Chapter 280 – :Human Daqing

Especially after participating in front-line combat and becoming a disabled person, the corners of his mouth trembled with excitement and his eyes were silently wiped at this moment.

Eyes, choked up.

“It’s over.” Jiang Yuan’s voice faintly resounded, his eyes looked at the three of Jinglong Overlord, and they looked at each other.

Already understood what Jiang Yuan meant.

In an instant, the four of them turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

After Jiang Yuan and the others left, the remaining towns also let go of the king, and howled excitedly, shouting, shouting no

Broken, the sound wave after wave, passing through the freshman ancient city.

Not only the freshman ancient city, the six ancient cities, any human race city, countless people cheered, even called friends,

Push the cup and change the cup, drink and celebrate everything.

Although Jiang Yuan did not announce that today is a world-class anniversary, but countless people have deeply remembered this day.

Spontaneously set up a festival.

The four people disappeared in an instant, and they appeared in a huge conference hall in the freshman ancient city.

Coming here, Jiang Yuan is also much more relaxed, facing the entire human race, sometimes he must appear harsh and full of authority everywhere.

Strict, but when a few people are alone together, they relax a lot.

Not only Jiang Yuan was relaxed, but the Jinglong Overlord and others were also relaxed, with a faint smile on their faces.

“The next human race will usher in true peace.” Jiang Yuan took the lead in speaking, his voice said with-a touch of ease:”

You don’t have to worry about what the evil ancestor said in the end. Our water blue star is very important to us, but in those powerful

The existence of the person seems insignificant.

“Even if the ten evil ancestors die, the other party will not necessarily look at them, so next, our focus is to let go

In the national martial arts study, as well as the development of science and technology, the human race can also enter the universe appropriately and communicate with the ten thousand races.

Can enter into new vitality.

When Jiang Yuan said this, his gaze burst out in the next second, and his voice was utterly decisive: “Our human race goes out.

After that, don’t take the initiative to cause trouble. If the other party provokes us, call me back. ”

“The Great Master is beaten, so Sifang Town will be beaten, Sifang Town will be beaten, the King of People will come forward, the King of People will be beaten,

The emperor has come forward until you are up. If you are not opponents, you can tell me and I will do it.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan’s voice is with Si Senran’s domineering.

The Jinglong Overlord and the others are all breathing stagnant. They are not stupid. If Jiang Yuan does it, they don’t even have to leave.

Open the home planet half a step, punch out, the power runs through the speed of light, arrive at the opposite planet all at once, directly destroy the star slaughter.(Read more @

When everyone thought of this, everyone was embarrassed, but they also felt a strong sense of pride.

It is soaring, and his complexion is a little ruddy.

In the entire northern frontiers of the Honglian Empire, who has the domineering ancestors of their human race.

Dare to bully our human race. Anyone can’t do it. You can be upset! As long as you can resist our human race’s retribution.

Fu is talking.

Human Race Human Ancestor punched it, as long as you can survive, then you really have a stake.

Even if you have ancestors, our human ancestors still exist that can kill even ancestors, and your ancestors have to fight

Measure, don’t get beaten to death by a few punches.

The more they think about it, the more proud the Shocking Dragon Overlord and others, and they raised their heads unconsciously, with a sense of pride in their hearts.

The ups and downs, the turbulence is endless.

Afterwards, everyone briefly chatted in the conference room, dividing the future race century plan into several steps, one by one.

One perfect.

When Jiang Yuan left the ancient city of Freshman, the sky gradually dimmed, and it was already night, flying slowly in the sky along the way

Wherever he went, the human cities were brightly lit, and the lively voices passed from the bottom.

Even the lord of each city is giving out holiday-like gifts, and many things need to be transported by transport vehicles.

Jiang Yuan even glanced over and saw that in the city lord’s mansion of a human race million-level city, the celebrity emperor was drinking badly.

Drunk, there was a group of King Kings leaning around, one by one, they couldn’t raise their hands.

Once, in a city of the human race, a king of humanity can be the city lord, but now, when the primordial stone is decentralized, all kings of human beings can do it.

Not the city master, but can only be the deputy city master.

With their strength, I don’t want to be drunk, even if I drink a pool of drinks, and the previous human race wars, so

There are strong people who don’t get drunk. Once drunk is a big crime, it is negligence of duty. If found, they will be dismissed and sent to the front line.

Just like becoming a death squad, you will make up for your merits.

But now, the ban has been lifted overnight, and people have let go of drinking, and they don’t have to be afraid to faint on the street.

why is that?

It’s because Jiang Yuan defeated the evil ancestor, and the passage between the two realms was closed again. Human beings have no enemies, so they no longer worry about being afraid of themselves.

When he fell asleep, his head was cut off by a fierce beast.

It is safe and assured.

Because everyone knows that on this planet, there are their human ancestors, as long as their human ancestors are here, he

We won’t be afraid, and do things that we didn’t even dare to think about.

Jiang Yuan was also infected by the emotions of the entire human race, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and slowly walked towards the home.

Go, look beautiful. Admire the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and feel the coolness of the breeze.

It didn’t take long before he fell from the sky, standing in front of the door of his home, and he saw the excitement of the house, the people inside

Ying walked around, and even on the second floor, he could hear the whispering voices of his daughter and other girls dragging. “Why is it so lively?”

Jiang Yuan stepped in, and the voice spread out. The originally lively home suddenly became quiet. (Qian De

(Of) There were even three little kids, wiping their noses, and babbling over.


The three little kids immediately surrounded Jiangyuan, shouting loudly, causing a black line to appear on his forehead, and he saw Mu

Rong Qingyue walked over in her apron.

“You’re back.” Murong Qingyue looked at Jiang Yuan with a sweet smile, and could feel the power of qi and blood in her body.

Already at the limit of the great master, half a step to the level of a square town general.

And because of the priority supply of various resources, Murong Qingyue at this time looks like a woman in her twenties.

Son, regained his youth.

Jiang Yuan was stuck in place for an instant, everything was frozen at this moment.

As if back in time, he returned to the first time he saw Murong Qingyue decades ago.

The sea was filled with this gentle and virtuous girl in front of her.

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