Chapter 299 – :300-Class

But Jiang Yuan was shocked, and all the cells in the body were activated, and the nine martial arts supernatural powers in the middle of the eyebrows.

All kinds of brilliance burst out, making him shake like a tumbler, just standing upright and extremely smooth.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s sense of oppression suddenly disappeared, and the other’s eyes flashed with a certain look.


He beckoned to Jiang Yuan: “You are the newly recruited instructor! Yes, with strong energy and blood.

With determination, I have read your martial arts archives, winning hundreds of games in a row, and have the qualifications to serve as the instructor of our Wang Court Star Court.

The other party’s voice was indifferent, as if everything was under control,-the sentence was telling Jiang Yuan, everything about you, I

All have been mastered, there is nothing surprising and so on.

This is giving him power.

Jiang Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, and he nodded faintly. He has been reading the information in the remaining stone all day today, but he knows that Xing

Although the court is powerful, it is not yet qualified to obtain the most detailed information about the fighting arena.

The most information he can get is to know that he is in the Broken Star Realm, an invincible ancestor, winning a hundred games in a row,

It is not known that a hundred consecutive victories have been achieved within 2 hours of 28 hours.

I don’t even know that since I just came to Tiansuke for less than a day, I will naturally know his code name in the fighting arena.

The other party looked at Jiang Yuan up and down, lowered his head slightly, and a picture appeared in front of the table, Jiang Yuan appeared in the picture.

The class to receive next.

“You’re new here, and you’re asked to take over the seventieth.” Before he could finish his speech, he suddenly interrupted and frowned.

stand up.

Because on the panel, the appointment information that originally appeared suddenly changed.

However, he didn’t pause for long, and raised his head to look at Jiang Yuan. “The above asked you to take over the 301st class. If you wish

I mean, I can come over tomorrow and officially take up the post, and then I will introduce to you the various benefits of our Star Court.

Jiang Yuan nodded. After discovering the situation in Star Court, he really wanted to cultivate here for a period of time to increase his strength.

At the same time, they also increase their savings.

At the same time, I also want to see some of the secrets of the exercises in the star court, which may shorten the third stage of his creation of all things.


The man nodded, spreading out his palm, the black radiance on it-circling, there is a black text appearing

Come, and then drift towards Jiangyuan.

Slowly said: “This is the black gold rune of our Wang Teng Xingting instructor. You can refine it and place it anywhere in your body.

It appears that anyone who sees it will naturally know that you are our instructor in Wang Teng Xingting. ”

This is a word Teng, which is the word Teng of Wang Teng Xingting.(Read more @

Jiang Yuan spread out his palm, and the text floated over, like a snowflake, falling into his hand and directly blending into it.

Go, turned into a gas, and appeared in his forehead.

It was revealed all at once, exuding a faint black gold color.

In a flash, Jiang Yuan’s body qi and blood surged, and he could easily refine this rune text.

“Okay, you can go, remember to come over tomorrow to report, the time is uncertain, as long as you come over tomorrow.” The man said

After that, I closed my eyes, and the power of blood and qi in his body settled down.

In the space, a large amount of energy of Qi and blood was drawn into his body continuously.

Jiang Yuan touched the center of his eyebrows, and with a single tap, the text faded directly, and finally disappeared, as if it did not exist, no

When needed, words will float out with a thought.

He didn’t say any more, turned and walked outside.

Almost not long after Jiang Yuan left the Wang Teng Star Court, a man with a strong body of energy and blood rushed directly into the office.

In the office, the voice resounded, with anger, very dissatisfied.

“Yin Chai, what do you mean.” As soon as the man came in, he didn’t show any face to Yin Chase, and pointed to his nose.


Yin Chase slowly opened his eyes and glanced at it humanely: “This is not what I meant, it is the meaning of the chief executive, if

If you want trouble, just go!”.

“You” the man roared angrily: “Hidden chase, don’t forget, when you were promoted to chief instructor, but I gave you

Chance, otherwise you think you can become the chief instructor, with a high position?”

“At the beginning, we said yes, you became the chief instructor, this 301st-this class, teach me, now turn to the head

Just forgot to me


Before he finished speaking, Yin Chase directly yelled: “Now I will give you three seconds to leave my room.

“Hidden chasing you, don’t go too far. The man’s gaze suddenly looked at him fiercely, but the other party’s voice is still cold and harsh:”

Three h2

“Hidden Chase

The voice of “Second” chasing became more and more indifferent, and the temperature in the room began to drop. “Good luck

You are ruthless. “The man shook his long sleeves, turned angrily and left.

Waiting for the man to leave, chasing after him, closing his eyes again, but the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, muttering to himself: “Hehe,

Chief Secretary, what do you really want to do?”

At the same time, on the top floor of Wang Teng’s Star Court, in a room, a man and a woman sat together.

The man sank to the bottom and looked at the ground beneath his feet, as if he could see through the infinite space in an instant, and fell into the chase.


“This is a hidden pursuit.” The chief executive smiled and shook his head, then retracted his gaze 043, looking at the face-saving woman, slowly

Said: “Bai Hong, this 300th-this class, I gave it to that person, but this also offends Gu Trout.”

“Gu Lin has always been cruel and narrow-minded, and has never been willing to be promoted to the general manager. It is for this class, you

Are you so confident in this newly recruited instructor? You know, Gu Xian’s strength is not weak, it has long been Broken Star Realm Martial Arts.

God. ”

“You asked me to give this class to this new instructor, so you are not afraid of Gu Trout-get him annoyed and beat him to death?”

Bai Hong gently wiggled the nine tails behind him, with an incomparable self-belief in his eyes: “Dad, or we

How about a bet?”

Bai You petted her daughter and laughed, “It seems that you are really concerned about this new instructor.

Okay, what do you want to bet on, I’m with you.

“How about betting on your Star Territory Town faction?” Bai Hong immediately became interested, with a cunning look in his eyes.

Flashed by.

Bai You was slightly taken aback, and laughed loudly: “So you have been hitting my town’s idea. Okay, let me tell you.

Bet, I bet he is not Gu Trout’s opponent.

Bai Hong’s eyes lit up and said: “Dad! This is what you said! Then we will wait and see.”

“it is good”.

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