Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 243 Jia Rui Wants To Take Shi Xiangyun As His Concubine

However, what Jia Rui is sure of is -

Prince Zhongshun means Emperor Jing'an!

From this, Jia Rui figured out Emperor Jing'an's psychology——

If people from Prince Zhongshun's faction were to impeach the historian, it would be a confrontation between Prince Zhongshun's faction and Prince Beijing's faction!

In that case, the intensity would be great!

Now that Emperor Jing'an has taken action against the people of King Beijing's faction, he doesn't want to be too violent!

In this case, Jia Rui becomes the right candidate!

Because Jia Rui’s current identity is Ning Guogong!

He is also the patriarch of the Jia clan!

When Jia Rui came forward to impeach the historian, it was not a duel between the faction of Prince Zhongshun and the faction of King Beijing, but an internal fight between the faction of Prince Beijing!

Because at least on the surface, Jia Rui belongs to the Beijing Wang Sect!

At this moment, what makes Jia Rui a little embarrassed is——

Although he knew the plot of "Dream of Red Mansions", he didn't know what specific crimes the historian had committed!

Because there are very few descriptions of historians in "A Dream of Red Mansions"!

However, this is not difficult for Jia Rui!

Because Jia Rui knows very well the principle of "if you want to inflict a crime, there is no excuse"!

Even if the historian is not guilty, wouldn't he fabricate a crime against the historian?

At this moment, Qian Dayun took out a pamphlet from his arms, handed it to Jia Rui and said -

"This is the evidence of the crimes of the Shi brothers collected by the lower official. Mr. Ning Guo please take a look at it!"

Jia Rui understood it as soon as he read the brochure——

The items listed above should be Jin Yiwei’s hand base!

And the Jin Yiwei were personally commanded by the emperor!

In addition to the emperor, even Prince Zhongshun could not command the imperial guards!

So, who wants to disturb the historians? The answer is already clear!

Qian Dayun said softly——

"Ning Guogong, everything is ready to impeach the historian. All we need is Dongfeng. Dongfeng is the reason why you need to impeach the historian!"

The matter is obvious——

Not only did Jia Rui and Shi Jia have no enmity, they also belonged to the same faction as King Beijing. Jia Rui lacked any motive to impeach Shi Jia!

Anyone who kills has a motive.

Anyone who impeaches has a motive!

Jia Rui smiled——

"It's easy!"

Qian Dayun was stunned.

Jia Rui said -

"It's just that you have to work hard, Mr. Qian."

Qian Dayun said————

"Ning Guo Gong, please give me your instructions!"

Jia Rui said: "Among my eight concubines, one is Xue Baochai, and her uncle is Wang Ziteng.

Qian Dayun said: "I've heard of it before."

Jia Rui said: "My other concubine is called Lin Daiyu, and her uncles are Jia She and Jia Zheng."

Qian Dayun said: "I have also heard of it.

Jia Rui said——

". "These two concubines of mine have always been close friends with Shi Xiangyun, the niece of the Shi brothers. They also hope that Shi Xiangyun will become my concubine. Therefore, please ask Mr. Qian to say hello to the Shi brothers and ask them to send their niece over to be my concubine, and I will definitely favor her more!"

Qian Dayun's eyes lit up: "What a plan!"

In order to cover up his scheming, Jia Rui immediately said

"This is not a strategy, but I have wanted to do this for a long time!"

Qian Dayun left Ningguo Mansion and immediately went to Shi Mansion to convey Jia Rui's message!

The Shi brothers became angry when they heard (Wang's story), and even got angry at Qian Dayun on the spot!

You must know that the Shi family, as one of the four major families, currently has two noble families, and it can be said that the family has a prominent family background.

If Jia Rui wants to marry Shi Xiangyun, the Shi brothers can't find fault with Jia Rui.

However, if Jia Rui wants to take Shi Xiangyun as his concubine, he is not only insulting Shi Xiangyun, but also insulting the Shi brothers!

You know, although Shi Xiangyun's parents are dead, she is the eldest daughter of the Shi family!

If the Shi brothers obeyed Jia Rui's wishes, would they still have the nerve to stand in court?

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