Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 271 - Obtain three martial arts supernatural power fruits

Chapter 271 – : Obtain three martial arts supernatural power fruits

Contact the Swiss immediately to pass on the news from us. “The Shocking Dragon Overlord has no choice but to directly issue this

Kind of order.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s escape speed was getting slower and slower, and finally stopped, his eyes suddenly turned towards the evil ancestor, his face

Shang actually put on a calm smile.

The evil ancestor was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why, but the overwhelming power still rushed over.

Three martial arts supernatural powers gather in one, faintly forming a big net, covering Jiang Yuan’s whole body, going crazy.

Attack, to smash his body.

“Have been playing for a long time! Is it enough?” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded calmly, this time even the light curtain did not spread out.

To protect himself, his eyes were indifferent but very coldly looking at each other.


The terrifying attack fell on him all of a sudden, as if hitting the hardest material, with constant rumbling noises.

But he couldn’t shake him in the slightest.

“Your defense?” The evil ancestor was taken aback for a moment, his expression changed, and he immediately realized what he said: “You are deliberate, to lead me

Come out of the blue star, want to fight with me here?”

“Smart.” Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, waved his big hand, and the martial arts supernatural power fruit was mobilized in his eyebrows.

Two huge white dragons 207 were condensed in their hands, as if they were entities, roaring and roaring.

The densely packed academic shadows and retreat shadows were directly beaten to pieces, completely disintegrated, and turned into starlights.

Dismiss it all.

What kind of eyesight the evil ancestors of the “martial arts of martial arts” can see, Jiang Yuan’s use is not the power of qi and blood, but the power of martial arts.


“You just stepped into the Broken Star Realm? How could it be possible to condense the martial arts supernatural powers, his eyes shrank, with


After thinking of something, his eyes became cold and he said: “It seems that your chances are not small. It should be inherited.

Because of the legacy of a certain dead Star Broken Realm, I will say that you have only disappeared for a short time, and your strength can reach this level. ”

“But that’s fine. The stronger you are, the higher your value. Killing you can sell you at a better price. I’m afraid Dazun

They are all interested, but I will accept your martial arts supernatural powers.

The evil ancestor sneered, his expression on his face was extremely twisted and weird, his hands were raised, and the terrifying power above his arms was boiling.

Presents three different colors.

Golden, red and green, entwined continuously, slowly condensing into three martial arts supernatural power fruits.

“Great Secret Unboxing, Great Secret Long Sky Legs, Great Secret Mirror Realm

In an instant, the evil ancestor roared, his voice oscillating constantly, and the power of the hundred stars was poured into the three martial arts magical powers at once.

Among them, the three martial arts supernatural power fruits are all trembling and expanding, almost bursting out.

Suddenly, the force of terror rushed over, presenting a triangle, blocking all the retreats of Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt the aura of horror enveloping his whole body, as if three stars were oppressing him.(Read more @

Resistance, but for a moment, his expression remained unchanged.

A huge golden light at the center of the eyebrows-flashing away, Zhentian bell, the booming rotation expands, all of a sudden envelops the cage

When the cover was over, countless strange beasts suddenly all lit up.

As if he was alive, he kept wandering above the shaking clock, roaring, and three attacks hit him at once, exploding

The brilliance of the various colors.

The entire Zhentian clock shook violently, and countless strange beasts roared, all of a sudden collapsed and transformed into-

Only dead things settle down.

Among them, the power of Jiangyuan Thousand Stars is constantly transmitting Zhentian Bell!, as stable as Mount Tai, let him be in violent storms, without internal fluctuations,

A little bit of strength can’t penetrate.

“It turned out that the ancestor of the big day-level town sent a shock, and his eyes were greedy, and he was pleasantly surprised: “Everything I guess

That’s right, you really got a monument,-must have found an ancient dead ancestor in the broken star realm, and got all of him

assets. ”

“But it should be mine now.”

The evil ancestor roared, and the three martial arts supernatural powers burst out with a strong light, because at the center of his eyebrows,

The body of the three martial arts supernatural power fruits slowly floated out.

In an instant, (cicc) Jiang Yuan had a smile on his face, and his voice penetrated directly from the Zhentian Bell.

“I have been waiting for you to release the martial arts supernatural power fruit. If you have been killed suddenly, you will self-destruct the martial arts supernatural power fruit, but

I can rest assured to pinch you to death. ”

The moment Jiang Yuan’s voice sounded, Zhen Tianzhong immediately shrank and turned into a stream of light to penetrate into his forehead, his body unexpectedly

Instantly disappeared in place.

“What?” The evil ancestor showed a look of surprise, he didn’t actually see how Jiang Yuan moved, but the next second

Jiang Yuan was already standing in front of him.

A hand stretched out suddenly, towards three

The martial arts supernatural power grabbed the fruit and left.

At the same time, the whole body burst out unreservedly, surpassing the power of a hundred stars at once.

Power of Two Hundred Stars

Power of Five Hundred Stars

Power of a Thousand Stars

“A Thousand Stars” the evil ancestor realized all at once, and his eyes were scared to drip blood, and he roared: “You

It’s not that the emperor of the calamity and emperor made the broken star realm, you are the emperor of the calamity and emperor who made the broken star realm, and climbed to the sky in one step, surpassing me by ten.”

“Now I know it’s too late.” Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded indifferently, and he was caught in the three martial arts supernatural power fruits.

When I went up, I felt a wave of vigor coming, struggling constantly in the palm of my hand, and wanted to rush out.

“Be good to me.” Jiang Yuan’s expression was cold, his fists clenched, and the martial arts supernatural power fruit immediately exploded with a terrifying force of suppression.

The illusory white dragon on his arm suddenly opened its big mouth and plunged in.

“Damn” the evil ancestor’s face changed drastically, three martial arts supernatural power fruits were arrested, and his breath was rapidly declining.

All of a sudden, his power was almost exhausted.

There was a panic in his eyes-flashing past, his body instantly distorted, turning into a stream of light and trying to escape.

However, when he moved, he found that he was standing still, with a cat catching mouse look in his eyes.

The evil ancestor was overjoyed. He did not expect Jiang Yuan to be so arrogant that he would let himself go and arrest him.

Huan, his Dari-level town faction is not only an offensive-level weapon, but also a shuttle-shaped weapon.

Regardless of the cost, the speed can soar a hundred times in an instant. Under the Great Lord, who can catch him.

There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and he vowed to himself that when he escaped this time and returned next time, he would inevitably annihilate the entire human race.

Then call friends and call friends, and then take revenge on Jiang Yuan.

However, just as he was shuttled in the starry sky, a terrifying breath burst out behind him, powerful

The power of the universe swept across the void of the universe, and the waves were surging like crazy.

It was actually faster than he could escape, and swept past him at once, and he felt that under his own power, it was as small as an ant.

Suddenly turning his head, he saw Jiang Yuan standing there, his gaze indifferently looking at where he was, the qi on his body

Interest rates are constantly rising.

Dry Star Power

Power of Two Thousand Stars

Power of Five Thousand Stars

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