout actually hides its strength, the power of 150,000 stars, if it were not for today’s battle, I am afraid that

Some people think that his combat power is only one hundred thousand stars. ”

“It’s really terrifying. Gu Lin’s strength is not weak when placed among the chief instructors.” Now, this new instructor is really hopeless, and there is no doubt that he will die, and there is no possibility of survival!

Excited, choose to fight to death, it’s a pity.

People talked a lot, listening to Lian’s ears, and feeling complacent in their hearts, and their expressions became proud and proud.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Trout’s information panel began to dissipate, and Jiang Yuan’s basic information panel slowly emerged.

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