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9-color Qilin The whole person is dumbfounded.

I have reminded Chen Xiaobei 3 times and 2 times that the Monster Sovereign of the 5th team has a super hand of 3–Star Sage Rank. Chen Xiaobei simply has no chance of winning half a point. However, Chen Xiaobei just showed great confidence.

Even 5 Monster Sovereign can only have one Primordial Spirit left! ?

This… how is this possible! ?

9-color Qilin couldn’t believe it at all, and couldn’t believe it at all!

Even if he racked his brains, he could not think of what Chen Xiaobei intends to do?

Of course, at this moment, his 9-color Qilin is already a ants in Chen Xiaobei’s hands, killing and killing. It’s all in Chen Xiaobei’s thoughts. It doesn’t matter whether he believes or thinks!

At the speed of 5 Monster Sovereign, you will arrive here soon!

What Chen Xiaobei has decided cannot be changed!

The war is about to erupt, it is absolutely inevitable!

9 The only thing Qilin can do is to pray that he can escape alive from this Sage Rank battle and keep the Primordial Spirit immortal.

apart from this, 9-color Qilin can’t do anything at all.


However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei didn’t seem to care much about Monster Sovereign, but instead moved his mind to release Primordial Spirit, who was afraid of leaving the Sun, from the space of Xuya.

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei spares life…Exalted Immortal Xiaobei spare my life please…”

Fear Liu Sun just screamed hysterically as soon as he came out, and thought he had lost the value of his use. This would be killed by Chen Xiaobei!

“Noisy! Close your stinky mouth!”

Chen Xiaobei coldly shouted impatiently, and immediately scared Fearless Sun’s mouth shut.

Seeing the scene in front of me, the expression on the 9-color Qilin’s face was very complicated.

Originally, 9-color Qilin and Fearless Sun were allies, secretly colluded and cooperated, didn’t expect, at this moment, all fell into the hands of Chen Xiaobei.

Fear of staying at Sun was also stunned, and his entire face was twisted, as if he was eating Baba, and he was completely depressed.

Originally, according to Chen Xiaobei’s intention, Fear-Leaving Sun invited 9-color Qilin to come over, and was still fantasizing that 9-color Qilin would defeat Chen Xiaobei before he could save himself.

But, at the moment, Fearcely was slapped by fiercely on the spot.

9 color Qilin not only did not defeat Chen Xiaobei to save the feared grandson, but was held in the hands by Chen Xiaobei, just like a poor little ant.

This is very embarrassing!

9-color Qilin sees fear of staying at Sun and scolds 10000 fathers in his heart!

I was afraid that Liu Sun would see 9-color Qilin and scolded 80000 spicy chickens in my heart!

The two teasers don’t dare to say anything, you look at me, I look at you, big eyes staring at small eyes, your face becomes very ugly!


However, at this time, Chen Xiaobei had taken out “Norther Profound Sage Sealing Diagram” again, and then stripped a demon fire red lotus seal from the figure.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaobei placed the demon fire red lotus mark on Fear Liusun.

That’s right, this is the super surrogate tactic that Chen Xiaobei planned with Yan Lingshi before!

“This … what is this !?”

Fear of leaving Sun would not dare to say anything, but there was a strange mark on the unfathomable mystery on his Primordial Spirit, which shocked and scared him. The Primordial Spirit shivered.

“What a weird breath… immense, terrifying… what… what is this!?”

9-color Qilin is also startled, looking at the mark of the demon fire red lotus, his pupils shrunk uncontrollably, his eyes trembling, and he was terrified many times more than hell.

There is no doubt that they have never seen the mark of the demon fire red lotus, and they don’t even know that this mark is a special existence that belongs to Heavenly Dao. Among All Heavens Myriad Realms, there is no semicolon!

“You don’t need to know what this is!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, indifferently said: “You just need to watch how I defeated Monster Sovereign for 5 times.”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei is by no means a brave man. Since he dares to let Monster Sovereign 5 come, there must be a way to deal with him.

And Chen Xiaobei’s way is the mark of the demon fire red lotus!

In fact, Chen Xiaobei still has 2 cards in his hand, and he can also deal with Monster Sovereign of 5 Arrays. However, there are certain restrictions on the use of these 2 cards, so it is better not to use them easily.

These two cards are the demonic path mark and the humanitarian mark.

After the demonic path imprint recognized Chen Xiaobei, it was also hidden behind Chen Xiaobei’s Qi Sea Dantian. When Chen Xiaobei was attacked and the attack power was less than or equal to 5–Star Sage Rank, the demonic path imprint could absorb this attack. , And blessings increase by about 30%, reverse strikes out, giving the enemy a fatal blow.

The reason why it can only reach 5–Star Sage Rank is mainly because the core of the demonic path imprint, the knowledge extinction Avatar of Black Lotus.

If the core is replaced with the extinct Black Lotus deity, then the demonic path mark can resist and counter the attack of Peak Stage True Sage!

And after absorbing the Hongqi Purple Qi, the Humane Seal has spawned the buds and roots of Zhutian Zilian.

This makes the defensive power of the Humane Mark greatly improved, and can basically resist the attack of 3–Star True Sage Rank, and convert this attack power into energy, which is used to nourish the birth of Zhutian Purple Lotus.

Obviously, as long as Chen Xiaobei uses the demonic path mark and the humane mark, he can also defeat Monster Sovereign 5 times.

However, the demonic path mark and the humanitarian mark, after each use, have to wait 24 hours before they can be used for the second time. The situation is urgent and war may break out at any time.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei will keep these 2 cards for the time being in case of unexpected needs!

As for the demon fire red lotus mark, Chen Xiaobei has a total of 3!

Moreover, when Little Fox and Yan Lingshi died at the beginning, after stimulating the power of the mark of the demon fire red lotus, this mark not at all disappeared!

In other words, Chen Xiaobei can recover the mark of the demon fire red lotus after using the tactics to replace the dead ghost.

It can be seen that the use of surrogate ghost tactics is definitely more cost-effective than the use of demonic path marks and humanitarian marks, and the chances of winning are also greater. You can even save Chen Xiaobei’s plot against.


Suddenly, a cyan-green polar shadow, like an azure meteor piercing the night sky, with a dazzling holy glow, fell to Mo Yuanze’s faithful position.

“Godfather! Godfather saves life!!!”

As soon as he saw the azure, the 9-color Qilin screamed with excitement.

That’s right!

The comer is the godfather of 9-color Qilin, and 5 Monster Sovereign!

This person is more than two zhang tall, burly like a hill, the skin on his body is like a bark, hard, bumpy, revealing a deep gray-brown.

And the cyan-green mixed element Shenghui in him exudes an extremely pure Wood Attribute.

“Who is it? You can beat my godson to only one Primordial Spirit!”

5 Monster Sovereign was very cautious and very polite to Chen Xiaobei, he didn’t dare to despise Chen Xiaobei.

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