Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 296 - The power of nearly a million stars

Chapter 296 – : The power of nearly a million stars

Lan Liangliang shook his head and said: “Rather than daydreaming, it is better to think about how to improve your strength quickly.

Winning streak, can reach 100 games, have the right to speak in the family, the ancestors will listen a little, maybe it can continue the sister

My sister’s time in Tianjie.

Lan Liangliang thought for a while, then closed his eyes and began to adjust his state, ready to deal with the next battle.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes in the huge fighting arena, and the terrifying breath in his eyes burst out.

New, rioting.

That is the whistling of cells, ascension is too fast, and for a while, I can’t control it.

He didn’t expect that the reward this time was so huge, but after playing a few games, his combat power was improved by three times.

Fold, directly from the power of ten thousand stars to the power of thirty thousand stars.

It seems that there is not much improvement, but the power of 30,000 stars can instantly soar to

The power of nine hundred thousand stars.

What is the concept of the power of nine hundred thousand stars?

Like the red trout just now, he didn’t even need to get close, standing still, his breath was crushed directly, as if a neutron star crushed past.

It shattered his body directly.

There is a gap of nine times, which is a huge difference.

In addition, in his Tianyi Golden Core Golden Ring, five more martial arts supernatural power fruits have been added, reaching nine in total.

In fact, it occupies a golden ring full of them.

273 Nine different types of magical powers, Jiang Yuan can use more methods when confronting the enemy in the future.

And the more martial arts supernatural power fruit, the stronger the power of superimposed bursts.

Jiang Yuan has a feeling that after he exploded 30 times gain, his combat power reached 900,000, and nine martial arts broke out.

The power of supernatural powers.

His combat power may be infinitely close to the legendary Martial Saint.

In other words, even if he fights with the martial sage of the power of a million stars, he will not necessarily be defeated, or even a tie.

It’s all possible.

“Tian Jie is really good fortune, how long I have just been here, in less than a day, the combat power has soared to this level.

If I had entered as early as two years ago, I am afraid that I would have reached the power of a million stars, the level of Martial Saint in the Broken Star Realm. ”

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, with a smile on his face, but he did not regret his decision.

In the two years of Aquastar, I accompanied my wife, traveled to countless planets, and had a lot of insights and experience.

Counting is actually a kind of accumulation for him.

As early as (cifi) a year ago, he was touched in his heart, and he already had a trace of insight into the third stage of the Sutra of All Things(Read more @

But I have never created it by myself,

It’s because, this feeling is not enough, but it is an opportunity 1-once the time comes, everything will come, it must be

When everything is created in the third stage.

As time goes by, this feeling gets stronger.

He knew that the third stage of the creation of all things is not far away, just recently.

In my heart, I am also faintly looking forward to the tenfold increase in the first stage of all things, and twenty times increase in the second stage of all things.

Width, how much will the third stage of the more powerful horror increase? Thirty times?

Just as Jiang Yuan was thinking, the golden beam of light covering the whole body slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared completely, even

The golden clouds above his head also slowly gathered.

It seems that all the golden lights are gathered in the center, suddenly condensed into a golden rune character, slowly drifting down

Falling in front of Jiang Yuan.

It’s a token-like thing about the size of a half palm. The whole body is golden, darker than gold, like metal.

But in the hand, there is a warm feeling.

The number one hundred is written on the front, and when you open the back, it is the word limit.

“Interesting?” Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, because this token is an auspicious thing, in the palm of his hand, the temperature is constantly rising

There was a peculiar airflow running down his arm and digging into his brain, making his consciousness more awake and calming.

The effect, the heart is calmed down.

At this time, the surrounding world began to change, and countless trees and mountains above the earth were sinking, and clouds were falling.

As it keeps getting smaller, the space begins to return to circulation.

While breathing,-Che turned into a small white house again.

Almost when he looked at the picture, a slight beep sounded in his ears, an invitation-like Dong

West, in the upper right corner of the screen.

Jiang Yuan Xukong-pointed,-a small box suddenly ejected, and a letter flew out of it, with a few large characters written on it.

Wang Tengxingting’s invitation letter with a few big characters.

When I opened it, there were dense black characters on it, all of which were twisted away, floating down from the paper, falling down.

In front of Jiang Yuan, they kept accumulating, and finally turned into a human form.

“Hello, I am Wang Teng Xingting, Chief Instructor Bai Mukong, arranged by the chief of staff, invited

Your Excellency becomes our Wang Tengxing

Court instructor, if you are convenient, you can bring your documents to the Star Court tomorrow. ”

The other person looks straight ahead, with a straight posture, like a projection, explaining one thing, when the voice falls.

At that moment, the constantly circulating rune body shattered, turned into countless small characters, and returned to the document.

Jiang Yuan looked down at the file, frowned, thought for a while, and then handed down the file.

I took a look at my time in the martial arts arena and found that seven or eight hours have passed, which is a long time. Tiansuke should

It’s daytime, remove the Tianjieshi↓ to stimulate the blood, and the body instantly disappears in place.

When he appeared, he went back to Lan Liangliang’s home, his body remained the same as when he left–

Turning his head, I saw Lan Liangliang looking at him with a smile, very natural. Putting a hand on his shoulder said: “Jiang

Brother, how about it, isn’t the martial arts field very shocking?”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, “Not bad, the scene can be switched freely? The internal space law is also very peculiar. After death,

The body can be reunited, it is not real death. ”

“Of course, otherwise, why do all the major races flock to each other? Everyone wants to enter the Tianjie, just for

Here comes from the fighting arena. The more consecutive wins, the more the benefits, the various rewards, without the need to practice, directly.

Empowerment, increase the power of qi and blood.

“The ranking is high, and it can still be valued by the major star court schools. That is the great fortune of the sky, soaring to the sky, the future is bright.


Lan Liangliang looked at Jiang Yuan with the appearance of a person coming over and said, “How is it, how are you inside?”.

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