Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 270 - Three martial arts supernatural power fruits

Chapter 270 – : Three martial arts supernatural power fruits

Wherever it went,-everything was in absolute vacuum, and the molecular structure was disrupted.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Yuan saw the familiar galaxy in the distance.

At a low speed, the whole body’s breath is completely restrained, the boiling blood is also quiet, and the all things meridian also recedes.

He was not advancing, began to adjust his state, and even the self-phagocytosis of dark matter by the cells was blocked, and his body could be seen by the naked eye.

At the speed of seeing, it keeps shrinking, like a piece of cosmic dust, slowly moving forward without screaming at the grass.

When they reach their current state, the slightest disturbance, or even a crisis, will arouse the other side’s alert, and immediately open up.

Begin reverse deduction to avoid danger.

Even Jiang Yuan glanced over and observed the home star, and he was immediately noticed by the other party.

He was cautious and approached slowly.

On the Aqua Blue Star, the Evil Venerable is also constantly transporting his strength, blocking his own breath, and not leaking it, even if he stands there,

He couldn’t even be found by breath induction.

Suddenly, there was a martial arts supernatural power fruit on the center of his eyebrows that had not been used, and it trembled slightly, and there were countless air currents in it.

Qi and blood were spinning, condensed in his mind, and turned into a picture.

In the picture, a tiny cosmic dust is leaping over quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is less than ten thousandths away from the atmosphere.

Inside, there was no sound, almost impossible to notice.

“Sure enough, I saw him in a mere disaster situation before, and in a blink of an eye, he condensed the martial arts spirit, reached the sky in one step, and achieved success.

Broken Star, before the talent, Shinai had only seen him in his life.

“But this is also good, the better the talent, the more vigorous body and blood, which can be sold at a more expensive price, and kill this

Such existence is also a kind of honor, and it can even invite credit and get a lot of benefits. ”

The evil ancestor’s complexion remained unchanged, his eyes closed tightly, as if he didn’t know anything, waiting there, this was fishing, catching fish

Hook, a terrorist force suddenly erupted, and Jiang Yuan was about to be killed all at once.

Jiang Yuan kept approaching, and in a blink of an eye he came to pass through the atmosphere of the parent star, descending quickly, and was not obstructed in an instant.

Covered up, broke out directly, and recovered from the dust.

The breath of horror erupted at once, it was extremely horrible, the whole world seemed to explode in half, and the sound was in countless creatures

Pass in the ear.

“It’s you who are waiting-

At this moment, the evil ancestor’s eyes suddenly opened, two fiery red lava flowing in his eyes, suddenly raising his head

Seeing Jiang Yuan, his expression was extremely surprised and crazy.


The power of horror burst out on him, and three golden lights came out from the center of his eyebrows, containing three martial arts.

The power of supernatural powers.

The first martial arts supernatural power fruit, condensed into an ancient character, the martial character, the whole body is golden, the magnificent atmosphere, the handwriting(Read more @

The whole, full of panic Tianwei, golden mansions.

This is a martial arts boxing method that integrates infinite knowledge and moves. It is an extreme fusion of the essence and achieves supernatural powers.

Now, between heaven and earth, there are countless dense shadows of fists.

It seems that there are countless people punching in the void, with every move and every move, they will shake the general situation of the world and carry the power to turn the river and the sea into the sea.

Can shatter mountains and rivers.

The other two martial arts supernatural powers are equally terrifying.

A phantom turned into a leg technique,-the next child bloomed, and the sky was full of dense leg techniques, earth-shaking, passing through

At this point, the space collapsed abruptly by rapture.

There is another one that is more powerful. It is not a martial arts move, but a weird ability that turns into a mirror and shines.

Out of Jiangyuan’s figure-

The respectful Jiang Yuan, who has a terrifying aura, actually walked out of the mirror like this.

Three terrifying powers-coming from the attack and killing, countless punches pierced through Changhong, and reached Jiangyuan’s body all at once, each

The punches contain the power of one star, which will disintegrate his body at once.

Jiang Yuan’s whole body was shaken, and a light black light curtain appeared on the surface of his body, an oval shape, wrapping himself up like the same one.

Eggs are airtight.

Countless shadows of fists hit the body, like a violent storm, and the sound of banging banging steadily reverberated, and while breathing, the light curtain was given to

The beating swayed continuously, without breaking apart.

The evil ancestor’s eyes flashed brightly, and his heart was very pleasantly surprised. He was surprised. The first action is strong. There are three martial arts supernatural powers-

Jiang Yuan, who actually fought, had no power to parry.

He was overjoyed. It was a good time to take advantage of the victory and chase. Jiang Yuan was completely denied the possibility of resisting, and he moved towards

The sky rushed away.

In the hands, the golden light began to condense, and turned into a simple picture scroll with black weird power exuding on it, both hands

Pulled away all at once.

The force unexpectedly rushed out of thousands of horses, a neat army, extremely old, riding a big horse with a tall head and stepping on it.

Step on the void and rush to come.

I came to Jiang Yuan in a flash, and the four types were swept down, Jiang Yuan’s body surface

The black light curtain bursts directly

Shattered, the force of terror kept bombarding him. “go

Jiang Yuan roared, and instantly his body twisted on the spot, turning into a black radiance,-the son penetrated out, towards the distance

The starry sky constantly shuttles.

“You can’t run away? When I kill you, I’m here to destroy your whole family, refine all your people, and integrate them into my world.

In the treasure map, become my army and sweep everything for me. ”

The evil ancestor laughed constantly, full of ambition, victory in hand,-everything developed in the direction he imagined, beyond the ordinary

Yi shot directly, and Jiang Yuan fled in embarrassment.

He is now taking advantage of the victory to pursue, not giving Jiang Yuan the slightest chance to breathe, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, and not giving him the slightest chance to turn over.

He followed all the way, Jiang Yuan fled all the way, as if panicking.

Above the earth, everyone’s heart is depressed and terrible.

“Now it’s troublesome. I didn’t expect that if the evil ancestor was cunning and didn’t move, we wouldn’t want to provoke the snake, and wanted (good money) to attract

The snake came out of the cave and shot at once, hitting our Terran ancestors by surprise.

“How good is this, we can’t help at all.”

“No, contact the Swiss immediately and let him contact the empire. We are now a race of the empire. Let the empire send its ancestors.

Come and help.

The emperor of Zhenjiang people all talked anxiously, turning into streamers and rushing into the atmosphere, but their strength

Limited, unable to enter the starry sky.

Once it enters the starry sky, it will suffocate, and all the energy of the blood in the body will be frozen and frozen to death.

“Damn evil ancestor!” The overlord of Jinglong clenched his fists, his heart was extremely angry, and his heart was bleeding, Jiang Yuan was actually true

The achievement of Broken Star Realm ancestor, became the number one of the human race-the ancestor.

But they don’t have electricity

To my own insignificance and helplessness.

Fei Method helps Jiang Yuan only to his death from a long journey.

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