Red sand dust

Chapter 854 Weakness

Konoha Village, which is bustling with enthusiasm every day, obviously seems a little deserted today.

It wasn't that the villagers didn't go out, but that a large number of people were gathered at the Chunin Examination venue.

In order to watch this rare event, many people arrived early for fear that they would not be able to find their place.

From the Country of Snow in the north, to the Country of Tea in the south, to the Country of Ghosts in the west, and even to the Country of the Sea far away from the mainland, people come all the way to Konoha Village just to see who the legendary strongest young ninja is. Kind of.

With the entry of a few daimyo and noble entourages, the originally bustling scene suddenly became more lively.

At the same time, the guards on the surface began to show up to maintain order, and the ANBU in disguise were also in place.

It is natural to start early when it is not too hot so as not to keep the distinguished guests waiting for a long time.

Soon after, Tsunade, the fifth generation of the Hokage, and Gaara, the fifth generation of the Kazekage, appeared side by side and took their seats at the viewing platform opposite.

Because of Orochimaru's raid two years ago, Konoha Village is obviously more cautious this year. Not only are there more guards stationed below, but they also have several layers of overt or covert barriers set up to prevent the attack on the Hokage from happening again.

Even though the seemingly immature Gaara may not be a match for the experienced Tsunade, he is still a kage and the threat is still considerable.

Although he was not deliberately targeted, Ruoyouruowu's gaze always swept over his body, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Kankuro touched the human puppet of the Kazekage Sandaime behind his back with his hand, and Kankuro felt a little more confident.

Temari on the other side glared at Kankuro a little, telling him not to make unnecessary moves.

Thousands of eyes are staring here. If you are rude, you will lose the face of Sunagakure Village.

In comparison, Gaara is much calmer, with a calm attitude, not like a teenager at all.

Not far away, Tsunade, who was sitting side by side with Gaara, turned to look at Gaara and said with a smile:

Every time I see Feng Ying's overly young face, I can't help but feel a sense of helplessness. I can't help but think that we are all old!

Senior is a role model for us to learn from, so there is no need to be so humble!

Gaara greeted skillfully,

Sitting here reminds me that I was there two years ago! Things have changed, and the friendship between Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village remains the same. It's really gratifying!

It's a pity that I wasn't there at the time and missed a lot of stories!

Regarding the so-called unbreakable alliance between the two villages, Tsunade was noncommittal and shook her head with a chuckle.

Let's see how this year's genin performs!

Gaara had no objection. Immediately, Morino Ihiki, who was leading the eleven candidates to receive applause from the audience, got the news.

The examiner for the third test this year is no longer Shiranui Genma with a thousand books in his mouth, but the cold and stern Morino Ihiki. A special jounin who is good at interrogating and figuring out people's hearts has appeared, and he doesn't know who is out of Konoha Village. What to consider.

Now that you have arrived here, you have successfully taken a crucial step, but after all, there is only one strongest genin. Next, it is time to fight for yourself and the reputation of your village...

After Morino Ihiki finished speaking, he asked Shino Aburame and Shikamaru Nara to stay in the first duel, while the others went to the stands to wait.

Last year, I played one more game just because I was targeted, and was eliminated in the end. This year, I am unlucky and have bad luck...

Nara Shikamaru complained with a relaxed face, but the sharp gaze in his eyes showed no signs of slackness.

Aburame Shino responded calmly:

I'm okay, I rarely encounter bad luck, but this time I probably ran out of luck...

I was promoted directly in the preliminary round, which made many people envious.

The examiner looked at the two people and showed no objection, and immediately announced the start.

Amidst the cheers, the two began to battle wits and courage.

In the last corner of the sidelines, Daimaru crossed his arms and turned around suddenly to see the belated Inuzuka Kiba walking up the stairs.

Hey, young man, how can you be late to cheer for your teammates? By the way, what happened to the injury on your face? It should be enough to heal in a month!

At this moment, Inuzuka Kiba, whose face was slightly bruised and still covered with medical tape, slowly approached Akamaru, who was in a bit of a bad mood.

This is not an injury caused during the Chuunin Exam, but a 'accidental' beating by Mother...

The somewhat embarrassed boy walking the dog answered vaguely.

Domestic violence! It's really hard...

Daimaru looked at Inuzuka Kiba sympathetically.

This veterinary ninja who is good at dog training seems to have a bad temper. Inuzuka Kiba grew up under the whip of love of his mother Inuzuka Kuma from childhood. I don't know how he got into trouble with this unlucky man. To my mother who is faster with her hands than her brain.

It's not what you think...

Inuzuka Kiba, who seemed to want to make a few excuses but didn't know where to start, said somewhat unhappily,

It has nothing to do with you anyway!

That's right! I'm a troublemaker!

Daimaru shrugged and said casually, who has the patience to care about trivial family matters?

Your teammates seem to be a little restrained by the shadow binding technique. Their physical skills are a bit poor, their reflexes are a bit worse than Nara Shikamaru, their physical strength is inferior, and even the secret insect control technique consumes more chakra.

I can watch!

After scanning a few times, Inuzuka Kiba found his position, waved his hand impatiently, and walked away.

It's really rude, but the broad-minded Red Dust uncle won't be like a little brat.

Off the field, the evenly matched battle was still very exciting, and most of the audience still had the basic ability to appreciate it. The overwhelming battle between the insect swarm and the secret technique of shadow could satisfy many people's appetite.

As Daimaru said, the Aburame family's secret technique of fucking insects is less suitable for fighting in the ring than the shadow binding technique. Of course, it will not be easy for Nara Shikamaru to win. Even if the shadow secret technique controls Aburame Shino, he will send bad luck. The bugs can still move freely and attack.

How to withstand the attack of the raging insect swarm and knock down Aburame Shino is not an easy task.

In such an open-air environment, the flying parasites provided countless small shadows for Nara Shikamaru to use, and Aburame Shino was indeed controlled, but what next?

The Shadow Head Neck Binding Technique was ineffective because Aburame Shino's parasitic bugs were constantly gnawing at the Yin Escape Chakra that invaded the body, greatly increasing Nara Shikamaru's consumption.

The attack power of Shadow Seam, Shadow Imitation Shuriken, and Shadow Convergence Technique are too small, and even the Insect Wall Technique cannot break through.

The direct damage capability of Ninjutsu is poor, which is a weakness that Nara Shikamaru cannot avoid.

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