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“It’s started! Game 2 begins!”

There was thunderous excitement off the court. In the second round of the rematch, Huo Yuanba’s battle against Junlin officially started.

“Huo Yuanba, so decent, you are not the king in Eastern Europe. You run back to China to pretend to be a grandson, is it interesting?”

Junlin sneered.

He knows Huo Yuanba’s past very well. Of course, he also knows that Huo Yuanba’s strength is weaker than himself. Because of this, he will chat on the ring.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

This is nakedly ridiculed Huo Yuanba and can only be king in places like Eastern Europe where there is no powerhouse.

Back at home, powerhouse as clouds, Huo Yuanba can only be a grandson!

The remarks were full of sarcasm, and they were very explicit. Even the audience on the ground began to whisper.

“That Junlin is so arrogant! When he comes up, he laughs!”

“The talented people have the sarcasm! Look at that Huo Yuanba, tall and strong, like Iron Pagoda, who is ridiculed but doesn’t dare to put a fart!”

“There should be no suspense in this event, Jun Lin will win!”


Listening to the voices of the audience around, Jun Lin was more proud, shouted arrogantly: “Hello! Huo Yuanba? Are you deaf? Didn’t hear Lao’zi talking to you?”

Huo Yuanba is deaf to all the sounds around him. As stable as Mount Tai stands in place without any fluctuations in his heart.

“Huo Yuanba! You are so hard-hearted to pretend to be deaf and dumb? Lao’zi wanted to give you a chance to admit defeat! It seems that you don’t want it!”

Junlin was furious.

He originally wanted to pretend to be a wave before the 10000 spectators.

But it was good, Huo Yuanba not only did not cooperate, but also ignored him directly.

This made him feel ashamed, as if he was a clown, talking to himself on the stage.

“hua! !!”

The strong wind swelled, and Jun Lin was suddenly shrouded in Wood Attribute True Astral by azure.

True Astral turns into green leaves and green branches, which looks pleasing to the eye, but actually hides a murderous intention!

Every green leaf is as sharp as a dagger!

Every green branch is sharper than arrows!

“Good! This handsome Young Master Lin said that there is 35000 Combat Force! How can there be such a young powerhouse in the world?”

“Yeah! With his strength, even in the hidden ancient sect, he can achieve the core Disciple!”

“Huo Yuanba seems to have only 33000 Combat Force, so there is no need to fight!”


Seeing the gorgeous Wood Attribute True Astral on the stage, the exclamation of the scene rang again and again.

“What exactly does Huo Yuanba want to do? Obviously Combat Force is weaker, but also deliberately angers Junlin…” Luo Puti frowned, puzzled.

“Anger is a sign of incompetence!”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said profound mystery: “That Jun Lin’s mentality is so bad, it seems to be losing!”

“How is this possible?” Luo Puti couldn’t believe it.

At this moment, almost no one on the scene was optimistic about Huo Yuanba! I really don’t know why Chen Xiaobei has the completely opposite judgment to everyone?

“Wait and see.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, expression serene.

As he himself said, anger is a manifestation of incompetence, and the person who truly controls the overall situation can be calm in any situation.

“Huo Yuanba! Lao’zi asks one last time, do you still want to be deaf and dumb?”

Junlin issued a final warning.

The result was the same as before, Huo Yuanba stood on the spot and completely regarded Junlin as air.

“Fuck fuck! refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!”

Junlin was already intolerable, accompanied by angry roar, True Astral screamed out of the sky, like a hurricane, and shrouded down to Huo Yuanba.

“Sa! Sa! Sa…”

Like countless sharp arrows, Aoki True Astral has directly tore Huo Yuanba’s body into pieces.

“No? Huo Yuanba died like that?”

“The current enemy Huo Yuanba doesn’t even condense True Astral. It seems that he is dedicated to death!”

“This death method is too suffocating…”

The crowds around exclaimed in excitement, excitement, surprise, and regret. For a while, almost everyone thought that Huo Yuanba had died like this.

“Fool! Let you pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of Lao’zi! This is the end when you ignore Lao’zi! hahaha…”

Junlin laughed arrogantly and yelled at Zhuang Bihuang, “Zhuang Great Elder! Hurry up and announce the result! I win! My Junlin wins!”

Zhuang Bihuang shook the head, saying: “No, you didn’t win! On the contrary, you have fallen into a desperate situation!”

“What? I’m in a desperate situation? How is this possible?” Jun Lin’s face was bold and bold, and he couldn’t figure it out with his brain. How could he lose himself if he was so decent!

“Junlin! Be careful! Quick defense! Full defense!!”

At the same time, Su Dongruo on the viewing platform stood up and shouted loudly.

“what on earth is it?”

Everyone on the scene, almost like Jun Lin, was stunned.

Obviously, Huo Yuanba was killed in a second. Why would Zhuang Bihuang and Su Dongruo think these 2 great big shots are dangerous?

“It seems that “Hei Feng Ji Ying” can’t hide the powerhouse of Celestial Manifestation Realm……” Chen Xiaobei squinted and muttered to himself.

At this moment, everyone is confused.

Only Yue Changkong, Su Dongruo, Zhuang Bihuang, these 3 Celestial Manifestation powerhouse, can see the real situation on the ring.

“I don’t talk to you, I don’t pretend to be deaf, but I disdain!”

In the void, Huo Yuanba’s voice suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, several silhouettes suddenly appeared around, all of which are exactly the same as Huo Yuanba, it is difficult to distinguish true from false!

“This… this fuck is what the hell!?”

Jun Lin was stunned instantly, as if he had seen a ghost, and his scalp was numb.

“Pole Shadow! Broken!”

Huo Yuanba disdains explanation at all.

With angry roar, several silhouettes around him instantly besieged towards Junlin.

“My God! What the hell is going on?”

Junlin was sweaty and his heart burst out of his throat.

All this happened too suddenly, and it happened when Jun Lin was happiest and proud.

He is completely unprepared!

Of course, even if you are prepared, there is no use for eggs!


Just listen to a crisp sound, as if the artifacts were cracking!

Huo Yuanba showed his deity, and the big fist of the bowl suddenly burst out, like a shell, hitting Junlin’s chest!

The Aoki True Astral guarding that position burst instantly!

“This…how is this possible…my True Astral!!!”

Jun Lin was stunned in an instant, his pupils squeezed into needles, bean-sized cold sweat, wet his back!

Dreaming didn’t expect, there will be such a result!

“bang! !!”

A heavy punch came, and without True Astral’s body protection, Jun Lin flew out directly.

He flew directly off the ring and fell heavily over a dozen meters away. The blood vomited and fainted on the spot!

Seeing this, shocking the audience!

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