Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 242 Jia Rui Was Fined Three Months’ Salary

As for Qian Dayun, he didn't hide it, so he explained the happenings in the court in detail.

Through Qian Dayun's description, Jia Rui finally understood Emperor Jing'an's thoughts——

Taking advantage of the remaining power of the victory over the Sirius Khanate, further attack the forces of the Xungui Group headed by King Beijing!

Therefore, in this case, if Jia Rui interceded for Prince Teng, it would obviously not be in line with Emperor Jing'an's wishes!

After Qian Dayun introduced the situation between the DPRK and China, and saw Jia Rui making tea, he said goodbye knowingly -

"The Duke of Guo has returned from the expedition. Several ladies in the house still need to be taken care of. I will take my leave now!"

Jia Rui laughed, but did not hold back.

Then, Jia Rui rushed to the inspection department.

Although Jia Rui was already the Duke of Ning and was the governor of Pingbei, he still served as the commander of the inspection department in the 16th year.

However, when Jia Rui was away, the deputy commander "took charge of the work."

Therefore, the Inspection Department has become Ji Rui's "private territory".

Jia Rui led the personnel of the Inspection Department to inspect several officials who had impeached him overnight!

The officers of the Inspection Department smashed the valuable things in the homes of several officials!

Moreover, Jia Rui's attitude was extremely arrogant. He not only slapped those officials in person, but also cursed -

"You rotten scholars may have a thousand words in your writing, but you don't have a single plan in your mind! I put my head in my waistband and fought with all my might on the front lines to save your lives. How dare you slander me?"

Several officials were beaten to death.

After the beating, Jia Rui took the people and left.

What Jia Rui did seemed reckless, but it was actually carefully considered!

As a transmigrator who has lived in two lifetimes, Jia Rui knows how to think from others’ perspective!

From the perspective of Emperor Jing'an, does he want his generals to be reckless men, or does he want his generals to be counselors?

The answer is naturally the former!

Therefore, Jia Rui must establish such a persona in front of Emperor Jing'an——

He is brave in fighting, but has no scheming, is easily impulsive and acts recklessly.

This kind of Jia Rui is what Emperor Jing'an really needs!

After Jia Rui beat someone, he returned to Ningguo Mansion as if nothing was wrong.

That night, Jia Rui turned over Miaoyu's brand, which made the competitive sister Wang Feng regret it for a long time.

During the court meeting the next morning, Emperor Jing'an heard that Jia Rui had beaten Yan Guan. Long Yan was furious and immediately asked someone to draw up an edict, severely reprimanding Jia Rui and fined him three months' salary.

Anyone with a sharp eye can see it——

Emperor Jing'an actually protected Jia Rui!

Because he was fined three months' salary, for Jia Rui, it was almost a step away!

A few days later, Qian, a doctor from the Ministry of official affairs, came to Ningguo Mansion [to visit Shi Rui].

Jia Rui immediately met Qian Dayun alone.

Qian Dayun got straight to the point and said——

"Ning Guogong, I am here with Prince Zhongshun's 997 mission."

Jia Rui said with a smile——

"But it doesn't matter."

Qian Dayun said——

"Prince Zhongshun wants the Duke to take the lead and impeach the historian.

The historians of the four major families are now two princes in one family, and they are in the limelight!

Jia Rui, who is well versed in the plot of "Dream of Red Mansions", naturally knows——

Shi Xiangyun, one of the "Twelve Beauties of Jinling", had two uncles, who are now Baolinghou and Zhongjinghou.

Jia Rui did not ask this Low Level question——

To impeach the historian, was it Prince Zhongshun’s intention or Emperor Jing’an’s intention?

Jia Rui knew that even if he asked, Qian Dayun wouldn't be able to answer!

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