Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 260 - Similar War Planet

Chapter 260 – : Similar War Planet

Jiang Yuan is constantly wandering in the universe, constantly opening his horizons, and the origin formula is never interrupted to calculate, one hundred thousand times talent,

It’s also running fast.

By reducing what you have done, everything is turned into knowledge, which is constantly recorded, and becomes a kind of accumulation.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes began to become wise and deeper, full of the brilliance of wisdom, and he was undergoing a certain transformation.

Change, the breath gradually completes.

Time is worthless in the universe-

One day a month later, the black light of the Tao traveling at high speed in the universe suddenly stopped and began to twist

Scattered and gradually condensed into the appearance of Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan looked at a star that was almost still not far away.

The size of the planet is not large, the diameter is only twice as large as that of the water blue star, and the color tends to be the water blue star, the most bandit

What Yi thinks is that this is a planet of life.

The sky inside the planet is full of smog, filled with the smell of gunpowder, and war is erupting.

Jiang Yuan glanced over, and immediately penetrated the entire planet’s atmosphere, without observing any creatures in this world, directly

Penetrate into the earth plane.

Suddenly I saw the huge red star core, exuding fiery energy, continuously emitting circles which is difficult for the naked eye.

Perceived fluctuations.

In the weekly environment that stabilizes the entire planet, it automatically operates and regulates the natural environment.

What caught Jiang Yuan’s most attention was that there was a huge space around the star’s core.

There are crystal-like things inlaid everywhere.

Some of these things are as huge as mountain peaks, and some are as small as the size of a thumb cover.

They are actually precious primordial stones on the earth, the size of a finger cover contains tens of thousands of combat power, but they are dense here.

It’s densely packed, and I don’t know how many trillion tons.

For so long, this is the only planet Jiang Yuan has seen with a reserve of yuan stone, and the number is far away.

Surpasses the parent star Aquastar.

“This is a good place, but it’s a planet of life, so it’s a bit of a hassle. r.” Jiang Yuan’s eyes immediately

Looking at the surface of the earth, he was lost in thought.

This planet has three continental plates, and science and technology civilization belongs to the water blue star. In the middle of the second industrial revolution, science and technology water

Ping is already quite developed.

At this moment, wars continue, and the whole world is divided into countless countries.

On a coastal, on the sea, countless densely packed warships, sprayed with thick black smoke, resounded through the whistle,

Hundreds of huge warships are moving.

On the coastline in front of them, stretching for hundreds of kilometers, all are dense fortresses, various barbed wire fences,(Read more @

There are huge cannons with huge calibers.

In each fortress, soldiers are ready to go.

Jiang Yuan saw a soldier in a fortress. He looked a bit similar to a human, but his skin was purple.

A worn-out gray military uniform.

Holding the machine gun with both hands, aiming at the direction of the ocean, but his legs trembled slightly with fear.

Boom boom boom

At this moment, the sound of fighter jets suddenly resounded in the sky. Looking up, you can see the clouds.

In the middle, densely packed, hundreds of fighter jets are big heads, protecting the huge and slightly bloated bombers behind them.

“Enemy Attacks, Enemy Attacks”

Almost instantly, the intercom placed in the fortress roared and roared.

In an instant, countless fortress machine guns suddenly ignited, and the sound of continuous bullets resounded for hundreds of kilometers in an instant.

Also the line of defense, dense golden barrage suddenly crossed the sky, forming a terrifying firepower net.

A few kilometers behind the fortress, among countless intricate trenches, an anti-aircraft gun was torn off and camouflaged.

The soldiers shouted and kept reloading shells.

The booming sound resounded instantly.

Beyond the universe in the depths of Jiangyuan, underneath is the natural light curtain formed by the planet’s atmosphere, frowning slightly.

Originally, he did not want to break through a planet of life, because at the moment of the breakthrough, it was difficult for him to control his breath.

It is easy to cause climate change in the whole world, causing various chain reactions and natural disasters.

But he has been traveling through the universe for almost a month. On the home planet, the two-world channel will open at any time.

Open it, and the broken star realm fierce beast rushes in.

Even if he goes back, it will be too late, and the home planet will suffer an indelible disaster.

“It seems that I can only suffer from this planet. If I break through the broken star realm, I can take a good look at this planet.

“Jiang Yuan made up his mind.

In a flash, the body turns into a black light, which rushes into the atmosphere at the first shot, and the speed keeps decreasing, getting more and more

Quickly, rushed into the ocean in a blink of an eye.

It’s as if the light enters the sea surface, without arousing the slightest waves, it penetrates the seabed in an instant, keeps falling, and in a blink of an eye

Come to the huge depths of the earth.

Suspended deep in the heart of the earth, Jiang Yuan’s body recovered, he looked around at the densely packed Yuanshi with a smile on his face

In the next second, sit directly cross-legged and slowly close your eyes.

In an instant, all his will rushed into the Qi and Blood Gold Core.

The 30 golden rings of Qi and Blood Golden Pill, as if activated, are running fast, getting faster and faster, slowly starting

Affects the power of all qi and blood in the body.

The power of qi and blood in countless granular cells continuously exudes the powerful power of qi and blood, turning into silk threads, dense

The crowd was pulled out.

Keep gathering next to the golden core, instead of being swallowed by the golden core.

Gradually, a dark figure, only the size of a golden core of blood and energy, continued to condense, turning into an irregular black mass.

The gas is constantly twisted and transformed.

Take a closer look, just like a fetus, little fuzzy (good) fingers began to appear, but soon

It spread out again, unable to condense, but in a blink of an eye, tiles appeared again.

It is constantly dispersing, and it is constantly condensing.

And while the qi and blood were simple, the golden rays of light began to slowly move towards the air mass.

This is the spirit of Jiang Yuan into the Qi and Blood Golden Pill, which contains Jiang Yuan’s invincible will and is the core of the field.

However, the machine guns on the coastline are also frantically fired, and often the soldiers on a transport ship have not left yet.

All were beaten to pieces, and flesh and blood flew across.

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