Chapter 300 – :Qi Xue Dan

Leaving Wang Teng Xing Ting, Jiang Yuan returned to Lan Liangliang’s home-

Standing at the door, you can see a small hole in the door, emitting a faint blue light, turning into countless blue tiny

After the light beam scans up and down, the door of the room automatically opens with a slight sound of air pressure.

Hearing the door opening, Lan Yue’er walked out of the room, her hair was still a bit wet,-while wiping her hair-

Pointing to the next room.

“You will live in the room next to me from now on↓”

Jiang Yuan looked over, nodded with a smile, was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lan Yueer.

Lan Yueer said neither salty nor indifferent: “You don’t have to thank me, this is what my brother meant, and you helped me a lot today.

Busy, since you are staying in my house for a long time, naturally you will arrange a room for you.

Jiang Yuan smiled and didn’t care. When he walked into the room, he found that the background color of the room was pink and the curtains were

The pink base, portraying the cloud pattern, the wind is light and elegant.

The desk is made of white jade, which is an unknown material and exudes a light fragrance.

Lan Yue’er walked to the desk and opened one of the drawers. There were pieces of retention stones in it. She picked it up and said

: “These remaining stones belong to me. From now on, this cabinet will belong to you temporarily. You can put any sundries in

Jiang Yuan nodded. He has just arrived, and it hasn’t been long since he came to Tianjie. His sleeves are breeze, and there is really no debris.

If you talk about sundries, it’s the golden brand that you got in the fighting arena before.

After thinking about it, he took out the golden sign and placed it in the cabinet.

Lan Yue’er suddenly looked at Jiang Yuan with a look of contempt, “Are you so poor? All over your body, this one thing?”

Jiang Yuan smiled lightly and said, “I didn’t have anything on my body when I first arrived. The rest of the things were also on my home planet, and I didn’t bring them.

Lan Yue’er shook her head and said, “I advise you to return to Zhao’s mother star and ask for Tianyuan Stone from the elders of the family.

If you don’t have the Tianyuan Stone, you can bring some special products back. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to move in Tianjie. ”

“Although Tianjie is good, Tianyuan Stone is needed everywhere. Tianyuan Stone can not only be used to increase the power of Qi and blood, but it can also be traded.

It’s something like currency. If you want to quickly increase the power of vitality and blood, you need to buy various treasures with Tianyuan Stone. ”

Lan Yue’er simply said, stretched out her hand, and directly took out the golden sign Jiang Yuan put inside.

Just see the simple number one hundred portrayed above.

After a while, Lan Yue’er’s expression turned weird, and Jiang Yuan said from the corner of her eyes: “I didn’t expect that you still have this habit.(Read more @

You made this brand yourself!

Jiang Yuan was stunned, wondering: “What kind of habit.”

Lan Yueer shook the golden sign in her hand and said, “You did it yourself! Did you know that the martial arts field has won ten consecutive victories?

One hundred consecutive victories, or even a thousand consecutive victories, do not have inscription tokens. Only ten thousand consecutive victories will have inscription tokens.

Symbol, and its glory. ”

After finishing talking, he looked at Jiang Yuandao with contempt: “You are really thinking about flying before the road is complete. It’s so high, you just came first.

My God, I didn’t learn the good ones, but the bad ones are easy to come by!”

“Do you know that fabricating inscription tokens is not a serious crime, but once discovered by the strong, they will definitely be taught

Teach you and beat you are all light. Fortunately, I found out today. Otherwise, if someone else finds out, you just wait for bad luck!’

Lan Yue’er opened the back and saw the word limit portrayed on it again. She couldn’t help but narrowed her mouth and said, “You’re even imitating

Create, and imitate a decent one, but the limit! Why don’t you write Valkyrie!”

After finishing speaking, put the inscription token directly in your pocket, looking at Jiang Yuan with warning: “I will collect this thing for you.

Don’t do this again in the future. If you really want to win a hundred in a row, increase your vitality and keep working hard for an early breakthrough.

Realm strength. ”

Jiang Yuan didn’t care, just a gold token, he didn’t care, but he couldn’t help but curiously said, “Is it a great win in a row?

“What do you mean?” Lan Yue’er couldn’t help rolling her eyes, measuring her face and looking at him and said: “My brother has only won more than ten consecutive victories now.

And in every subsequent battle, I was worried, as long as I lost one, the data was cleared, and it was started from the beginning.

Do you think it is difficult?”

After speaking, I sighed and said: “I have won nine consecutive victories before, and I am only one game short of ten consecutive victories. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it through.

Lost in the ninth game, the data is cleared, and it is necessary to start again.

When I said that, my complexion darkened, and my mood began to become extremely bad, and he said coldly;” “Okay, don’t fake it anymore.

The gold token is a token, even if it is forged, it will be a winning streak of 10,000 games. Don’t know anything about common sense. It’s just a few forged a 100-game winning streak.


Jiang Yuan opened his mouth to explain something, when suddenly he heard the door opening sound from outside, and saw Lan Liangliang hurried away.

Come in, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Seeing Jiang Yuanzhi

After that, his complexion suddenly receded, pretending to be innocent, and pressured his excitement, so

Calmly said to Lan Yue’er: “Cough, come out, I have something to tell you.”

Lan Yue’er was taken aback for a moment, but her complexion suddenly changed and she was a little excited, as if she had thought of something, she nodded her head and Lan Liangliang hurriedly

Go to the next room-

Entering the room, Lan Liangliang hurriedly locked the door, and at the same time, the blood in his body was violently surging and turned into one.

The red light curtain directly enveloped the two of them.

In everything in the room, Jiang Yuan (Nuo’s Zhao) is afraid that if he doesn’t observe it, he can feel everything.

The mere overlord-level qi and blood barrier could not stop his exploration at all.

Without even probing, what the other party said was no different from whispering in his ear.

In the room, Lan Liangliang said excitedly: “Yue’er, let me tell you the good news.

A batch of pills that increase vitality and blood will be refined in two or three days.

Lan Yue’er also showed excitement in her eyes, and said eagerly: “Didn’t you say that it will take three more months last time?

How could it be so much in advance?”

“The Rongdeng Danfang where I work is one of Wang Teng Xingting’s subordinate supply units. I heard that Wang Teng Xingting had prepared for a period of time.

Time to recruit a large number of new students, and death orders were placed on them, so a lot of vitality points are needed, and they can only go desperately.

Finish, work day and night. ”

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