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If Su Dong shuddered, he almost didn’t sit firmly and slid off the chair.

Before the 2 games, he was still imagining that Qi Feng Junlin had the opportunity to win 2 places.

But I didn’t expect to dream, my wishful thinking actually turned into a moon reflected in the water.

Qifeng Junlin is defeated!

Qingcheng Sect, completely out!

The cruel reality directly rewarded Su Dongruo with a loud slap in the face, so that all his fantasies would be completely taken away!

“Hahaha! One move spike! Enjoyable! Beautiful! Perfect!”

Yue Changkong laughed with his back on his face, and it was called a relief: “Su Great Elder! Have you seen it? This is called human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation! Let your organization do all the work, and you can’t even reach Qingcheng Sect. !”

“I…” Su Dongruo simply wanted to vomit blood.

Yue Changkong said more and more proudly: “Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba will all come to me Flower Mountain Faction! when the time comes, ghost rain won the first, 5000 Spirit Stone, and come back to Huashan Sect again! hahaha! Cool!”

If Su Dong was speechless, his entire face was black.

Under the field.

“Huo Yuanba actually won…Xiaobei actually guessed right…” Luo Puti looked dumbfounded, feeling his 3 views were subverted.

Is it true that you are too small to look at Chen Xiaobei?

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei has stepped onto the ring.

At this time, Luo Puti was less worried because Chen Xiaobei’s opponent was Wu Aofeng!

On that day, Luo Puti Chen Xiaobei faced Yue Junmo, and a war broke out. Wu Aofeng carried two gas tanks and killed them, helping them relieve their urgent needs.

But the others at the scene did not know the inside story.

“The third match is about to begin! This time I can finally see Chen Xiaobei’s strength!”

“Yes! The opponent is Wu Aofeng! This person is arrogant and arrogant, and the person sends a nickname’Xiao Xuanfeng’! 100% will not admit defeat!”

“Chen Xiaobei mysterious! Wu Aofeng is strong! This time there is a good show! Haha!”


The audience was discussing spiritedly, full of anticipation for this battle, and determined that this would be the dragon wars, the tiger battles!

On the viewing platform.

Yue Changkong smiled triumphantly and said, “Chen Xiaobei and Wu Aofeng are talents! Although they may not necessarily get the ranking, I also want to include them in Flower Mountain Faction!”

“Hmph! Don’t be too happy!”

Su Dongruo coldly snorted and said: “In the previous games, Chen Xiaobei relied on opponents to abstain from promotion! I think he has no real ability!”

Fachangly smiled, Yue Changkong asked, “Hehe, Su Great Elder didn’t just say that, he wanted to persuade Chen Xiaobei to visit Qingcheng Sect. How can he turn his face up faster than turning the book?”

“The old man didn’t turn his face!” Su Dongruo narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: “I’m afraid that Chen Xiaobei will be disabled by Wu Aofeng! When the time comes, who will take him? Will you take a waste person? “

“This…” Yue Changkong expression was slightly started, and I was really not very optimistic about Chen Xiaobei.

After all, Chen Xiaobei is still too young, and no matter how good the aptitude is, it takes time to cultivate, isn’t it?

Even more hateful, Wu Aofeng is famous for his fierce temper. His opponent in the last game scolded him for two sentences, and he was directly drawn into a pig’s head and his hands were broken!

“It seems that Chen Xiaobei is really bode ill rather than well……” Yue Changkong shook his head and sighed, ready to give up Chen Xiaobei.

“I Wu Aofeng admits defeat!”

At this moment, there was a fresh and sharp cry from the ring, the sound resounded throughout the audience.


Yue Changkong is silly! If Su Dong is stupid! There are 10000 people in the audience, almost all are stupid!

“Again… I admit defeat again! What kind of trouble is this?”

“How is this possible? Even Xiao Xuanfeng slapped her face in defeat? I don’t believe in love anymore!”

“Did Chen Xiaobei open the plug-in? Actually lying all the way to win!”

“If you have such a plug-in, please give me a dozen! No! Please give me a car! Lying to win the top 4 is simply against the sky!”


The audience at the scene almost exploded. Starting from First Stage, Chen Xiaobei’s opponents conceded the field and really won all the way.

There are 10000 people on the scene. Looking towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, in addition to shock and shock, there are more envy and jealousy!

If you didn’t play a game, you have entered the top 4 of the Warriors List. So are you afraid?

“This… what is going on here?”

On the viewing platform, Yue Changkong and Su Dongruo’s faces were all red, you look at me, I look at you, that’s an embarrassment.

The 2 teasers thought Chen Xiaobei would be disabled by Wu Aofeng.

Even if they were allowed to open thirty two brain holes, it was absolutely unthinkable. In the end, it would be such a result.

His face was swollen.

“How is it? Big brother, I’m in the top 4!” Chen Xiaobei happily walked back.

“Not very good!” Luo Puti shook the head, coldly said: “You have friendship with Wu Aofeng, and it is reasonable to win. However, the more the enemy is stronger in the future, you want to continue to win, it will be as heavenly ascension! “

“Hehe, wait and see!” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly.

Turning his gaze to the ring, Gui Yu and Chang Qing are already on stage, ready to start a confrontation.

This match was arranged by Chen Xiaobei personally, as long as these two people fight against both sides suffer, the overall situation of the whole battle between Britain and Britain will be settled!

Chen Xiaobei, Huo Yuanba, Tai Yitan, will lie down and take the top 3!


The battle is on the verge, Ghost Rain and Chang Qing collide instantly, and the intense True Astral bursts out gorgeous rays of light, shining on all four sides.

Ghost Rain’s True Astral is a silver, turned into a silver sword, and whirls through the space at a rapid speed. Sword Art is excellent and wonderful!

Chang Qing’s True Astral is blue, which turns into a folding fan, such as a colorful butterfly flying over, catching up to resist, but not falling down.

The speed of 2 people is extremely fast, less than one minute, they have already confronted 100 moves!

“Xu Changqing, there is a gap between you and me in direct strength! You should be very clear that if you continue to consume like this, you have no hope of winning!”

Ghost rain calm and composed, Combat Force’s advantage, makes him full of confidence.

“Yue Young Master’s strength is indeed better than me! I also feel that there is no need to continue to waste time!”

Chang Qing’s big sleeves waved, and there was a light blue short blade in his hand!

The knife is 7 inches long, with a sharp curved blade, blood grooves on the sides, and barbs on the back. It is made of unknown metal and naturally emits water blue halo, will know when you see it is extraordinary!

“Water cut!”

When Yue Junmo saw this knife, the expression immediately changed: “How can this Spiritual Artifact that has been lost for many years be in your hands!”

“Oh, this is not what you should ask!”

Xu Changqing smiled indifferently, his arm suddenly exerted force, and when the short blade was sent out, he growled with a cry: “Draw a knife and cut off the water!”


In an instant, the Water Attribute True Astral on Xu Changqing was mobilized to complement the water-cutting knife and help each other to rise. Combat Force instantly increased!

Above the ring, a huge wave of ten meters in height instantly swept through the space and swept towards Yue Junmo!

But at this moment, Yue Junmo didn’t have any fear in his eyes, but revealed a hint of sinisterness!

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