Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 229 - Ten potentials of race

Chapter 229 – : Ten potentials of race

“The next matters, you decide for yourself. When you leave tomorrow, I will bring them both over.” Jiang Yuandan

After speaking lightly, he stepped out in one step and disappeared directly in place.

Looking at the direction in which Jiang Yuan disappeared, Ruikang’s eyes were filled with heat and excitement.

He still has a feeling of being in a dream.

If someone told him before that on this backward planet, there is a calamity emperor, and he won’t be the same if he is killed.

Letter, only think that there is a problem with the other party’s brain.

What is the concept of the emperor is destined to become the existence of a race ancestor.

They are rising, because they have such an ancestor, they can become one of the four major families in northern Xinjiang and rule thousands of lives.

Planet, hundreds of civilizations and races.

Enjoy the worship of huge resources and several races.

However, the family ancestor disappeared on the battlefield this time, but it was like a haze, shrouded in the hearts of the entire Rising people.

It was too heavy for people to breathe.

Once the news is confirmed, the race waiting for them will be an unprecedented disaster and catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Ruikang’s face sank.

But immediately afterwards, he felt a sense of survival from a desperate situation. Fortunately, he came to this backward planet since he was 28.

I found him an emperor that did not belong to any forces.

Once such news is passed back to the family, it will be a sensation.

The whole family will be shaken, and the people of the tribe can hold their heads up again, and their words can become hardened.

A light smile appeared on his face when he thought of this.

Next, Ruikang began to distribute some of the terms and regulations of joining the empire for everyone to watch, and briefly introduced

Part of the system of joining the empire, and the duties that need to be performed.

There are also benefits to be enjoyed.

Jinglong Overlord looked at it carefully, his eyes brightened as he watched, and a smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan also returned home and saw two golden lights on the horizon, approaching quickly.

When I glanced over, I saw the appearance of Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming.

Seeing the two incarnations of golden light groups, their auras calm, Jiang Yuan’s mouth hung a-silky relieved smile.

Unexpectedly, the talents of the two are much stronger than I thought. How long has it been before they rushed into the Sifang Township together.


Although relieved in his heart, Jiang Yuan’s complexion was very cold, directly facing Murongxue who was doing homework in the room.

Said: “Go and get the special cane.”

While doing his homework, he cautiously lowered his head. Murongxue, who was playing the game, suddenly heard Jiang Yuan’s words.

Shocked with fright.

“Mom, when will my dad be back!”

Murongxue’s thoughts fell, and she quickly put away her mobile phone, but she also knew in her heart what she was doing, father one-(Read more @

You can know it as soon as you see it.

But under the most guilty conscience, I still fetch the cane honestly.

And the two golden lights in the sky also fell, and I saw Jiang Yuan standing at the door with a cold face from afar, as if

Waiting for a long time is the same.

When the two fell, Jiang Hao suddenly squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

When I saw Murongxue, he bounced out holding a cane.

The moment they saw the cane, both Jiang Yuan and Cheng Qiming couldn’t help but shake their mouths.

Even if this rattan is the most common rattan, it can be turned into a weapon to break the mountains and the sea in the hands of Dizun.

If this is hit on the body, it will be fine.

The skin is not cracked yet.

Jiang Yuan took the cane, as if he was incarnate as the most majestic teacher, looked at the two with bad eyes and said: “Follow me

Come in.

After leaving a cold sentence, Jiang Yuan turned and walked in.

Murongxue stood in place, looking at Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming with a smirk, spreading her hands,-looking for more blessings

Then, with his hands on his back, learning the appearance of Jiang Yuan, old-fashioned and strode in.

Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming swallowed with difficulty, their faces turned pale, and they all knew what they did.

It’s broken, the Dongchuang incident happened.

Enduring the fear, the two humbly gave way to each other, but in the end they both walked in.

Soon, the painful cry of wailing came from the house, spreading far away, so that the soldiers patrolling around felt all over.

Shocked, butt tingling.

“Pen Da ruling is beating his son again, this scream

“Listen to the sound, this time Cheng Qiming didn’t escape from the devil’s catch! It’s really the listener’s tears 1”

“I will also give birth to a son in the future, so I will punch my hand if it is itchy!*

A group of soldiers on patrol talked in a low voice, and said that Ruo couldn’t help laughing.

The windows on the second floor look younger than before, like Murong Qingyue, who is in his thirties, bask in the sun

Knitting a sweater, smiled and shook his head.

Fortunately, there is a great god like a husband in the family, otherwise Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming’s ability to cause trouble, I am afraid they will be listed by the human race.

It’s on the blacklist!

The screams lasted for five or six minutes before it stopped.

Jiang Yuan put down the rattan in his hand and sat on the recliner. Murongxue next to him immediately brought a cup of tea.

Jiang Yuan took a sip of tea, and looked at the two little rascals standing in front of him. Suddenly it was again-the fire was big, and couldn’t help

Picking up the cane and wanting to beat it again.

This time Jiang Hao learned well, and quickly moved his ass back, looking at Jiang Yuan as if he was greatly wronged.

A smile flashed across Jiang Yuan’s face, and he said with a cold face: “Look at what you did. It’s estimated that a bomb was blown up not long ago.

Immediately after that, I gave it to Wei to come out.

“I’ve been able to endure 733! I haven’t learned how to send information into the universe, but you are very good.

The signal is sent. ”

“If you send it, you will send it, and you still hide it. Why do you know that you are afraid now that the Dongchuang incident has happened?”

Jiang Yuanqi didn’t fight, and after finishing speaking, he said, “I’ll bypass you this time. I’ll clean up later, and I will be with me tomorrow.

Leave together.

Jiang Hao looked suspicious, and said with a carefree grin: “Dad? Where are you going? You need to prepare luggage?”

“Where are you going?” Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth and made a voice between his teeth: “The bad things he did, I forgot in a blink of an eye.


The next second, Jiang Hao’s eyes suddenly widened, and he was still excited and said, “Dad, you, you, you, you mean,

Tomorrow we will go to space with you, to other planets?”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: “This time I go, cheer me up, clean up yourself, don’t go all day.

Just like not waking up, the hair is messy like a chicken coop.

After speaking, he looked at Cheng Qiming and said, “Look at Qiming. Although he has the same virtue and disobedience with you, he always

He cleaned up like a nobleman, and he looked well-dressed. ”

Hearing Jiang Yuan complimenting himself, Cheng Qiming raised his head proudly and squinted at Jiang Hao, as if to say, look at you,

Just like a bandit, I’ll be with you and have a share of it.

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