Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 217 - Can you return

Chapter 217 – : Can you return?

But as long as there is a black particle in Jiangyuan, it can continue to split and resurrect, and it doesn’t care about loss.

At the last moment, Jiang Yuan still yelled if the other party was unwilling.

On the earth of the parent star, there are nearly nine thousand golden light clusters floating above the big crack. There are over ten million on the ground.

Of the army, everyone is waiting.

“The light curtain of the two worlds has faded.” The overlord of Cangyuan suddenly became clever, his expression flushed with excitement.

“It has really faded. It seems that Emperor Jiang Yuan has succeeded!” The Jinglong Overlord’s complexion was also ruddy, and the corners of his eyes were trembling.

Shake, try to restrain your excitement.(Read more @

“Then when will he come out?” Xingyue Overlord’s beautiful face was worrisome, his gaze did not live in the cracks.


Her voice fell, and everyone was speechless. No one said a word. They all fell silent.

Si was excited and quickly sank to the bottom.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

Everyone was holding their breath and waiting, the more they waited, the more anxious they became.

Many people couldn’t help clenching their fists, and breathing became difficult.

Even the complexion of the three human overlords gradually turned pale from rosy.

You know, Jiang Yuan is the first emperor of the human race, and its weight is almost incalculable. It protects a civilization.

A guide to the vast universe.

Anyone can die, but he cannot die.

But as time passed by, everyone’s hearts became more and more tense.

“Why haven’t you come out?” Jinglong Overlord’s expression became more and more anxious, his eyes swept across the cracks, his eyes

The power of qi and blood kept tumbling.

Not let go of a small particle.

Not only were all the overlords nervous, but even on the ground, countless soldiers couldn’t help their nervous hearts beating like crazy.

“Will something happen?”

Among the soldiers, the local soldier couldn’t help but tremblingly asked, his tone full of unconfidence.

But as soon as his words fell, his captain moved instantly and kicked him brutally and brutally, his eyes were fierce.

The tone furiously said: “You shut up.

His scolding caused all the soldiers around to give a cold forehead.

But with the passage of time, people’s worries have become more and more serious.

Especially in the sky, there was a trace of fear and sadness in his heart.

Seeking flowers——

At their level, it’s clearer how terrifying the gap between a big realm is, no matter how life form is.

It’s still power, perception is equivalent to the difference between heaven and earth.

Every second of time, the greater the possibility of Jiang Yuan’s death in battle.

“It’s okay, it’s okay

!” The Shocking Dragon Overlord’s complexion has been pale to the extreme, extremely ugly, whispering constantly,

Comforting myself.

The more I comforted myself, the more shocked my voice.

Soon, within their sight, the light curtain that connected the two worlds completely faded and almost disappeared.

“No, you are the emperor of the human race! You are a myth, a legend!” The voice of Xingyue Overlord was almost brought on

Crying, muttering to oneself

The Terran finally gave birth to a calamity emperor, with unlimited potential, and will lead the entire Terran to an incomparable glory in the future.

How can you die like this?

But when they thought, a fierce beast in Broken Star Realm had awakened, and their hearts fell into the bottom in an instant.

“Will not

In the end, Cangyuan Overlord’s tiger eyes were wet and choked with sobs.

The Shocking Dragon Overlord slowly closed his eyes, although he didn’t want to admit it, it was the case.

“When Jiang Yuan asked us to leave, we shouldn’t leave!” Jinglong Overlord’s voice resounded heavily.

Get up, choked up too.

“Or maybe at that time, he was prepared to die together.” Xingyueba’s mainstream tears, his eyes flushed

Depressed and uncomfortable inside.

“Why do we want to be traitors?” Cangyuan Overlord-broke out immediately, the tiger’s eyes are blood-red, look at

The son looked at Jinglong Overlord.

“You must have guessed it.

Suddenly, the overlord Cangyuan came to the overlord of Jinglong, rudely lifted his clothes, staring dead.

Staring at him deadly.

Roared: “You are making us traitors! Don’t you know? We could have been with Emperor Jiang Yuan,

It doesn’t matter if you make a heroic sacrifice for the human race, but you”

Finally, he roared directly: “You, you, you, you actually let us be traitors.”

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