Chapter 259 – : Start retreat

Just after Jiang Yuan’s words fell, everyone around was suddenly shocked, their eyes all looked over, all with a look of horror.

Very shocked.

Before, everyone didn’t know what the Broken Star Realm represented, but after entering the universe, under the influence of ears and eyes, everyone was already deeply

Instantly understand the importance of-respecting the existence of Broken Star Realm for a race.

Dinghai Shenzhen-like existence.

A race with Broken Star Realm, regardless of its background, can immediately rank among the four major families in Northern Xinjiang and become the No.

Five big families.

If Jiang Yuan steps into the Broken Star Realm, it will be an earth-shattering good thing for the entire human race, and the sense of racial honor will be even greater.

Strengthen the big, the human race will be more cohesive.

Entering the universe in the future, the ethnic identity will improve, and ordinary races dare not bully, afraid that the human race will explode and provoke the ancestors.

The hand is immediately annihilating the race and the star.

Jiang Yuan’s performance was extremely domineering before, and the race potential evaluation hall was directly provoked by the ancient clan.

28 revenge on the door.

Exterminate the race and the stars, without any mercy, unscrupulously.

Gives other races an extremely violent impression, very short-term protection, no sand in the eyes, slightly unpleasant, direct

Visit, and give you no chance to explain.

Exterminate everything.

Everyone is not stupid either, knowing that Jiang Yuan is paving the way and laying the foundation for the follow-up tribe to enter the universe, with good intentions.

“Jinglong, I want to leave the home planet for a while, and during this period of time, everything on the home planet depends on your carefulness.

Take care of it and develop aviation technology as soon as possible.

Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded slowly, softly, but extremely firm, with an indisputable taste, looking directly at Jinglong

The overlord said: “This time I will look for an unmanned planet to retreat, and I won’t be able to leave the stage if I don’t rush into the broken star realm.

Don’t worry, the human race enters the universe without being afraid, fearful, all races that dare to provoke our human race, all

Make a note, and when I return, all liquidation.

The shocking expression in the eyes of the overlord of the dragon: “Why does the great ruling have to leave the mother star to retreat? The mother star has enough

Place to retreat for you 1”

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: “Breakthrough in the broken star realm will absorb the energy and matter of a star’s nucleus.

In an instant, it will cause the planet’s weak and strong gravitation to change periodically, and at the moment of breakthrough, it’s difficult for me to control

Your own aura will cause climate change on the entire planet.

“Such a change is very likely to affect hundreds of years. The parent star is not strong enough, and it is still unable to support my sudden change.

Breaking will only cause disaster.

Jiang Yuan slowly said that the original fierce beast planet appeared in his mind.(Read more @

Then change the four seasons of the entire planet.

The temperature keeps rising, and all continents are sinking and falling apart.

The terrifying aura made the entire planet begin to change for him, adapting to each other.

Naturally, when you are weak, you adapt to the environment and the world. When you are strong to the limit, this

The environment has to adapt to you.

The survival of the fittest is the rule of the universe.

“But” Jinglong Overlord was about to say something, but Jiang Yuan interrupted him directly, “Needless to say.”

While speaking, Jiang Yuan’s eyebrows suddenly flashed-the darkness of the light, the waves on the water surface generally spread,

A silver-white metal ball appeared.

“This is an illusion of magic. It was completely changed by my qi and blood cells. It contained my strongest blow. You will bring it back.

When encountering a crisis that is difficult to resist, directly urge it.

After speaking, Jiang Yuan looked at Jiang Hao again, the soft light in his eyes flashed past, and said slowly: “After going back, stay with him.

Your mother. ”

Jiang Hao shook his whole body, his face became solemn, he felt the tenderness in Jiang Yuan’s words, his heart warmed, and he nodded: “Dad,

Do not worry! I will take good care of my mother.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and finally looked at Cheng Qiming and said: “Work hard, I hope that when I come back, you will all be

After entering the Eight Desolate Extreme Realm.

Cheng Qiming nodded cautiously.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s body instantly collapsed towards the inside, and instantly turned into a black silk ray in front of everyone’s eyes.

It flashed by and left the battleship directly.

Soon, outside the battleship, Jiang Yuan’s figure slowly condensed and formed.

Seeing if the huge battleship is slowly moving towards the distant galaxy, Jiang Yuan stared at it for a long time, until the battleship was only a small one.

When the grain was small, he took his gaze back.

“There is still half a year in the world, the two-world channel will be opened, I must hurry up, and the northern frontier star field is not calm.

There is always a sense of oppression that is constantly increasing. ”

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself in the starry sky of the universe. When he reached his realm, there were many things in his mind.

Can be captured.

From the beginning of stepping into the Northern Star Territory, there was a vague sense of pressure.

I didn’t think about it carefully before, thinking it was caused by the new environment, but after listening to Geya’s words, the pressure in his heart

The sense of urgency is stronger.

It seems that some conspiracy is slowly taking shape, with the smell of catastrophe.

Did not stay in place for too long, Jiang Yuan once again turned into a black thread, flying fast in the universe, speed brakes

It reaches one percent of the speed of light in between.

In Universe 890, no matter can surpass the speed of light, only light can surpass the speed of light.

Reaching the broken star realm, the body shape changes, it can be turned into light, and the speed can be the speed of light, chasing the footsteps of light, this

Quite terrifying, and it is also the reason why countless races are so terrified.

At this speed, nothing can stop.

Jiang Yuan is constantly traveling through the universe, because it is close to the Northern Star Territory, and there are many planets, but the star of life

Balls are also not common.

In the universe, every living planet is born with various chances and coincidences.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes swept across the planets.

There are earthy yellow planets, all inside are dust storms, lifeless, without the slightest life, even single

No cells exist.

There are also blue planets full of water, the interior is full of ocean, but the composition of the seawater is highly toxic, and every drop of seawater weighs 10,000 catties.

Nor can life be born.

And,-planets are of different sizes, there is no largest, only bigger.

Jiang Yuan even saw a planet that was dozens of times larger than the diameter of the sun. The whole body was bright and exuding white brilliance.

Like a tremor, it oscillates once in every cycle.

All will burst out with a strong brilliance, the speed directly surpasses the speed of light and is ten times that of light.

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