Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 218 - Usher in a peaceful and prosperous age

Chapter 218 – : Usher in a peaceful and prosperous age

“The Shocking Dragon Overlord’s voice was trembling, and he couldn’t say the last sentence, lowering his head as the Overlord.

What Cang Yuan said was not wrong, he did think of this.

Although Jiang Yuan has become the emperor, powerful, and the strongest of the human race, but in the face of a broken star realm that transcends a big realm

Previously, babies were generally weak.

It’s almost a mortal situation.

“Frightening Dragon, you, you, you!!” Xingyue Overlord also looked at him in horror.

“”The Shocking Dragon Overlord’s voice trembled: “I am also for the human race! For everyone!”

“You bastard” Cangyuan overlord raised his head angrily and was about to fight.

But at this moment, a series of exclamations suddenly resounded.

“Look at what it is, look at it

“Is a black light rushing out from the light curtain of the “Nine Six Zero” of the two realms?”

“Could it be Emperor Jiang Yuan.

The exclamation sound continued to resound, and it resounded across the sky in an instant.

The Shocking Dragon Overlord and the others were shocked. They looked down suddenly and saw a black light coming from the crack.

Rushed up suddenly.

Suspended between heaven and earth.

Countless black particles split crazily, and then continue to combine.

Seeing this weird but very familiar scene, the eyes of the overlord of the Dragon Dragon continued to expand, with a guilty expression on his face.

It gradually becomes a surprise.

Finally it turned into a mad laugh.

“Hahaha, I know, I know, as the first emperor of our human race, how can you not

It’s impossible to die so easily, haha. It’s impossible

In the mad laughter of his galaxy, countless black matter is constantly splitting and converging in a blink of an eye.

In the eyes of countless people.

A head gradually formed, followed by the body, and finally the whole person was suspended between the heaven and the earth.


“I know, I know

Countless excited voices screamed madly, countless fanatical eyes, looking towards Jiang Yuan, full of

Limited excitement.

Overlord Xingyue burst into tears with excitement.

Overlord Cangyuan yelled frantically, his face ruddy with excitement, and his heart beating faster and faster.

“Our human race, the first emperor was born

He roared frantically, his qi and blood mixed with sounds, swept out like a tsunami, spreading frantically.

“Di Zun

The town general of Yizun also screamed frantically.

Jiang Yuan was not dead, he actually rushed out of the beast of Broken Star Realm, and he really did not even think about it.

His feat broke the connection between the two worlds.

This is a real feat, just like in that time, when he gave up his life to take texts, he used his own flesh and blood to block the eye of the gun.

The fearless spirit of casting is shocking.

“Di Zun(Read more @

“Di Zun

“Di Zun

People screamed frantically, and the sound swept like a tsunami.

Roar as much as possible.

Over ten million troops, everyone roared frantically.

The sound wave after wave, wave after wave crazy.

The voice oscillated, mixed with people’s joy. Everyone knew that from this moment on, the human race had defeated

Peace is coming.

And all of this is brought about by that stalwart figure in the sky.

At this moment, thousands of eyes were staring at him.

The war reporters have set up countless cameras, all aiming at Jiangyuan at this moment.

The people on the battlefield, the people in the ancient city, and even the people in the hinterland of the human race, are now in front of the TV, waiting


Waiting for the great figure to declare victory.

A historic moment is being opened.

Jiang Yuan was suspended between the sky and the earth, his eyes looked at the sky and the earth all at once, and in an instant, he swept across countless people’s faces, the most

Later, his voice resounded.

“I declare

His voice is deep and full of strength, rumbling, echoing in countless people’s ears, entering people’s hearts, in their hearts

Spirit exploded.

In an instant, the world was quiet, and a pair of fiery eyes were waiting.

Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly went crazy, shook the world, shattered the clouds and mist in the sky, and passed wildly.

“The Terran triumphs

When his voice fell, countless people in the whole world went crazy.

Roaring wildly, cheering indulgently.

A hundred years of battle, this moment finally draws a successful conclusion, victory, victory

Crazy, really crazy, crazy above all the land of the human race

“Victorious me

We won”

“Haha we won. We won

The native soldiers wept bitterly and weeped each other, fighting for a hundred years, resisting foreign invasion, people won, and the heavy burden on people’s shoulders,

Finally unloaded.

Countless soldiers knelt to the ground, howling frantically, crying.

In the Hundred Years War, how many people died, generations were sacrificed, and how many people’s fathers died in battle and became the mouths of beasts.

In the food.


Too many, too many to calculate.

How many people died,-billion or one billion

Victory finally comes.

“Di Zun



The cries of madness became stronger.

Jiang Yuan’s voice was madly transmitted again, and he was also affected by this moment.

“The journey that belongs to our human race really begins at this moment. Our road is ahead, and our future is vast.

The universe, only when we become stronger, can we meet countless sufferings.

Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded continuously, echoing the world.

The realm of Disaster Evil Emperor can already easily affect the natural operation of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he is the real ruler of this planet, his words are the imperial edict, and his will is the great heaven.

The will of the earth.

3.9 His voice can instantly spread into the ears of the entire race and countless creatures.

Because we are in the same line, and we have a bright red blood flowing.

“In the future, challenges will continue, but I believe.

Jiang Yuan’s voice comes from the heart, constantly oscillating, full of endless pride, and conveying: As long as our human race group

The result is unanimous, no difficulty can stop the progress of our human race. ”


Jiang Yuan’s final voice was also completely crazy: “This moment belongs to all of us.

When his voice fell, the sky and the earth thundered, and the clouds flashed and thundered, as if they were congratulating the human race.

The brilliance achieved is recognition.

In the next second, under the gaze of all mankind, Jiang Yuan stepped out and disappeared instantly.

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