Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 249 - Angry Dayan Ancients

Chapter 249 – : Angry Dayan Ancients

Ruikang’s heart was shaken even more severely, and he lowered his head deeply, his eyes filled with endless horror.

Jiang Yuan is too domineering, the aura in his whole body is almost as if it is in the heart and soul, and he directly issues race wars without dying, even if it is

They are Swiss, a race with a racial potential of 80.

It is impossible to start a war easily when dealing with a big clan.

The great tribe with the potential of the 60th-level race is the ancestor who has great hope to give birth to a broken star realm, and is born without knowing

How many years, the foundation is strong.

You have a wide range of friends. Once a war, even if the Swiss can win, they will suffer heavy losses. How many hegemons in the clan will die in battle, how many

The emperor of the disaster will be blood-stained elsewhere.

The real between races is terrible.

The collision of hundreds of millions, billions, and tens of billions of troops, the collision of warships that swept across the universe, countless planets

Will be beaten to pieces.

Disaster is normal.


Unimaginable domineering.

Such a decision was made by Jiang Yuan directly without any hesitation. However, the fall of this statement made him more angry than the ancient kings.

There are millions of corpses, blood flowing into rivers, and it is countless times more terrifying.

“This” Ruikang’s heart trembled and couldn’t help saying: “Would you like to think about it again?

However, his voice fell, waiting for Jiang Yuan’s cold and merciless eyes, extremely terrifying, and a breath of horror suddenly

Just oppress.

At this time, Ruikang knew that the other party was not asking for his meaning, it was ordering, and it was will. You don’t need to waste it.

Words, just need to be executed.

Unconditional execution.

In the next second, Ruikang swallowed hard, his throat vibrated, and a word stood out with difficulty: “Yes

At this time, the black radiance of the road quickly shuttled through the space, and it came down all of a sudden, and landed in Jiangyuan.

Waiting for someone.

I fixed my eyes and saw that he was a man who looked very similar to Ruikang. He was dressed in golden ornate clothes with brilliant golden light.

There is a luxurious and compelling atmosphere.

As soon as he looked at him, he looked at Jiang Yuan.

The eyes of the two collided, and the terrifying power of Qi and blood in Jiang Yuan’s body suddenly boiled, pressing away instantly.

Everything runs automatically through the first stage of force.

Ten times the explosion, the power of ten stars.

Seeing through the other party all at once, his body density, strength of qi and blood, and all the data are constantly circulating in Jiang Yuan’s eyes.(Read more @

There was no secret at all.

The person who came was a calamity emperor, but his aura was very powerful, three times stronger than Ruikang beside him, and his combat power reached

The power of 30 million dragons.

Very strange.

“When I saw the people coming, Ruikang’s eyes lit up and he became excited.

The visitor is not someone else, but the current Swiss Patriarch who felt the changes here before, Ruikang’s eldest brother, Rui Luo.

“I’ve seen you all.” Rui Luo is very polite, has an upright posture, has a demeanor, smiles at the corners of his mouth, and is very decent, silky

Without losing the identity of a racial patriarch.

Neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

In an instant, a powerful breath enveloped everyone, and instantly turned into a flowing black air current.

The child drilled into the space and quickly walked through the space level.

Soon, a piece of news broke out in Rising instantly, swept and passed out quickly.

The Dayan ancient people who have not left Rising are resting in a luxurious room at this time.

According to the plan, they will set off to return to their home planet when Rising enters the night, and will not tease Rising again.

Stay too long.

At this time, an eternal overlord, with a wave of his hand, in the luxurious room, a light curtain projection appeared instantly, and at the same time,

The melodious and light song also resounded.

In the picture,-a woman with a sweet appearance and a uniform figure, holding a luminous ball of light, standing next to a huge

On the stage.

Around the stage, you can see the stars flashing in the sky.

Below is the black crowd, all kinds of virtual light curtain texts are constantly floating up from the stage, all kinds of weird texts wishing

Fuhe cheered continuously.

This is a huge concert. The venue is held above a planet.

“The singing is really good.” The overlord laughed, holding a weird plant in his hand, leaving his mouth full

Xiang gnawed up, staring at the light curtain intently.

As the most powerful Mu Ze during this trip, his gaze was filled with dissatisfaction, and he slowly said: “It’s like rubbish.

It’s useless except for singing and performing and gaining some eyeballs. It can only be used among the big races.

In time, lingering, waiting for the empire’s recognition, our race crossed the big clans, the first one to take this race

What he said suddenly caused

Everyone’s attention, one after another looked at him, the previous overlord couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Surprised, “Mu Ze, is this what the clan meant?”

“It is indeed the meaning of the clan.” Mu Ze said with arrogance in his eyes, naturally: “And we are already preparing,

Once the empire’s determination is issued, the clan will immediately launch a war declaration against the Geyuan race, and Geyuan will be the first to be

The tribe we conquered.

After receiving this news, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened inconceivably, and they looked at each other 450.

Both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was excited.

“Hahahaha. Well, the overlord said with great excitement: “The Geyuan clan is a race rich in beautiful women.

It is a huge resource in itself, and it can be sold out. A powerful woman is even more valuable!”

Mu Ze’s eyes were with all the domineering pirates, and he was very proud: “Well, this is not a shocking event.

In the future, we will say that the ancient clan will conquer more big clans, the Geyuan clan is just the beginning, it is insignificant,

Not much.

“Yes, yes, right” everyone around them nodded excitedly, recognizing them, and confident of their own race.

But at this moment, the picture in the video suddenly flickered and was forcibly cut off.

A woman appears in the screen.

The woman is dressed in a black dress with a lot of objects on it, with a serious expression, holding a luminous object, and her voice

It’s very old-fashioned, and it’s meticulously speaking.

“Hello people of all ethnic groups, here is a mandatory message. Just now, about three minutes ago, we received

Sent a message.

The woman’s voice fell, and everyone from the ancient tribe was interested.

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