Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 230 Conversation Between Jia Rui And Jibu Khan

There were scouts who had already reported the news of Jia Rui's massive invasion with an army of 250,000 to Jibu Khan of the Sirius Khanate!

If you say who is the person Jibu Khan hates the most, the answer must be Jia Rui!

Last time, Jia Rui not only destroyed the Sirius Khanate's food and grass, but also destroyed the Sirius Khanate's lair!

This has already made Jibu Khan hate Jia Rui to the bone!

What makes Jibu Khan hate Jia Rui even more is————

Jia Rui captured the family members of Jibu Khan in Tianhai! Including Jibu Khan's concubines, sons, and daughters, they all fell into the hands of Jia Rui!

Jibu Khan's most beautiful daughter Yue'er and his most beautiful concubine Wan'er were both reduced to Jia Rui's concubines!

For Jibu Khan, this can be said to be a great shame and humiliation!

Moreover, it was also a heavy blow to Jibu Khan’s prestige——

Jibu Khan claims to be the most powerful man on the prairie, but he can't even protect his wife and children!

Therefore, Jibu Khan is eager to get back from Jia Rui!

When he heard that Jia Rui was coming with Dashun's army, for Jibu Khan, he felt that he was an enemy and was extremely jealous!

Jibu Khan immediately issued an order——

Stop the plan to attack Qianxiang Kingdom and attack Jia Rui's three-pronged army with all your strength!

Jibu Khan also divided his troops into three groups.

The 100,000 people led by Jibu Khan are the main calendar of the Sirius Khanate!

The "Sirius Khanate's force distribution map" in Jia Rui's mind is dynamic -

Jibu Khan's troop formations were completely presented in Jia Rui's mind!

Jia Rui decided to fight head-on with Jibu Khan and establish victory in one fell swoop!

With the location of the Sirius Khanate's three armies in his mind, Jia Rui immediately made arrangements accordingly -

Order the Dashun Army's left and right armies to attack from both sides, including Jibu Khan's 100,000 troops!

As for Jia Rui, he led the Dashun Army's 150,000-strong Central Army, which marched day and night to occupy Bailang Mountain first and set up camp according to the mountain's terrain.

Jia Rui is determined to give Jibu Khan an unexpected surprise in Bailang Mountain!

Hearing that Jia Rui was at Bailang Mountain, Jibu Khan led an army of 100,000 without hesitation and came to the foot of Bailang Mountain!

At the same time, Jibu Khan notified the other two groups of troops to gather at Bailang Mountain!

As for Jia Rui, there is a time difference -

Before the other two groups of troops from the Sirius Khanate arrive, first defeat the 100,000 troops of Jibu Khan!

Jia Rui had already made careful arrangements on the mountain, and then sent someone to shout -

…………Please give me flowers………………

"Dashun Dynasty Ning Guogong and Pingbei Governor Jia Rui [please have a dialogue with Jibu Khan of the Weilang Khanate!"

Under the yellow umbrella cover, Jibu Khan rode out on horseback and shouted towards Jia Rui on the mountain -

"Child Jia Rui, surrender quickly and spare your life!"

Jia Rui said loudly——

"Khan Jibu, let your once most beloved concubine have a few words with you."


After finishing speaking, Jia Rui said to Wan'er on the left——

"What can I say, my prince has warned you a long time ago! Open your throat and let as many soldiers and generals of the Sirius Khanate hear it! If your performance satisfies my prince, the one who will sleep with my prince tonight is is you!"

Now, with Jia Rui's concubines living in the military camp, there are four of them: Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu, Wan'er and Yue'er.

There is only one Jia Rui!

It can be said to be a situation of "more monks and less rice"!

Therefore, any concubine who can sleep with Jia Rui will be rewarded heavily!

Wan'er said——

"My lord, don't worry! Even if I can't make Jibu Khan angry to death, I will be angry half to death!"

Jia Rui pinched Wan'er's butt and said -

"Let's get started!".

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