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“I don’t even care about Heavenly Dao, your trifling godfather, and want to shock me? I really don’t know what to say about you naively? Or should you say you are stupid?”

Chen Xiaobei holds 9-color Qilin’s Primordial Spirit in his hand, just like holding a ants. With a move of his mind, he can be pinched to death.


9-color Qilin took a breath, and his face became very ugly. I knew it would be the result. If I borrowed 10000 guts, I would never dare to threaten Chen Xiaobei.

Maybe, he insisted on begging for mercy, and Chen Xiaobei could reward him with a way of life.

At this moment, the tragic ending of such body dies and Dao disappears, it is really the gut that is about to repent!

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei…I’ve taken it! I’ve taken it completely…”

9-color Qilin quickly changed his mouth and said: “My daddy is a scum! It’s a waste! Even one leg of Exalted Immortal Xiaobei can’t match! It was all my fault just now…Exalted Immortal Xiaobei give me a way to live, Let go of my Primordial Spirit…please…”

Obviously, things have reached this step, the best ending that 9-color Qilin can get is to retain Primordial Spirit, so that at least there is a chance of rebirth or rebirth!

If even Primordial Spirit is destroyed, there will never be 9-color Qilin in this world!

In order to survive for himself, 9-color Qilin doesn’t even need the bottom line at the end, pleading and crying to devalue the godfather!


But what Chen Xiaobei looks down on most is this kind of person: “If you have been loyal to your godfather, I might still be able to take a look at you! For your own life, to devalue others, it is shameless!”

“I…” Qilin Divinity of 9 colors was stunned and speechless for a moment.

I wanted to belittle Monster Sovereign for 5 times to please Chen Xiaobei and didn’t expect. It was self-defeating and made Chen Xiaobei look down even more.

At this moment, 9-color Qilin really wanted to cry without tears, and the whole person fell into the ultimate despair.

“It’s not impossible for me to keep you Primordial Spirit!”

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei gave 9 colors Qilin a glimmer of survival.

“You say! You say! No matter what you ask, I will agree, there are absolutely no 2 words!”

9-color Qilin, if he was granted amnesty, was already deeply desperate. At this moment, seeing hope, naturally is 100 times cherished, and there are no 2 words.

It can be seen that the 9-color Qilin is very, very afraid of death. In order to live his life, he can do everything. So, as long as Chen Xiaobei speaks at any moment, he will without the slightest hesitation’s promise!

“Tell me your godfather’s plan!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Yes Yes Yes……”

9-color Qilin’s head is like Little Ji pecking rice, and quickly said: “My godfather’s plan is to be a backhand. If I can’t win the Donghuang Bell, his Senior will suddenly shoot and suppress the whole situation!”

As the so-called sandpiper and clam war together!

The elucidation and western teaching are snipes, and the 9-color Qilin is the fisherman!

However, anyone will not think that after the fisherman, there is a more powerful fisherman!

At this point, even Chen Xiaobei did not expect it!

Fortunately, he won 9 colors of Qilin at this moment, otherwise, Monster Sovereign of 5 teams has been hiding in the dark, and he could not make a sudden shot at the last moment, killing Chen Xiaobei a completely unprepared, but became the final winner!

“What is the situation of the “Invisible Tianyan Formation” you just mentioned?” Chen Xiaobei asked again.

“My godfather is proficient in the way of Five Elements, and can use the Five Elements Spirit Array to inspire life power! Five Elements live together, endlessly, forming rounds of rounds of rounds of strengthening, and finally exerting great power! “

The 9-color Qilin explained: “It’s just that the Five Elements Spirit Array that my godfather is controlling now only reaches 3–Star Sage Rank, so “Invisible Sky Yan’s Grand Array” can only be strengthened up to 3–Star True Sage Rank. Power!”


Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly.

Isn’t this Five Elements Avenue! ?

According to 9-color Qilin, the 5 Spirit Arrays of Monster Sovereign in 5 formations are equal to the Five Elements Lingji in Five Elements Avenue!

5 formations Monster Sovereign uses 5 large formations as a spiritual foundation, inject their own fairy into the large formations, and loop down, you can grow unlimited power!

The advantage of this is that the Monster Sovereign of 5 formations only needs to consume its own cents and the time of the circulation enhancement, which can directly save a huge amount of Spiritual Qi!

Of course, there are limits to doing so. The level of the 5 Spirit Arrays is the limit of the power of “Invisible Sky Yan Formation”! If this limit is exceeded, 5 Spirit Arrays will collapse!

This is also similar to Chen Xiaobei’s Five Elements Avenue!

“Five Elements Lingji… Ruins of 5 Countries…”

Chen Xiaobei silently calculated the enemy’s trump card, but couldn’t help but think of another thing.

Before, when I first came to the Monster Realm in Hongmeng, Chen Xiaobei, Yan Lingshi and Xia Yilian all entered a ruin of 5 countries!

There, Chen Xiaobei found the Five Elements Lingji that defeated the strong enemy!

And Xia Yilian got a very inherited inheritance in that ruin!

Xia Yilian relied on this inheritance to be able to rise rapidly in a very short period of time and become the new Hongmeng Monster Ancestor!

Originally Chen Xiaobei was still wondering, Xia Yilian absorbed others Cultivation evil skills, there is no level limit? Even the idea of ​​Primeval Lord of Heaven dares to fight!

Now it seems that if this evil skill is left by Monster Sovereign of 5 formations, it is very likely to reach Sage Rank!

Even the Cultivation of Primeval Lord of Heaven can be absorbed!

“Have your godfather left a ruin of 5 countries?” Chen Xiaobei impatient wanted to confirm his speculation!


9-color Qilin Divinity was stunned and accused of nodded, saying: “My godfather had tried to control Monster Realm’s law before, and he had expected that he might fail! He was worried that he might be killed by war, so he left the remains of 5 countries. Inheritance! If he really dies, at least his legacy can still inherit!”

“Then do you know who the inheritance is?” Chen Xiaobei asked again.

“I heard from the godfather that it seemed to be a common demonic girl named Xia Yilian!” 9-color Qilin answered truthfully.

“Just mentioned? Haven’t you seen it?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“never seen it……”

9-color Qilin shook the head, said: “The godfather will not summon Xia Yilian! Because, she is just the godfather’s “nourishment” that’s all!”

“Nourishment!? What does this mean!?” Chen Xiaobei hearing this, started. Although I haven’t figured it out, I have felt that things are not simple.

9-color Qilin paused, explaining: “Originally, if my godfather died, Xia Yilian would become a real inheritance person, and inherit the culture technique of my godfather!”

“But, my godfather is not at all dead! Then, the existence of Xia Yilian is superfluous! The godfather now puts her outside to absorb others’ Cultivation, but, in the end, the godfather will suck her Cultivation!”

9-color Qilin said solemnly: “So, Xia Yilian is just a nourishment!”

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