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Ding-Cultivation: Half-step True Sage, lifespan: 135554100000000 years! Physique: XXX! Combat Force: XXX! Primordial Spirit Attack: Sage Rank!

in a flash, 100 100000000 years of lifespan burned out, Chen Xiaobei directly stepped on the half-step True Sage pseudo-realm.

I saw that he waved his hand casually, and immediately after that, an extremely horrible Purple Gold Shenghui broke out.

The force of complete crushing suddenly reversed upwards, like strong wind scattering the last clouds, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, crushing the 10000 1000 9 color dragon rolls shrouded in the sky, all crushed!

At this moment, it seems as if Chen Xiaobei waved his hand at will, causing 10000 1000 dragons to disappear! The picture in the whole space is full of extremely strong visual impact!

“This… how is this possible!?”

Seeing the scene before me, the 9-color Qilin suddenly shivered, scared to the point of shivering, and even dreaming it was absolutely unthinkable, Chen Xiaobei had such terrifying strength!

No wonder Chen Xiaobei dared to let 9-color Qilin go first! It turned out that because Chen Xiaobei’s strength is already strong enough! It is so powerful that even if 9-color Qilin takes the first shot, there is no point in winning by half!

It is ridiculous that 9-color Qilin thought that Chen Xiaobei must prepare what powerful cards to beat himself! As a result, the person who really needs a strong card is not Chen Xiaobei at all, but his 9-color Qilin himself!


In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei took another step, and his figure directly flashed in front of 9-color Qilin at a very fast speed!

A powerful coercion of assaults the senses, 9-color Qilin instantly felt as if he had fallen into the 10000 ancient netherworld, his body and mind were shrouded in despair, as if he might be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke at any time, even a little scum could not stay!

“Forgive…Exalted Immortal…for my life please…”

9-color Qilin screamed hysterically. The first second was full of confidence. This second became a dog!

Obviously, 9-color Qilin came to Hongmeng Monster Realm this time, the biggest hole card and plot against, is to repair Zhou Tian Stars Great Array, and then shot at the right time, in order to seek the greatest benefit.

In other words, in the hands of 9-color Qilin, not at all any other cards.

Therefore, at this moment, besides asking Chen Xiaobei for mercy, he has no room for change.

I can’t beat him, I can’t escape him, I can only admonish myself, maybe a glimmer of survival.

“Just now I gave you a chance! Let you choose a way out between surrender and death! You not only choose not to surrender, but also try to kill me! This means that you have chosen death, and I am impossible to spare you!”

Chen Xiaobei has a cold eyebrow and a tough attitude. For the enemy who wants to kill himself, Chen Xiaobei will never be soft!

“Not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s! Exalted Immortal Xiaobei I definitely don’t know, I still have a godfather! Exalted Immortal Xiaobei, please look at my godfather’s face and spare me a life!”

9 Color Qilin has no choice but to move out of his own backing.

“Your godfather? Who?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started a little bit, really has several points of curiosity.

As strong as the Monster Race giant like 9-color Qilin, there is a godfather who is more powerful and mysterious! It’s really incredible!

“My godfather is 5 Monster Sovereign!”

9-color Qilin hurriedly said: “Exalted Immortal Xiaobei may not know that my godfather is a monster race trillion trillion years ago. Zeng Jinzha Hongmeng Monster Realm, almost became the new Monster Ancestor!”

“Isn’t that the existence of Moluotiantian?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

Obviously, the demon ancestor of Demon Realm was originally Rahu, but after the fall of Rahu, Moluo emerged as a new demon ancestor.

At the moment, the 9-Monster Sovereign in the 5-color Qilin’s mouth almost became the new Monster Ancestor, which is equivalent to the Hongmeng Monster Realm. After Jun Moyue was sealed, it was the most powerful and genius.

9-color Qilin quickly nodded and said: “Yes! My godfather is like Mo Luo Wu Tian! But he is not as lucky as Mo Luo Wu Tian!”

“Mo Luo Wu Tian? Why is he lucky?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

9-color Qilin said: “The most crucial moment for Moro’s development has seemed to be recognized by Demon Realm’s origin. Therefore, it is possible to complete Demon Realm’s law, control Demon Realm’s law, and successfully become a Demon Zu!”

“And my godfather, when trying to rewrite the rule of Monster Realm, was rejected by Monster Realm’s origin, seriously injured, and completely hid for trillions of trillions of years! Therefore, the world has forgotten my godfather!”

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Xiaobei immediately understood it.

Mo Luo Wu Tian is recognized by the demonic path imprint, so that he can access the core laws of Demon Realm and complete the laws, and finally control the laws and become the Paragon Saint Ancestor of Demon Realm!

The 9 formations of Monster Sovereign in 5-color Qilin’s mouth, not at all, are recognized by a demon-like mark, and they forcibly want to control the rule of Hongmeng Monster Realm, but are rejected by the core rules of the world!

So, 9-color Qilin said that Monster Sovereign 5 is far less lucky than Mo Luo.

“Exalted Immortal Xiaobei! Now you know who my godfather is?”

9-color Qilin saw Chen Xiaobei not speaking, and thought Chen Xiaobei had some scruples about Monster Sovereign.

According to 9-color Qilin, since Chen Xiaobei is afraid, he is safe!

At the thought of this, the tension and fear of 9-color Qilin was greatly reduced, but instead he became arrogant, and even threatened Chen Xiaobei in turn.

“Don’t hide from you! My godfather has reached half-step True Sage realm, and, with “Five Elements” in his hand, the Formation opened, which is comparable to 3–Star True Sage! So, you don’t kill I am the right choice! Otherwise, you are absolutely impossible alive leaving Hongmeng Monster Realm!”

“I don’t like being threatened!” Chen Xiaobei face turned cold, his voice indifferent.

“Don’t like it?” 9-color Qilin smiled: “Oh, the strength is in front of you, do you like it or not, can you tell?”

Chen Xiaobei was silent.

9-color Qilin disdainfully said: “Your strength is indeed very strong, but unfortunately, in front of my godfather, you are still a little reptile… uh…”

9-color Qilin thought that he had moved out of being a godfather, which was enough to deter Chen Xiaobei.

However, his 9-color Qilin didn’t expect even if he dreamed, and he hadn’t finished his words before, he had already regretted it!


I saw that Chen Xiaobei’s left hand, like Dapeng sharp claw, directly penetrated Qi Qi Dan Dantian and Dharma of 9-color Qilin!

Then, Chen Xiaobei took a backhand draw and even forcibly removed the 9-color Qilin’s Primordial Spirit from Physique!

Primordial Spirit was isolated, and the Fleshy body of 9-color Qilin died instantly, and was taken into the space ring by Chen Xiaobei.

At the same time, the 9-color Qilin’s Primordial Spirit was grasped by Chen Xiaobei in the palm of his hand, with a strong grip, directly pinched into a serious injury, and the combat capability was completely lost.

“You… how dare you do it to me… you… are you not afraid of my godfather!?”

The 9-color Qilin’s Primordial Spirit screamed unimaginable, how could you not expect, Chen Xiaobei would not play according to the routine.

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