Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 230 - The second stage of the Sutra of Everything

Chapter 230 – : The second stage of the Sutra of Everything

Unconsciously, time passed by quietly.

At night, Jiang Yuan sat alone in the study, opening the Sutra of All Things, frowning slightly.

Everything has been perfected in the first stage, but there is no clue in the second stage. In countless deductions, only knowing

Dao, the next thing involved is-kind of situation.

Potential is divided into tangible and intangible, intangible and unspeakable.

When the fist is swiped out, it will form a fist, which is mighty and domineering, or as hard as iron. The momentum is different, and the power is naturally.


Between the heaven and the earth, there is a general trend of the world, the flood is overflowing, the force is unstoppable, and the surging surging.

Under the disaster, everything has the power to speak, but only uses the power of qi and blood.

The manpower is sometimes poor, and the energy and blood are constantly struggling and improving, and will eventually reach the upper limit. If you want to make a breakthrough, you need to break through.

Qi and blood draw the general trend of the world, mighty and domineering.

The fierce beast in the broken star realm rushed out of the earth.

The aura of terror changes the climate of the world and affects the temperature of the entire world.

The general situation of the land made his own power burst to an unimaginable degree.

Everyone has the potential, but they are all the same.

Countless people with the same popularity, or superiors, or master styles, can form the aura of a strong man in every gesture.

But after all, this does not belong to his unique aura.

Only one’s own potential is the real potential.

Jiang Yuan frowned and wrote a word in the second stage of the Sutra of Everything, Shi.

“What the hell is my momentum.” Jiang Yuan put down the pen, stood up, walked out of the house, stood on the balcony, watching

The world outside, let the breeze brush his cheeks.

Since embarking on the path of qi and blood cultivation, the soul has never been so quiet.

“What is my potential?” Jiang Yuan looked down into his eyes, and countless images continued to appear in his mind.

I have the excitement of my first encounter with seismology, I have the excitement of becoming the first level, and there are also stars who break through the advanced martial arts.


“Mom! I’m going to outer space tomorrow, to get in touch with a new race, you won’t wear it to me-red! It’s too earthy,

Red is worn by little girls’ “.”

At this moment, Jiang Hao complained from downstairs.

Beside Jiang Hao, Murongxue covered her mouth and smiled happily, looking at Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming,-big red with a back

Wearing a red cloak.

In addition, the two are young and handsome, and they actually feel like a monster in the human race.

“The aesthetics of aliens is definitely different from ours. You are red, perhaps in their eyes, you are the best looking face.(Read more @

Color, and red also looks mighty.

Murong Qingyue’s voice was also passed over, with a smile in his voice.

Listen carefully, there is a hint of happiness in this voice, which is satisfaction with the current life.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s gaze suddenly looked down, his whole body was shocked, and he felt as if his hairs were standing upright.

Zi swept all over his body and his scalp was numb.

In his eyes, the origin formula ran wildly, and a stream of light flashed through his mind like a meteor.

Jiang Yuan’s breathing became anxious, and an ecstatic look gradually appeared in his eyes.

In my mind, countless pictures turned crazily again, and finally freeze on one picture.

In the picture, Murong Qingyue was lying tiredly on the hospital bed, and the young Jiang Hao was held in her arms by the nurse, with a smile on her face.

Tell him that his parents are safe.


At this moment, water mist instantly filled Jiangyuan’s eyes.


Why is he alive, why he keeps fighting, in wars,-crawling out of the dead again and again, when

What is the most desire in my heart at that time.

It’s family reunion!

Who do you miss the most? It is his wife and his babbled son.

In the most miserable times, it was this belief that supported him time and time again, struggling to stand up, roaring and roaring

Now, full of unwillingness.

“What is my potential?” Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, his eyes brighter and brighter, more and more fascinating, in an instant,

Really enlightened.

“My momentum is to guard, guard the people around me, guard the ones I love

In an instant, Jiang Yuan realized it, with a smile on his face, his eyes filled with endless softness for the first time, and his eyes filled with

The water mist, the heart is trembling.

At the same time, the deduction of the origin formula entered a whole new field in an instant, reaching its peak, with countless information,

It sweeps the brain like a river sluices.

He tremblingly took out the paper and pen, and recorded it bit by bit.

The Sutra of All Things, the second stage, was perfected and used a little bit, and the words in it were not cold and merciless.

Very fierce and soft.

It’s like flowing clouds and flowing water,

Naturally, it is full of fraternity and kindness.

Foreign wine and wine, tens of thousands of words, only ten minutes, it is recorded bit by bit.

When the last one fell, Jiang Yuan stopped the pen and paper, standing in place with a smile on his face.

In the next second, he took a step forward, without the slightest fluctuations in his body, as if he had never existed before, just like that abruptly.

Disappeared in place.

When it appeared, it had reached an altitude of 100,000 meters, between the real cosmic vacuum.

Above one hundred thousand meters, there is no atmosphere, and the distance between molecules is infinitely extended, even here, the distance from the sun

Recently, but the temperature felt by the whole body. It was extremely cold.

This is because the space is in absolute zero matter, there is no matter to store heat, and light will only penetrate through the vacuum.

Go without leaving the slightest temperature.

At this height, if you look down, you can see that the surface of the azure blue planet has a (good promise) atmosphere.

Cover the whole world and play a natural protective role.

And this is the mother star that gives birth to the entire human race.

In the future, you can see the satellites of the parent star, the moon star, and the major celestial bodies far away, surrounding the sun and following the entire galaxy cluster, rapidly advancing.

The moment Jiangyuan appeared in the sky, human satellites had already discovered high-energy reactions, and entered the sky as soon as possible.

The line is locked, and the real-time picture is delivered to the earth.

Because at the earliest time before, the one-year plan was accelerated

Mankind’s investment in space is constantly increasing.

In just four months, the number of satellites launched has even exceeded the total number of the ten years of peace.

Almost before, Jiang Yuan’s face appeared in the hands of Jinglong Overlord and others. ,

Seeing clearly that the figure in the space is in Jiangyuan, everyone is relieved-0 and doesn’t care.

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