Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 229 If You Have Ears, You Will Be Rewarded!

Helan Yanran fell asleep with a sweet smile on her face.

Jia Rui put on his clothes and quietly left Helan Yanran's palace, then left the palace of Qianxiang Kingdom, and then left Stone City!

Just as the saying goes, "Every happy occasion is like a horse's hooves." Jia Ruishi started the "Nine Steps of Overlord" and was as fast as a galloping horse.

A few days later, Jia Rui returned to Dangyang City and immediately called a meeting with all the generals, including the former generals under Wang Ziteng.

Jia Rui said clearly at the beginning -

"My generals, our Dashun Dynasty has been suppressed by the Sirius Khanate for too long! This time, we must show the majesty of the Dashun Dynasty!

All the generals present cheered loudly.

However, in the hearts of the generals, there is no confidence.

417 Because the Dashun Dynasty has been beaten by the Sirius Khanate since its founding!

with one exception

Last time, Jia Rui led 50,000 soldiers and horses, passing through the Qianxiang Kingdom, burning the grain and grass of the Sirius Khanate, and went straight to Tianhai, the home base of the Sirius Khanate, causing Jibu Khan to return in a hurry.

Jia Rui said: "This time, we will still burn the flames of war into the territory of the Sirius Khanate! Every time we kill an enemy, we will cut off their ears and put them in a bag. When we return to Chang'an, we will use the ears to We will calculate the amount of merit and distribute the reward! In order to prevent the adults from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs from saying that we fake military merit."

Hearing what Xun Jue said, the generals present were a little worried!

Because according to their experience, the soldiers of the Sirius Khanate are all fierce and good at fighting. It is not easy to kill them and then cut off their ears!

Jia Rui changed the subject——

"Generals, in the past few days, I have gone deep into the Hu area and conducted reconnaissance myself! According to my reconnaissance, the Sirius Khanate is very cunning, and even let the soldiers dress up as herdsmen! Therefore, we must hold the "It would be better to kill three thousand by mistake than to let one person slip through the net"! Don't be merciful!"

When the generals present heard this, they were all overjoyed——

The Governor’s intention is clearly to let us kill the people of the Sirius Khanate indiscriminately and pretend to be military merits! It’s not easy to kill a soldier of the Sirius Khanate, but it’s not easy to kill a citizen of the Sirius Khanate?

Therefore, some (bgdf) generals shouted on the spot————

"The Governor is wise!"

Jia Rui knows one truth————

If you want to achieve great things in the future, you must find ways to please the generals now so that you can gain their support later!

Humans are profit-seeking animals!

If you can bring benefits to others, you are a good person!

If you harm the interests of others, you will become a bad person in the eyes of others!

Under Jia Rui's careful planning, the Dashun Army was divided into twelve main parts [013405016 Feilu 083472350]

There are 50,000 people in the left army, 50,000 people in the right army, and 150,000 people in the center.

Jia Rui led the Central Army.

Following Jia Rui's order, three armies, totaling 250,000 people, marched into the territory of the Sirius Khanate!

Since Jia Rui has the "Strength Distribution Map of the Sirius Khanate" in his mind, he knows the disposition of the Sirius Khanate's troops very well!

In less than ten days, Jia Rui's three-pronged army defeated the outnumbered by numbers, won two battles in a row, and wiped out six members of the army of Tianlang Xun Kingdom!

Ordinarily, there are only 12,000 ears for 6,000 people!

However, the soldiers of the Dashun Dynasty deeply understood Jia Rui's guiding spirit, and the herdsmen of the Tianhan Kingdom who were skinning the sick and disabled became the targets of their execution!

In this way, before the big fight, the three armies have collected more than 30,000 ears!

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