Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 248 - Interracial declaration of war

Chapter 248 – : Interracial declaration of war

Once the low-level races are defeated, they are basically genocide, hopeless, without any affection, absolutely


“However, if high-level races are defeated, low-level races are not allowed to commit genocide.”

After listening, Jiang Yuan’s complexion sank slightly, and he slowly said, “It really is a cruel universe! It’s so realistic that only the state officials can release it.

Fire does not allow people to light up lights, huh

Jiang Yuan snorted coldly: “Now, are our human races qualified to wage war against the Dayan ancient race?”

Ruikang nodded slightly and said: “The race evaluation is directly connected to the Empire terminal, and the data is exchanged in real time.

All the data of the earth has been handed in before, and the earth has belonged to one of the racial civilizations under the jurisdiction of the empire.

Grid waged war against other races.

“Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. At the time of “2, 7 and 3” everyone had already reached the gate, but suddenly stopped.

As soon as Jiang Yuan stopped, everyone looked over in confusion.

However, in the next second, Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and vomited a terrifying question, which exploded wildly in everyone’s hearts.

“I am going to start a race war! !”

“What. The overlord of Jinglong opened his eyes wide, thinking that he had heard him wrong, and looked at Jiang Yuan incredulously.

Although there is a guess in my heart, it is too fast!

The human race’s background is insufficient, and they have just leaped out of the universe. The race has only a few of them, and they can even sail in the universe.

There are no battleships in line.

The level of technology is even lower, and even controllable nuclear fusion has not yet been controlled.

Not only was the Thriller Overlord terrifying, the others looked at Jiang Yuan in shock.

This news is indeed a bit scary, too appalling.

“Dad” Jiang Hao’s voice was trembling slightly, with a trembling sound, looking at Jiang Yuan incredibly: “We

We just launched a war against one race? But we don’t have a warship! Even if we give us a large amount of human race now

Battleship, our human race won’t be able to open it within a short time!”

“It’s a master. You must think twice! Race war!”

When thinking of the word race war, the human race against the fierce beasts for a hundred years appears in everyone’s mind, how terrible it is.

Of the six or seven billion human races, only one billion people are left.

If it wasn’t for Jiang Yuan to close the passage between the two realms, and the terrifying ancestor of Broken Star Realm rushed over, then it’s really a battle.

The last extinction disaster.

They didn’t know the horror of Broken Star Realm before, but now they’ve entered the universe and they already know that

Existence, in the universe, is the absolute hegemon.(Read more @

“Are you scared?” Jiang Yuan’s eyes swept over everyone, his faint voice resounded, with confidence.

When he was weak, he dared to lead the Wuji Wuguan to declare war on the twelve square town generals. Now-as before,

Fearless, only keep moving forward.

“Not afraid”.

Xingyue Overlord suddenly made a sound, looking at Jiang Yuan with fanatical emotion in his eyes. The whole body was boiling and said: “I

Our human race background is too low, we only have one emperor of calamity, and there are only three eternal overlords, but the universe is too big,

The power of our human race is too small. ”

“We have a big ruling, so we have nothing to fear, but this is the same as the Swiss. Once the ancestor disappears, the whole

Races will disintegrate and lose support. ”

He passed it through with blood and energy, and only the human race could hear it.

“If we break into a powerful race, seize their scientific and technological achievements, occupy huge resources, and beat our people

The momentum of the race, so in the universe, the ordinary race, how dare to gnaw at us.

“Weakness is the original sin, it will be beaten, catastrophe, and a hundred years of fighting, don’t everyone understand this truth?”

Xingyue Overlord’s voice became more and more exciting, full of blood, boiling, and when the words fell, everyone was stunned.

His eyes widened.

In an instant, everyone couldn’t help but bow their heads.

My heart trembled.

Yes! Weakness is the original sin. Weakness will be beaten. If they bear this tone today, it will be a show of weakness.

It is the incompetence of the race.

In the future, the human race will always enter the era of the universe, contacting countless races. If the overlords of the human race are born, they are afraid of death and fear.

Fearful, so human, what’s the future–

The strength of a race is not based on fear, but on courage. Only by being strong can other races respect you and harm you.

Afraid of you, admire

Why can other races be arrogant and domineering, why can’t the human race?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly raised their heads, looking at Jiang Yuan with fiery eyes.

The Shocking Dragon Overlord woke up, his voice trembled, and suddenly went crazy: “Don’t be afraid.”

“Neither do I. I am afraid that the overlord of Cangyuan will also roar, his fighting spirit is boiling, and his murderous spirit is fierce.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes gradually became crazy, and his voice was suddenly oscillated. It was a promise: “Other races can

Arrogant, so can our human race.

Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely wild and inspiring: “I want people to step into the universe and find out where they go,

You can hold your head high, you can be domineering, you can ignore everything

Jiang Yuan said violently: “You can stand up and tell countless races that they are human races and they are humans.




Wow, the blood in everyone’s hearts was completely ignited, their eyes were even more crazy, and the tone was extremely crazy.

At this moment, he was infected by Jiang Yuan’s blood, and he was extremely proud of his identity as a human race.

Ruikang, standing next to him, suddenly got terrified. Looking at the past, the aura of each human race is changing.

Become violent, become incomparable, crazy.

This is a change of 4.9 kinds of mentality, a kind of fearlessness.

“What are they talking about?” Ruikang was deeply shocked.

I saw Jiang Yuan’s gaze suddenly turned around, staring directly at him, as if he could reach the depths of his heart and found him

The secret of him has nowhere to hide.

“Di Zun” Rui Kang hastily shouted respectfully all his life, his eyelids were beating right now.

“According to the laws of the empire, we,” Jiang Yuan said every word: “Start a race war against Da Yan Gu.”

Ruikang almost couldn’t breathe in a single breath, his eyes were terrified, and his inner shock was suppressed, his voice trembled slightly: “Race

What is the intensity of the battle?”

Jiang Yuan slowly narrowed his eyes, and said in an extremely cold voice, “I’m not dead.”

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