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These 5 Monster Sovereigns are clever people at a glance, and they will never underestimate. Even if Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation is many times lower than him, he still maintains a high degree of vigilance, and even his tone is very convergent!

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that we are destined to be the enemy!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and he immediately showed a very strong fighting intent, but there was no slight convergence.

“Which forces do you respect driving? Explain teaching? Or Western teaching?”

5 Monster Sovereign is impatient and calmly said: “There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests! No matter where you are, we can all sit down and talk about it, what do you think?”

I have to admit that the Monster Sovereign of 5 formations is really very smart. Under the premise of not knowing the details of Chen Xiaobei, I don’t even want to fight, but want to use negotiation to solve the problem.

His remarks are very reasonable. If they are ordinary people, I am afraid they will really talk to him! Even if you don’t believe him, at least you will hear what benefits he can give!

Unfortunately, Chen Xiaobei has never been an ordinary person.

After negotiating this move, it was already ruined by Three Realms’ first profiteer!

Even more how, others don’t know Xia Yilian, but Chen Xiaobei knows this person very well!

Although Xia Yilian had no direct contact with Monster Sovereign in the 5th formation, these two people have a lot of similarities.

They are very good at stabilizing the enemy, confusing the enemy, and then burst out suddenly, giving the enemy a fatal blow.

In this regard, Chen Xiaobei will definitely want to watch out for Xia Yilian as well as watch 5 Monster Sovereign.

“No need to talk about it! Let me tell you clearly that my purpose here is Primal Chaos Clock! And your godson has long betrayed you. Your purpose is also Primal Chaos Clock!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and he was extremely determined: “The Primal Chaos bell is an irreconcilable contradiction between us! Therefore, we are destined to have a battle between us, and there is no need to spend more time! That would be too bad!”

As soon as this statement came out, the face of Monster Sovereign for 5 times suddenly became a little low, and the eyes were even more suspicious.

According to his plot against, he put forward negotiations, which is equivalent to throwing an olive branch to Chen Xiaobei, Chen Xiaobei should be glad to accept it!

Absolutely didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei stood in the position of the weak, but showed so strong.

Not at all! Go up and fight directly!

“Come on! Use your strongest trick! Don’t let me easily defeat you! That’s too boring!”

Chen Xiaobei stepped forward without any fear and moved towards the other side.

Bring out your strongest trick!

This simple sentence, fiercely shocked the hearts of everyone present!

Arrogant! Wild! Domineering!

5 Monster Sovereign is getting deeper and deeper, even a little flustered! The 9-color Qilin and Primordial Spirit who are afraid of leaving their grandsons both showed unimaginable expressions!

At the moment, these three guys came up with a question of consent…

Could it be said that Chen Xiaobei still has a stronger hand?

Correct! Must have!

But what is the bottom card?

3 Even if they racked their brains, they couldn’t figure it out at all. Why on earth is Chen Xiaobei so arrogant? Why is it so strong?

“Since you have to fight, I will accompany you once!”

With Chen Xiaobei getting closer and closer, Monster Sovereign 5 has been too late to think about other issues.

Now that Chen Xiaobei is determined to fight, he can only fight against Monster Sovereign in 5 formations.

Otherwise, it will only fall into endless passive.


I saw Monster Sovereign with a big sleeve and waved for 5 times. It was really unreserved. When I came up, I took out my strongest trick.

Suddenly, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements spirit array suddenly condensed around him.

These five large formations are each composed of more than 5 formation eyes. The rune of each formation eye has reached Sage Rank, and the rune at the core has reached 1000–Star Sage Rank.

The array of gold shines ten thousand zhang, trillion 100000000, the streamer shuttle is like the divine sacred radiance, extremely sacred and supreme! The array of wood is as crisp as a photo, with trillions of million flying leaves, gathered like a tornado, flowing like a river, vast and galloping, meteorology 100000000 10000!

The array of soil is thick and heavy, and the ancients will not move! Immortal! Don’t grind! One grain of sand can be turned into a mountain 10000 1000, constant pressure in the sky! The array of fire is magnificent, like the sun at high noon, most Firm most Yang, to the supremacy!

The array of water surging forward with great momentum, 90000 ocean constant pressure universe, trillion 100000000 water droplets penetrate time and space, nothing that cannot be broken, regardless of the law and of natural morality, intangible, phaseless, impermanence, derived infinite power !

The Five Elements Spirit Array is connected to each other, and it has become a complete “Five Elements”.

“hua! !!”

5 Monster Sovereign will excite its own fairy to the extreme, which can reach the half-step True Sage Rank. Inject these cents into “Five Elements” and quickly run 81 big circulation.

Therefore, after 5 times of Monster Sovereign’s extremely pure Wood Attribute fairy, after many enhancements, it directly reached 3–Star Sage Rank! In the middle of the air, it condensed into a huge Azure Dragon!

“Boy! Is this the result you want?”

5 Monster Sovereign grabbed the Azure Dragon with one hand and looked at Chen Xiaobei from a condescending level, with unprecedented confidence in his eyes.

Obviously, at this moment, as long as 5 Monster Sovereign waves, the Azure Dragon, which is comparable to 3–Star True Sage, will be directly killed. Like the ants, Chen Xiaobei will be completely killed. A little bit of slag will not remain.

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei! You please do me a favour! You are going to die! Just let us 2 out? I don’t want to be buried with you!”

Seeing the scene in front of me, the 9-color Qilin and the Fearless Son were completely scared.

Both of them are controlled by Chen Xiaobei. Once the azure dragon of 2–Star True Sage Rank is crushed, Chen Xiaobei will die. At the speed of the two of them, it is impossible to have a chance to escape.

Therefore, at this moment, they all have only one idea, that is, to ask Chen Xiaobei high-end expensive hand, before dying, let them 2 as two farts.

“Okay, I will let you go!”

At this time, Chen Xiaobei just smiled indifferently and said, “However, I only plan to let go first, who will let go first?”

“Me me me… me me me…”

9-color Qilin and Fearless Sun screamed one after another, hoping that Chen Xiaobei would let himself go first.

However, they didn’t expect to dream…

“Don’t put any of them!”

5 Team Monster Sovereign directly coldly shouted: “These 2 wastes have no use value, you will put them back, I will shoot them! So, you 3, just die together! On the Yellow Springs Road, it is also easy to do Companions!”

“hong long long ……”

tone barely fell, Monster Sovereign waved suddenly for 5 rounds, urging azure dragon moved towards Chen Xiaobei and crushed it.


9-color Qilin and Fear Liu Sun were immediately scared. If the fleshy body is still there, they must be diarrhea at the moment.

Because, the Azure Dragon is too scary.

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