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Undoubtedly, once the character of Ape Race is launched, either Six-Eared Macaque will complete a tragic massacre, or Six-Eared Macaque will be killed by a large number of too-violent apes.

These two results, the former kills too much damage to Yinde, the latter Chen Xiaobei will lose the good brother.

No matter what the final result is, Chen Xiaobei does not want to see it.

Therefore, if there is another way to solve the war, Chen Xiaobei will definitely try his best.

“Brother Bei, this matter, there is simply another solution!”

Mu Chenye said: “I have heard the legend about the Ape Race which is too violent. This Demonic beast is extremely bloodthirsty and extremely tyrannical. Once the war starts, it will not recognizing one’s family. “

“Yeah…” Ling Taiji also nodded again and again, “I have heard similar legends. The life of the Ape Race is too vain, it is the life of if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, No one can stop them from fighting!”

As soon as this remark came out, Heng Yongxu, Long Xiehuo, and Void Son instantly showed the color of horror and despair.

For this bloodthirsty and brutal, aggressive beast, they have no way at all.

In their view, if Chen Xiaobei does not evade, he will immediately fall into the circumstance of 100 to 1000 and 100000000 too vicious ape, even if Six-Eared Macaque is terrified, it may be killed alive.

After all, cents are limited.

If the opponent uses human tactics, once the Six-Eared Macaque’s cents are exhausted, there will be no suspense in the battle situation, and everyone on your side will die without a burial site.

“Be calm!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said very calmly: “There are countless species of apes and monkeys in the world, some are docile and some are fierce, but as long as they are apes, they do not like to eat peaches!”


Twilight night and the others are all bold and bold faces.

“Too violent Ape Race launched a ruthless, not recognizing one’s family, all the same kind of photos are correct! A trifling peach, how can you stop this imminent national war!”

“Impossible…this is absolutely impossible…”

“Brother Bei! Don’t do unnecessary fantasy! If you don’t avoid it, it will be too late!”

Obviously, Mu Chenye and the others have no idea what Chen Xiaobei is talking about.

Therefore, they couldn’t understand it at all. How could Chen Xiaobei have such a naive idea? The 3-year-old child may not be so naive!

However, at this moment, Song Qingcheng and Six-Eared Macaque both showed smiles that they understood.

“Xiaobei thinks about it carefully! Be prepared in advance, and naturally you can reduce the major event to a smaller one!” Song Qingcheng raised her lips, her smile as charming as a rose.

“Brother Bei is too witty! I almost didn’t expect, we still have super killing move!” Six-Eared Macaque directly inserts his trouser pockets, fighting intent completely dissipated, a posture to watch the drama, very easy.

“This… what the hell is going on?” Looking at the relaxed smiles of Song Qingcheng and Six-Eared Macaque, Mu Chenye and the others were completely dumbfounded, and they struggled to understand.

“Shua~ shua~ shua~ ……shua~ shua~ shua~ ……”

At the same time, the surroundings are like the waves of the sea, and there are a lot of vain apes.

The huge body of black is densely packed, and it is at the edge of Heavenspan at a glance. The number is too large to estimate.


Just when the first batch of too-violent apes rushed around the crowd, about to launch the first wave of attacks.

Chen Xiaobei went directly to a huge Honey Peach.

The peach is ripe, the skin is red in white, round and full, the fruit is refreshing and diffuse all around.

Just a look and smell can make your index finger move and covet 3 feet.

That’s right!

This is the first love peach that Chen Xiaobei specially brought.

Before leaving, Jin Fei personally picked 3000 ripe first love peach, and let Chen Xiaobei bring it out together.

At this moment, it comes in handy.

“En? Hey… so fragrant… grunting… grunting…”

In the next moment, the violent ape rushing to the front suddenly stopped, all with an intoxicated expression, taking a deep breath with big mouths, and at the same time, all swallowing drunkenly.

As the saying goes, the color is also good!

Eating is the most primitive, purest, and most hidden nature of all beings.

Although it is said that violence, bloodthirsty, brutality, belligerence… are all too violent nature of Ape Race.

But compared with eating, these natural priorities have to be lower.

To put it simply, they can converge on other natures, but they cannot avoid eating.

Even more how, they all love peach.

Moreover, the fruit of the first love peach originated from Heavenly Realm. Outside of Heavenly Realm, it is the king of the peach, the top grade of the top grade.

For the vain apes around them, this is like sleeping with an ugly girl every day. Today, there is a top grade beauty lying in front of her!

That huge contrast violently impacted their state of mind and aroused their instinctive desire!

Because of this, the army of violent apes who were fighting intent at the previous moment was directly tempted at this moment with straight eyes and drooling.

Not to mention fighting now, they couldn’t even walk the road.

“Ao! Oh oh oh…”

Seeing this situation, the black blood ape king naturally cannot tolerate it.

With a furious roar, the Black Blood Ape King flew directly,

His body was bigger and fell suddenly, just like a hill dropping from the sky, which made the ground tremble, and made all the apes panic and worshipped.

“4–Star Heavenly Immortal Middle Stage!”

Six-Eared Macaque squinted, said with a sneer: “Brother Bei, I can kill him in seconds!”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei’s 9 1 billion low grade spirit jade was not invested in vain.

Outside the Supreme Void Universe, Six-Eared Macaque is almost invincible. Even if it encounters a demonic beast at the same level, it is capable of maintaining a tie and will never lose.

“No! If you kill him, the war will really be inevitable.” Chen Xiaobei shook the head and walked directly to the king of the black blood ape.

“Hey…gu lu…”

As Chen Xiaobei approached, as strong as the king of black blood apes, he was also forcibly out of his nature.

Gu gu called involuntarily on his stomach, his saliva kept secreting, he could only swallow constantly, otherwise he would have to drain.

“Then… what is that peach?”

Finally, the Black Blood Ape King could not resist the temptation, asked Unable to Bear.

“It was stolen from Heavenly Realm, top grade Xiao Pantao!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, the big flickering aura, opened in an instant: “My top grade small flat peach, although it can not prolong life, but the taste and taste are no worse than that of Queen Mother Empress’s genuine flat peach!”

“What!? Peach!?”

Black blood ape king hearing this, his eyes widened instantly, and the whole person was excited.

In the Supreme Void Universe, the Black Blood Ape King does not understand the situation of Heavenly Realm.

But he can occasionally hear some Legends of Heavenly Realm.

For the Queen Mother Pantao, he had longed for it, and he wanted to try it in his dreams.

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