Chapter 297 – : Clouds

Jiang Yuan slowly said: “It’s really beyond imagination to leave a lot of hands.”

Lan Liang brightly nodded, and comforted: “After all, this has gathered the strong from all races of the entire galaxy cluster. It must not be comparable to a single galaxy. There are many strong ones. It is normal for you to come here for the first time. You don’t know what. It is normal to lose once or twice.

“When I first came, I was proud and arrogant, thinking that I could dominate the fighting arena, invincible, and shining like a star. I was valued by the major star courts and earned it.”

“But the first time I came, I was beaten on the ground. For a month, I almost never won a battle in every battle. Later, I slowly realized the summary, let go of my pride, and started to win a battle.

Lan Liangliang patted Jiang Yuan on the shoulder and said, “It doesn’t matter if you lose a few games at the beginning, life is like this. Just recognize yourself, don’t be discouraged, and take your time.

After comforting him, he asked a little hopefully: “By the way, you have been in the martial arts arena for so long, have you won?”

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and was about to tell him that he had won a hundred consecutive victories and had not lost a game, but as soon as the words came to his lips, the door opened in Lan Yue’er’s room.

Lan Yue’er’s lazy voice passed over and said: “Brother! Okay, don’t ask him, he just came to Tianjie, so he might win, I’m going to start work, what’s your name for that.”

Lan Liangliang immediately glared at his sister and said, “Don’t be big or small, or that,-without any politeness. This is Jiang Yuan~brother.

“Oh, I got it, Jiang Yuan, right!” Lan Yueer said impatiently: “You live in my house now, and you can’t eat and drink for nothing and do nothing. I don’t take waste.”

“Let’s do this! My shop is still short of manpower. Come with me today!

Regardless of whether Jiang Yuan agreed or not, Lan Yueer started to pack things and left home with Jiang Yuan.

After leaving the building, the two walked in tandem on the street. Jiang Yuan looked around, perceiving the spatial dimension of Tianjie, and countless information continued to appear in his mind.

“Jiang Yuan was at this moment, but Lan Yue’er’s voice resounded loudly and said: “I heard my brother said that you came to Tianjie to find someone. After you find someone, you are willing to sell the Tianjieshi.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and said calmly, “I did say that? What do you want to ask?”

Lan Yue’er looked back at Jiang Yuan, then turned her head and said, “No, I’ll just ask.”

Soon, the two fell silent again, Jiang Yuan kept looking around and cutting while walking, and at the same time, he was increasing the power to absorb the blood flowing between heaven and earth.

Although the amount of increase is not large, it has been kept down all the time, and over time, it has also increased tremendously.

Soon, he saw that in the distance, an extremely large building, which was more than 10,000 meters long, stood like a huge stone monument between the sky and the earth, with clouds lingering in the middle.

Without windows, it seems to be made of black copper and iron material. In the sun, it flashes with lustre, as if there are countless

The white silk thread circulates continuously on the building.

“This is Wang Teng Xing Ting.” In fact, Lan Yue’er, who walked in front, had a breath that enveloped Jiang Yuan all the time. When he found that Jiang Yuan was looking in the direction, his voice came with a trace of imperceptible longing.(Read more @

“This is one of the three star courts in our Yunhui Great Territory, Wang Teng Star Court, you don’t need to look at it. It recruits true genius emeralds. In their respective ancestors, they are all enemies, even princes and nobles of the empire. Son of dignity, dignified and talented horror.

Lan Yue’er stopped and raised her head to look at the huge Wang Teng Star Court, the longing look in her eyes turned away.

Jiang Yuan suddenly smiled and said, “Do you often stand here and watch Wang Teng Xingting? Do you want to go in and become a student?”

Lan Yue’er turned her head and looked at Jiang Yuan and hummed, “Nonsense, in our Yunhui domain, who doesn’t want to join the three star courts?

Once you enter it, your identities are no longer the same, you are guided by the best, and are provided with fixed resources every day.

Ordinary eternal overlord, can’t even think about it.

“Well, don’t watch it, let’s go! This is not something we can imagine.”

Lan Yue’er’s voice was a little low, with a sigh of sigh, and she walked towards the distance without looking back.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Wang Teng Xingteng one last time and shook it with a smile.

Fresh flowers

Before long, the two of them crossed the street and came to a small street, where the road was much narrower, on both sides

The streets are also a bit dilapidated.

Lan Liangliang walked to a store at the end of the street and stood in front of the door. The door of the store opened automatically, and there was a small place inside.

In the shop, facing a counter, there are many round fruit-like things on it.

“This is the store I opened. It mainly sells hemolyzed fruit. The price ranges from one Tianyuan Stone to ten. When it is not busy

Wait, you just read the book in the background. There are many books on my bookshelf, all of which are records of Tianjie, as well as surrounding maps.

You’d better take a look first, if there is a delivery, I will ask you to deliver it. in

Lan Yue’er walked to the same place as the counter, waved her hand, and a virtual picture appeared in front of her, densely packed inside.

Hemp figures, and some goods orders


Jiang Yuan didn’t say anything

, Walked to the back of the shop, opened a layer of vermilion curtain, and saw a tatami-like space inside

Placed for people to rest and chat, there are still stones hanging on the wall.

This is an information retention stone, which is also very common in northern Xinjiang. It contains a lot of information. It is more useful than ancient books and quantum computers and will not be erased.

Jiang Yuan sat down at will, picked up a stone and placed it between his eyebrows, aroused his qi and blood, and began to read the information in it.

After a while, a large amount of information was constantly pouring into his mind like a torrent.

The data is extremely large. The data contained in a stone, when converted into units, may reach hundreds of millions of tons, but Jiangyuan

Accept completion in seconds.

As he continued to read the information of the retention stone, slowly, he became aware of his position and Tiansuke’s simple

Some understanding of the situation.

Tianjie is very large, and there is no actual calculation of how big it is.

Divided into countless large domains, such as the place where Jiangyuan is located, is a large domain, Yunhui large domain, and such a large domain

There are three thousand domains in Tianjie, with different sizes and different backgrounds.

Like the size of the Yunhui big domain, placed in the three thousand big domains, it is of medium size, and the resources are not high enough.

There are three big star courts.

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