Red sand dust

Chapter 853 Dispute

The Kazekage Fifth Generation Gaara was almost the last big shot to arrive. In fact, it had been more than a year since he became the leader of Sunagakure Village, and this was his first public visit.

In order to ensure safety, even the followers Aogi and Krobi who always accompany him were replaced by Kankuro and Temari as bodyguards.

At least on the surface, the transition between old and new in Sunagakure Village has almost been completed, and young people are gradually beginning to come to the forefront.

This is also an inevitable choice for forces that have experienced great changes in order to get rid of the baggage of the past. A new generation replaces the old ones, and their ideas are very different from those of their predecessors.

If an old-school sand ninja like Fuyi were in power and wanted to cooperate sincerely with the Leaf Village, the other party might also have many concerns.

As for Daimaru himself, he did not go with Gaara, but arrived the night before, met with the compatriots of the Quick Rescue Team, said hello to the three candidates, and then concentrated on arranging internal responses and investigating There are threats posed by possible enemies.

Late at night, after checking all the suspicious places, Daimaru and the gritty Jonin who had not seen each other for a long time sat and talked.

In the village where the lights were flashing from time to time, there was a burst of frogs chirping. Inside the house, two crickets seemed to have broken into the house. These two uninvited guests were not polite at all, as if they were angry, and the jagged friction sound of their front wings was louder and louder. Loud.

There is no such thing in Sunagakure Village!

Gravel smiled heartily,

When I first came here, I was really not used to it!

The noisy wind in the Kingdom of Wind is actually much noisier than this. You can sleep peacefully amidst the howling of ghosts and wolves, but the tiny sounds of frogs and insects are more disturbing to your dreams...

When a Konoha ninja goes to Sand Hidden Village, I'm afraid it will feel completely opposite!

It is not an easy thing to do as the Romans do. Some trivial things may have unexpected effects.

For example, the temperature in Konoha Village is obviously much lower than that in Sunagakure Village. However, in the Land of Fire, which has an astonishingly high greening rate, the air humidity is also extremely high. Suna Ninja, who is used to a dry environment, just came here. I feel a little uncomfortable, with chest tightness and shortness of breath. The slightly damp underwear is stuck together with the unused sweat, which makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Without a period of adjustment, it will really affect your mental state.

Sand and a large number of compatriots who have been in Konoha Village for a long time have also changed out of Sand ninja's summer robes that cover the skin tightly, and put on cooler sweat-absorbent short-sleeved clothes and thick standard vests. It’s also much lighter.

This place is not like the Kingdom of Wind, where you have to endure the scorching sun all the time. A slightly milder sun will not easily burn your skin.

Skin care oil for daily sun protection and dryness is no longer essential. Instead, mosquito repellent is always available.

There were no dangers such as venomous scorpions or rattlesnakes that could cause death, but the buzzing in my ears was even more annoying.

Fortunately, Daimaru was prepared and would not be stumped by these little things.

Daimaru and Shali, who had rarely seen each other these days, were not unfamiliar with each other. Shali seemed carefree, but he also had a delicate side.

When Daimaru was still a genin or chuunin, he had received a lot of favors from him, and they also had a lot of common language in the field of developing ninjutsu, so they felt like they had been friends for many years.

I'm sorry about Senior Fu Yi, I'm sorry that I can't do anything!

There has been no in-depth communication, and there is also a slight intention to avoid suspicion. Shali is a capable person promoted by Fu Yi. Even if they are busy with their own affairs now, there is still a good relationship.

Daimaru also wants to have a perfect happy ending, but the reality is always so helpless.

this is not your fault!

Grit patted Daimaru's shoulder and sighed slightly,

Those of us subordinates who followed the Commander-in-Chief in the north and south, we can actually guess some of his thoughts. Gaara's ability to become the fifth generation also represents the village's choice to completely change the status quo. We old-timers will become It has become a stumbling block that hinders the development of the times!

It's not that exaggerated...

Daimaru retorted insincerely, but was stopped by Gritty's nonchalant laughter.

Don't worry about us. I am also a senior Sand Ninja who has experienced the Ninja World War. I have seen the village encounter great changes, so I have been prepared for it!

After a pause, a look of regret appeared on his face, and he said leisurely to Daimaru:

When Yakura was abandoned, it was apparent that the fourth generation was jealous of his talents and was afraid that the outstanding Swordsman would usurp the Kazekage's position, so he was sent to the Kiri Ninja's trap to be killed. In fact, it was all nonsense. When the village is in turmoil, civil strife breaks out to seize the throne. I'm afraid it's not going to end! The real reason is the dispute between the extreme militant faction and the moderate faction. With Ye Cang around, it's impossible to make peace with the Mist Ninja, and it's impossible to gather the whole village. With the power, repel the attacks of Cloud Ninja and Iwa Ninja...

Daimaru could also guess some of this fact. Rasa, who was already the Kazekage, could not accommodate Hagura because of his narrow body. It was obviously impossible. If he was such a shallow person, Chiyo and Ebizo would not be able to support him. Luo Sha ascends the throne.

The real reason is that Ye Cang does not support Luo Sha's war strategy and wants to push Sunagakure Village to overdraw its combat power and go all out to win the war.

A fierce general who charges into battle cannot see the actual life and death crisis facing Sunagakure Village. It does not mean that her choice is wrong, it is just that she stands on the opposite side of the person who decides the direction.

Daimaru was silent, and Gravel continued:

Ye Cang's existence is like a guiding light, leading the energetic young people to go to the battlefield regardless of danger, making the continuous war impossible to stop!

Ye Cang's death was the reason for Fu Yi and Luo Sha's complete break. Even though they both believed that a relatively soft strategy should be adopted, using conspiracy to kill compatriots was really despicable.

As a Kazekage, he repeatedly resorted to evil deeds. He was really not grand enough, and even many of his compatriots couldn't stand it. This was one of the reasons why the Yondaime had a poor reputation.

Fu Yi's situation is somewhat similar to Ye Cang's back then.

As long as the flag still erected has not completely fallen, people will naturally gather under his command to contribute in the direction it points to.

Fuyi, who had not dealt with Rasa for more than ten years, naturally provided a space for the dissidents who opposed Gaara. Unless he completely turned to the Kazekage, there was no possibility of relaxation.

It's a pity that a senior who even refused to surrender to Rasa, how could he be surrendered by a young man like Gaara?

I hope this won't happen again in the future!

At least for now, Gaara's performance is quite remarkable. There is nothing too amazing about his performance. In terms of steady and gentle methods, he is much better than his father.

Tomorrow is the moment when the Godaime officially makes his public appearance in the ninja world. Sand Hidden Village has to say goodbye to the past!

I've been delayed a bit, so I'll just update it today and make up for it tomorrow.

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