Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 279 - Blood Sea Purgatory

Chapter 279 – :Blood Sea Purgatory

“”Jiang Yuan snorted coldly.

All the internal organs vibrated, the jumping speed of the heart suddenly increased, the blood supply capacity increased rapidly, and there were countless numbers in the body.

The cell directly burst out the power of terrifying aura.

Like the red four lines, it turns into a billowing torrent, bursting out of the top, like a big wave in the Yangtze River, surging, rushing into the martial arts sky

In the picture, straight down from the sky, running through the earth.

At the moment the earth collided, the earth flew up like magma, melting-everything, the earth trembled and roared

The sound is constant and flowing.

Everywhere they passed, the big trees made a sizzle, and they melted at the touch of a touch, and they collapsed and fell into the red blood.

It was buried and dissolved all at once.

The earth is also constantly settling at the lower limit, gradually converging into a huge pool of red blood.

In the world of martial arts,-Dao Dao golden light impacts from all directions, turning into one. Dao Dao powerful circular brilliance, inside

The face is a powerful town general and overlord.

They watched all this in horror, watching the big sinking, the blood-colored lava continued to expand, and it spread to 28 in an instant.

With a radius of a hundred miles in diameter, all trees, rocks and even rivers in the entire area have been dissolved.

“what happened?”

“Could it be that something big has happened to the outside world and it’s not going to happen?”

“What a terrifying wave? Such power of vitality and blood

In the martial arts map, there is a powerful existence with a look of shock on his face. They are all creatures killed by the martial arts map.

The will is pulled in and transformed into beings inside. I don’t know how many years have existed in it, all of them have their own uniqueness.

Li’s thoughts and memories.

I saw the horror of the blood-colored lava at a glance, and couldn’t help showing a look of shock on his face.


At this moment, the sky of the martial arts heaven map suddenly opened, and they could see the evil underneath that was shrouded in golden light at a glance.


“what are you going to do. .”

The evil ancestor had a feeling in his heart, and his face suddenly showed horror, as if he was thinking of something extremely terrible.

Looking at Jiang Yuan in horror.

“There is a myth and legend on our home planet called the eighteen-layer hell, among which there is a layer of hell called the blood sea purgatory.

Cast with fiery blood, it can burn all things in the world and wash away all the sins between the world and the earth.

Jiang Yuan’s voice is mighty and mighty, as if to explain an ancient mythology: “I have specially created this sea of ​​blood for you.(Read more @

Prison is to make you repent and feel yourself.

Jiang Yuan’s voice carries a trace of pity and pity, but it’s like a bolt from the blue sky and exploded his brain into the ears of the evil ancestor.

There was a buzzing sound, the heavenly soul was unstable, and his eyes became hollow in an instant.

“Good good

Almost at the moment when Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, among the crowd, countless shouts of applause continued, and people’s hatred eyes died.

Staring deadly at the evil ancestor.

It would be too easy to simply kill him, torturing him with hell, let him fall to hell forever and practice in the sea of ​​blood

Constantly sinking and struggling in prison, always accompanied by pain, this is what people want.


In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly widened, the golden light in his eyes flashed away, and a terrifying force burst out, all of a sudden.

Sweeping the evil ancestor, like an invisible big hand, grabbed the opponent and pushed it toward the martial arts heaven map.

“No, no, Jiang Yuan, I have a big secret, I have a big secret, I can tell you, I can tell you.

The evil ancestor finally panicked, his face pale and fearful, watching Jiang Yuan yelling frantically.

Jiang Yuan was indifferent, his face was unprecedentedly cold, even with a touch of sacredness, at this moment, the crowd was quiet.

Coming down, watched the evil ancestor enter the martial arts heaven map.

“Jiangyuan, I have a great secret, as long as you get it, you can fly into the sky, and even reach the legendary great one.

what!! !

The evil ancestor yelled in panic, but the next moment, the martial art world map suddenly broke out with a stronger golden light, the shining almost let

People can’t open their eyes.

Suddenly pulling him faster, he rushed into the world of martial arts heaven in a flash, and fell into the sea of ​​blood.

Purgatory, the entire body of the heavenly soul, stained with blood, red blood, suddenly made a sizzling barbecue sound, and whitish air came out.


The evil ancestor roared frantically, struggling constantly in the huge sea of ​​blood, but the more struggling, the more the sea of ​​blood around him

It sputtered, dyeing his whole body red, like sulfuric acid, constantly dressing his martial arts heavenly soul.

The soul is extremely fragile,-once he receives a trace of damage, it is manifested ten times, and every drop of qi and blood falls on him, simply

It was like cutting off his flesh and blood with countless knives, painful and constantly wailing.

His miserable voice continued to pass, and it passed out like a ghost crying wolf howling, extremely miserable, and the heavenly soul continued to dissolve.

Actually revealing the deep bones inside


That is the memory carried by the soul, almost like a body, with flesh and blood.

“The evil ancestor I want to kill

Almost instantly, in the sky in the distance, the roars continued to resound, the golden brilliance all of a sudden

The impact came down, revealing a race of different shapes.

These beings were all killed by the evil ancestors, and their will was drawn into the martial art world. They must not be detached and controlled forever.

Powerful of all races.

Now the martial arts map is robbed by Jiang Yuan, and the mark from 2680 has been carved. All the powerful masters under control, all of a sudden

Freed, not working for the evil ancestor.

Now the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

Countless powerful men swept over like ghosts, and cut off pieces of heavenly soul flesh and blood from the evil ancestors.

Shuttle and cut constantly.

While breathing, the evil ancestor’s body was shaved clean, only the white bones, constantly in the sea of ​​blood

Ups and downs, but in an instant, the flesh and blood of the news grew rapidly.

“I hate it.” The evil ancestor Ang Tian roared, his expression was extremely painful and terrifying, the next second, the densely packed strong man with red eyes, densely pounced on, like an endless flies, suddenly drowning him, scrambling , Bloody gnawing his flesh and blood.

“Ah ah ah ah ah

The painful and miserable howling sound resounded all of a sudden and passed on continuously, but no matter how his voice was passed on,

Isolated by the martial arts sky map, the human race outside can only see but cannot hear it.

At this moment, countless human races watched happily at everything displayed in the martial arts sky map, extremely excited.

A hundred years of bloody and deep vengeance, the great vengeance was avenged. Countless people trembled with excitement. Those watching the live news embraced and celebrated, and shouted with excitement.

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